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Dr. Horrible

August 10th, 2008 · 4 Comments · random

Dave came home from work the other day and asked if I’d ever heard of “Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog.” I hadn’t.

So, then he showed me.

I laughed. I cried. I wanted more.

Basically there are 3 episodes (each 14 minutes long). The main characters are Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris), Penny (Felicia Day), and Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion). Its a sort of classic superhero, good vs. evil, meets musical theater. And its HILARIOUS! It was also written by Joss Whedon – whom we love! (He also did Firefly and Serenity, and the Buffy series).

…With my freeze ray I will stop the world… its not a death ray or an ice beam… bend the world to our will and we’ll make time stand still… that’s the plan, rule the world – you and me…

Behold, transported from there to here… its not about making money, its about taking money… destroying the status quo, because the status is not quo.

Stand back everyone, nothing here to see… yes Captain Hammer’s here, hair blowing in the breeze… A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do…

Anyway, you NEED to see this. Really, you do. Follow the link and you can watch all 3 episodes.
or here –
And if you decide to become obsessed, you can check out the fan site at – Or you could spend $5 and buy the series on iTunes.

Let me know what you think!! (And, yes, we paid the $5 and bought it from iTunes).


4 Comments so far ↓

  • Ashlee

    TINA, HOLY COW! PROBABLY THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER WATCHED!!! Is that the end? Are there anymore? I am like you and cant get enough! I LOVED IT!!! THANKS FOR SHARING!!!!!!! 😀

  • Ashlee

    Ok so I totally didn’t read the rest of the post. I’m going to go on I TUNES and buy it! 🙂

  • Tina

    I’m glad you liked it! I wish there were more… I didn’t want it to end like it did.
    If you haven’t seen some of Joss Whedon’s other stuff you should. I HIGHLY recommend Firefly and Serenity.
    Anyway, glad to know someone else that loves this!!

  • Jared

    Everybody always recommends Firefly & Serenity, poor Buffy…no love. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was actually an amazingly great show. The movie staring Kristy Swanson was pretty goofy and Joss himself knew it…he lacked the time and budget to make it what he wanted, and jumped at the chance to redeem himself by making it into a tv show. The first few seasons were a bit silly, but I think as Joss’s writing style matured, so did the show and it became really pretty awesome. Several episodes in the later seasons were nominated for Emmy’s although the show was always snubbed for the awards due (according to tv critics) to the Academy’s inability to decide if the show was a drama or a comedy…Joss’s stuff tends to be action/drama, but with hilarious one-liners all over the place.

    Anyway, if anybody’s got nothing but time they should give Buffy the Vampire Slayer a try. If you like the show well enough to stick with it, you’ll really be pleasantly rewarded as the last 3-4 seasons (there are 7 total) are really pretty amazing.

    **yes, I’m ranting at this point…feel free to stop reading**

    Joss also did something very cool with the spin off show “Angel” (which was also a pretty darn cool show) in the way crossovers occurred. Angel began at the start of Buffy season 4, and progressed concurrently with Buffy with crossovers happening in that occasionally noticeably affected both shows. In one episode of Angel, for example, someone on Angel made a phone call for help but we don’t see who they called; in the same season/episode# of Buffy, we see a character on Buffy receiving the phone call but we don’t see who’s calling; then the next week the character from Buffy wasn’t on Buffy, but instead was on Angel. It was just a very cool thing how all the characters lived in the same “universe” and could affect each other even though they were on different shows.

    Okay…I’m done. Sorry. Joss Whedon’s great. Watch his stuff. (by the way, if you don’t think you’ve ever seen anything of Joss’s, you’re probably wrong, since he wrote the screenplay for Pixar’s “Toy Story”!)

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