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Thanks Girls!

July 20th, 2008 · random, tina

For those of you that came to watch the movie last night thanks! It was lots of fun.
I’d never seen the Scarlet Pimpernel before. I really liked it.
And now I want to watch it again. lol!

Anyway, it was fun! And we should do it again.
Thanks for coming. And thanks Heidi for the great idea!

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Class of 1998

July 19th, 2008 · dave, high school, random

For those of you that don’t know, Dave and I attended the same High School. He was a year older than me in school, and our group of friends was quite different then. We barely knew each other in High School – it wasn’t until after his mission when both of us were at Utah State that we started getting to know each other better.

At any rate, Dave has his 10 year class reunion last weekend. It was really fun to go and see old friends. Since we both went to the same school there were plenty of people we both knew. Here are a few pictures from that evening.

There were a lot of people that didn’t come – I was pretty surprised at some of the faces I didn’t see. Makes me wonder what they are doing with their lives. And it should be interesting to go again next year to my 10 year. More faces we both know and more stories and lives to catch up on!

10 years! Man, we’re getting old!

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Big Stuff

July 18th, 2008 · bridget

The other night Bridget decided that she wanted to have some friends over to watch a movie. She’s funny sometimes with the friends she chooses to invite over. I think she thinks that she’s bigger than she really is. Or maybe she’s just so used to having mom and dad as playmates that older friends seem more appealing. Or maybe its because they have less sharing issues (e.g. she usually gets her way when they give in). Or because they can lift her up, or push her on the swings… who knows.

In any case, these were her choice of companions for movie night:

Ranging in age from 8 to 14, with 2-year old little Bridget right there in the middle loving every minute of it. lol!

Choosing a movie that satisfied all of them was also a trick. We opted for the movie “Hook.” Most of the kids (including Bridget) hadn’t seen it. Everyone seemed to like it. Though Bridget ditched the movie about 2/3 of the way through to play in her room… I guess she’s not THAT big yet!

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Movie Night: Scarlet Pimpernel

July 17th, 2008 · random

Heidi rented the Scarlet Pimpernel from NetFlix. . . so we are going to have another movie night!

My house. Saturday. 9:00 p.m.
Wear PJ’s, bring snacks, don’t bring kids!… Let me know if you plan to come!

Based on Heidi’s description I’m pretty sure we are watching the 1982 version with Jane Seymour. Click here for more info on the movie.

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Geocaching with the Wild Family

July 17th, 2008 · a day in the life, dave, random

Last week we took Shauntae and her wild family geocaching with us. We hit several different caches over the course of about 3 hours. All the kids loved the modern day treasure hunting and were pretty eager to trade one dollar store toy for another. I think Shauntae and Nick had a good time too!

We even tried a multi-cache, and managed to collect all the clues leading up to the final cache… but we lost our light before getting to that last one. 10:00p.m. darkness in Logan Canyon with a bunch of tired kids looking for an unknown something in a well hid location just wasn’t our cup of tea. We still need to head out and find the last piece to our multi-cache. We’ll get there eventually!

Here are a few pictures of our adventure.

Bridget and Nick selecting treasures from the box at one of the caches we found.

A couple of the wild boys and Bridget trying to pick the perfect prize at another cache.

Dave, right after a find.

Matthew, Ethan, and Bridget showing off some treasures they got from the caches.

Then there was THIS! One of our caches took us up to the Utah State campus. Near a exterior wall to the institute building we found this random sink. Weird. It was hooked into the water line on the side of the building, but there was also a hose all wound up in the sink. I have no idea why it was there, but it was pretty random (and therefore worthy of a picture).

Thanks Wild Family! We loved playing with you and hope that we’ve convinced you enough that you’ll come with us again sometime!

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I Really Love My…

July 15th, 2008 · domestic attempts, random, tina


It took several Christmas’s and birthday’s to convince Dave that is was really something I wanted. I guess he thought it was too practical to be a gift; Dave likes fun, impractical or nonsensical gifts – birthday/Christmas gifts should be frivolous and fun he says. We finally agreed that they can be both. 🙂
I finally got it the Christmas before last!
At any rate, I love my dehydrator!

I don’t use it as much as I should probably. But with summer season and fresh fruit getting more abundant and cheaper I’m sure to start using it a bunch more soon.

Bananas are a pretty regular dehydrated item. They’re fast, easy, and they taste good. And bananas are pretty cheap.

But I also love doing pineapple and peaches – neither last very long around here. I’ve done strawberries and watermelon as well. And I’ve tried fruit rollups… though mine usually crack rather than roll. lol.
One of these days I’ll venture out and make Jerky. My mom used to do it all the time, and boy was it good!

Does anyone else dehydrate things? What do you like to dry? What’s most popular around your house? I’m ready to experiment!
I’m also curious if any of you have items like this that you really love? Please share.

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Microwave woes

July 14th, 2008 · a day in the life, random

I haven’t posted in the last couple of days… I wanted to leave the Wheat post up until after I placed the order. The total order from our ward came to just over 1 ton of wheat. That’s a lot!!


Saturday morning our Microwave decided to break. I never realized how much I depended on that thing.
The light comes on and it makes noises like its working, but the food never heats up. Its as cold when it goes in as when it comes out. Sigh!

I stopped at Fred Meyer (Smith’s Marketplace) today to look at new ones… But I’m not too thrilled about shelling out $100 for a new one. If you hear of any good microwave sales let me know! Or if you LOVE your microwave enough to recommend it let me know as well. lol!

Most leftovers heat up pretty well on the stove, but I dirty so many more pans that way.

I imagine I’ll get a new one in the next couple of days, but in the meantime don’t come over and ask for microwave popcorn! 🙂

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Great Prices on Wheat

July 11th, 2008 · random

I know, I know … three posts in one day. But you guys need to hear about this.

Wheatland Seed in Brigham City has some great prices on Wheat right now. There is a Brother Leishman in Brigham City that is placing an mass order (thus allowing these prices). So far he has a total order of 13 tons!! Anyway, he has to have the final order to Wheatland Seed by Monday morning. So, if you want any Wheat please let me know so I can let him know by Sunday night.

Let me know No later than Sunday Night at 6:00p.m. if you want Wheat, and how much of what kind.
We don’t actually have to pay until we pick up the Wheat. Harvest time starts August 16th, so it will be around that time.

Prices are as follows:
(There is an additional 6% sales tax that will be added to the total)

Hard Red Wheat
50 lb. bag = $12.50
6 gal. bucket = $17.00

Hard White Wheat
50 lb. bag = $13.00
6 gal. bucket = $17.50

All wheat is cleaned and ready to store. The 6 gallon buckets = 45 lbs. of wheat and include the oxygen packets. There is no limit to the amount you can order.

As a side note, the prices are only 50 cents PER 50# bag more expensive than what the church sells it for (when the church had it).

Let me know if/what you want ASAP. And I’ll worry about collecting the money later. Thanks everyone.

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FREE Slurpee!

July 11th, 2008 · random

I just heard that 7-11 is giving away free 7 oz. Slurpee’s today!

Visit for more information.
I haven’t tried to go yet, but I think I will here in a little bit. It does say “at participating locations” so I don’t know where its offered and where its not. But, check your local 7-11! Who doesn’t like a free Slurpee!?

Happy July 11th (7/11) everyone!

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Two Hundred

July 11th, 2008 · a day in the life, family, random, tina

As coincidence would have it, I decided a couple of days ago to look and see how many posts I had so far. My count was as 198. I missed my 100 post milestone, so I thought I should probably do something a bit special/different for post #200. Though, I think a larger milestone for me will be the 1 year mark.

At any rate, I was thinking that it would be fun to come up with 200 things I’m grateful for. Hopefully I can come up with that many without repeating any. The following are in no particular order. So, happy 200th to me!

  1. Eternal Marriage
  2. My wonderful husband
  3. Our beautiful little daughter
  4. The Gospel
  5. A stable job (Dave’s that is)
  6. A hard working husband
  7. Our house
  8. Our dog, Lucy
  9. Modern medicine – I’ve seen it work miracles in the lives of many I know.
  10. Miracles
  11. Jesus Christ
  12. Food
  13. Cooking
  14. Clothing
  15. Washers and Dryers
  16. Dishwashers
  17. My arms and legs
  18. A healthy body thats able to move and do things
  19. The temple
  20. Photography
  21. My camera
  22. Nature
  23. Hiking
  24. Camping
  25. My bed
  26. Warm blankets and soft sheets
  27. Pillows
  28. A living prophet
  29. A child that sleeps through the night
  30. Potty training
  31. Hygiene
  32. Toothbrushes
  33. Warm showers
  34. Lotion
  35. Soap
  36. My car
  37. Child safety seats
  38. Strollers
  39. Sunscreen
  40. A backyard
  41. Shoes
  42. Flip Flops – seems to be my shoe of choice lately
  43. Fresh fruit
  44. Plants
  45. Good friends
  46. My parents
  47. In-laws
  48. Siblings
  49. Family dinners
  50. Holidays
  51. Birthday celebrations
  52. Family pictures
  53. Smiles
  54. Laughter
  55. Good books
  56. My scriptures
  57. Literacy
  58. Love notes
  59. Chocolate
  60. Ice Cream
  61. Warm apple pie
  62. Grocery stores
  63. Airplanes
  64. Trains
  65. Semi-trucks
  66. Buses
  67. Home grown tomatoes
  68. Green grass
  69. Sprinklers
  70. Warm soup
  71. Air Conditioning
  72. Clean water
  73. Cows
  74. Pigs
  75. Chicken
  76. All other animals that provide meat for our table
  77. Family home evening
  78. Geocaching
  79. Bike rides
  80. Early morning walks
  81. Doughnuts
  82. Helmets
  83. Horses
  84. Birds
  85. Christmas Lights
  86. Global Positioning Systems
  87. Online banking
  88. Good investments
  89. Healthy pregnancies
  90. And healthy babies
  91. A garage
  92. Car washes
  93. Compressed air
  94. Rear view mirrors
  95. My computer
  96. Blogging
  97. The internet
  98. Virtual Private Networks
  99. An optical mouse
  100. Video cameras
  101. Home videos
  102. Memories
  103. Drobo
  104. Reunions
  105. Old roommates
  106. Lost friends
  107. LOST
  108. Telephones
  109. Wireless phones
  110. Fish
  111. Canned fruits and veggies
  112. Crayons
  113. Playdough
  114. Scissors
  115. Tape
  116. A stove and an oven
  117. Electricity
  118. Propane
  119. Natural gas
  120. A refrigerator and freezer
  121. Frozen dinner (or pizza)
  122. Ramen Noodles – How else would I have survived college?
  123. Art
  124. Restaurants
  125. Saturday night dates
  126. Picnics
  127. Parks
  128. Wind
  129. Rain
  130. Dirt
  131. Flowers
  132. Bumblebees (because they pollinate)
  133. Socks
  134. Eggs
  135. Oatmeal
  136. Movies
  137. Theaters
  138. Popcorn
  139. Relief Society
  140. Girls night out
  141. Sunshine
  142. First Aid Kits
  143. Bandaids
  144. Online news sites
  145. E-mail
  146. Haircuts
  147. Razors
  148. Deodorant
  149. Insurance
  150. Facebook
  151. Laser printers
  152. Phone books (Online and print)
  153. Callings
  154. A budget
  155. Sweet Pork
  156. PEZ dispensers
  157. Big girl moments
  158. Bedtimes
  159. Nap times
  160. Hugs and kisses
  161. My hair brush
  162. Make-up
  163. Singing
  164. Silly made up songs
  165. Camp fires
  166. Cordless drills
  167. Tools
  168. Vehicles that can tow and haul
  169. Hybrid cars (too bad I don’t own one)
  170. Water softeners
  171. Dryer sheets
  172. Garbage men/women
  173. Janitors
  174. Mom’s garden
  175. Junk food
  176. Alarm clocks
  177. Clocks
  178. Mail carriers
  179. Holidays with family
  180. Garden gnomes
  181. Bug repellent
  182. Gas grills
  183. Hats & sun glasses
  184. Winter coats
  185. Swimming pools
  186. Wood (pergo) floors
  187. Milk
  188. The smell of clean laundry
  189. Chewable vitamins
  190. Music
  191. Ironing boards
  192. Family recipes
  193. Popsicles
  194. Ponytails
  195. An education
  196. Nail clippers
  197. Paint
  198. Carpet
  199. Board games
  200. Anniversaries

Yikes! That was kind of tough. I guess I’ll already have a pretty good ‘thankful’ list come this next Thanksgiving!!
I didn’t give much explanation to a lot of items on my list, so if you wonder why I am thankful for something in particular, let me know… and I’ll try to explain.

Anyway, 200 posts. I can’t believe I’ve done that many.
Hey! Its better than any other journal I’ve ever tried to keep! Yay for blogging!!

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