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Tagged: 5 Things

March 16th, 2008 · 4 Comments · a day in the life, random

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago
1. Being a Junior in High School.
2. Hanging out with other thespians, performing in school plays, and going to cast parties.
3. Attending Utah Opera performances whenever possible.
4. Going to debate tournaments.
5. Driving my gray 1989 Dodge Omni.

5 Things On My To-Do List
1. Clean my computer room
2. Finish 37 video projects – at least it seems like that many
3. Book some more weddings. Consider doing a bridal faire.
4. Vacuum my car
5. Organize my iTunes library. (Well, my whole computer for that matter)

5 Snacks I Enjoy
1. Spinach Artichoke dip (Mmm. Maybe I’ll make some today)
2. Snickers with Almonds
3. Most nuts.
4. Rootbeer floats.
5. Popcorn

5 Places I’ve Lived
1. Long Beach, CA
2. Allen, TX
3. Herndon, VA
4. Rose Park, UT
5. West Point, UT

What I Would Do if I Became a Billionaire
Invest. Build a house with a photo studio, playroom, swimming pool, etc… Go to Fiji. And Italy. Buy some new furniture, and some camera equipment. Take flying lessons – and get a plane. Get a new car – hybrid or SUV, or both. Do things like leave $100 bills on the sidewalk and film people’s reactions – do they pick it up or leave it there? Do they keep it? Or turn it in? Pick up the tab at a restaurant of a complete stranger. Buy something nice for my parents.

5 Bad Habits
1. Neglecting house work in favor of spending time on the computer.
2. Social grooming. (I’d probably pick your nose if you let me. lol. Well, its almost that bad)
3. Not labeling CD’s. I have a stack of at least 50, and I have no idea what is on them.
4. Flossing my teeth with my hair. (Yes, I’ve actually done this – when I’m away from home and have no floss – I discard that strand of hair when I am done though)
5. Spending money on a whim for dumb/needless things. Usually random dollar tree item for Bridget.

5 Jobs I’ve Had
1. Christmas Tree Lot – Setup and sell trees
2. Playtown – Party host & general work
3. Macey’s – Deli, and later cashier
4. Iomega Corp. – Click! Disk clean room worker
5. WestHost Inc. – Quality Assurance Engineer

People don’t know about me …
I love playing pranks. I am a Star Trek The Next Generation fan. I like to clean house to the Dixie Chicks. I am half Mexican (Hispanic) – No, I don’t speak Spanish. I am the oldest of 7 kids, I only have one brother. I knew my husband in High School, but we didn’t date then. When I was a toddler my baby teeth were replaced with porcelain. I’ve never broken a bone. I suffered from Hypothyroidism as a kid – I still have a really mild case. I visited Paris once, I want to see the rest of Europe. I use a Mac – and I love it! I can do this weird thing with my knuckles. I have to have the sheets really straight on the bed before I can sleep – I throw a temper tantrum otherwise (just ask Dave). I also have to have the dishwasher loaded at night before I can sleep. I love to go camping. When I started attending USU, my major was Computer Science – then I changed it to Deaf Education. I ended up graduating in Family & Human Development with an emphasis in Deaf Ed. I basically do nothing with it now – sigh! I would rather spend money on other people than spend it on myself. I hate shopping. I love cooking. I can’t whistle or swim.

I tag: Livia, Katie, Michelle, and Tayli


4 Comments so far ↓

  • Sandra

    Wow Tina what I could use as blackmail j/k. I had to reread that part about flossing your teeth with your hair, I would have never thought of that. Would you let Dave borrow a strand if he didn’t have any? And would he use it? he he

  • David Ernstrom

    ewwwwww!!! I have always considered that to be Tina’s grossest habbit. In all fairness to Tina, though, I did use her detached hair once… The situation was dire and likely would never happen again. You gotta try everything once, right???

  • Raelynn

    That’s funny! I didn’t think the ladies in the ward were that much older than me. You all seem much younger. Getting to know everyone through tags are so fun and interesting. We are looking forward on coming over to eat your burrito on Friday.

  • Mother of the Wild Boys

    Thanks for being a good sport with the tag! It was fun to learn more about you. 🙂

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