These turned up in a box while unpacking one day…
I’m not sure how it happened, but we all ended up taking turns putting them on.
[It was completely amazing… once we put them on, it was like we could see in 3D. It was like everything around us was right there within our reach. Amazing, right?!]
There is a good chance it was her idea that we all wear them…
Or maybe it was his idea…
At any rate, I thought that the resulting pictures were pretty funny.
Especially this face…
I’m guessing Abby was sleeping when we took all of these pictures, otherwise I’m sure someone would have insisted that she try them on too! Its a shame that she missed out on the fun.
On a side note… I’m decently certain that the theater issued 3D glasses found their way to the kids stash of dress up stuff.
Very beautiful! =)
Hey Tina, super fun pics!
Of course I remember you. =) I’m not sure I could find my way back to the sugar factory, all we did is drive north about 20 minutes out of town… I am so bad with directions and don’t remember how to tell you anymore than that. Sorry I’m not more help!