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Hurley has a blog!

February 28th, 2009 · 1 Comment · dave, random

Yes, I mean Jorge Garcia.

Yep. Hurley. From LOST.

I was blog hopping a couple of nights ago and found this picture on

In case you can’t tell, its the island. Complete with the computer from the hatch, a crashed plane, a 4-pk of Dharma beer and a handful of the main characters. Apparently this cake was made by Ace of Cakes for a celebration of the 100th episode of LOST.

Very cool, if you ask me.

At any rate, the post from Cake Wrecks linked to Jorge Garcia’s (Hurley) blog, where he has even more pictures of it.

I spent an hour or so that night poking around on his blog. I was pretty impressed. I think its cool that he blogs about normal everyday things (like growing tomatoes, and his dog). Its interesting to see that these actors lead regular lives like the rest of us. Seriously, his blog as average and honest as any other blog I read… and I think that was the best part.

In case it isn’t completely obvious by now… we are pretty big fans of LOST around here. As far as favorites go, Hurley is Dave’s. So it was pretty entertaining for him to look at the blog too… his first comment was, “Wait. You mean, Hurley’s just a regular guy?”


In perusing his blog, we learned a few things…

1. Jorge doesn’t golf (unlike his character Hurley)
2. Baby Aaron is actually played by a baby girl named Sabrina. Or maybe several different babies…
3. He shops with coupons (or did at least once)
4. Likes to carve pumpkins
5. And take pictures of himself doing funny things (or pics of random items)
6. He plants a garden.
7. And even made a heart-shaped breakfast on Valentines day

…see what I’m saying… just normal stuff…

Thanks for that Jorge. We think you’re cool!!

Anyway Jorge/Hurley, on the off chance you google your name and somehow come across this entry on my blog, I just have one question… What would it take to get an autographed jar of Dharma ranch dressing?

You think I’m kidding? I’m not.

Dave (my husband) has a birthday coming up next month, and he has mentioned wanting to get something Dharma. With Hurley being his favorite character, the Dharma ranch seems only fitting. Either that or a Dharma van… but I imagine they are a little harder to come by. lol!

If the Dharma ranch won’t work, you could always just come to his birthday party. Make a cameo or something… ya know, if you want to.


The point here is that Hurley has a blog. A cool down to earth normal sort of blog. And you should all go check it out.

P.S… My maternal grandmother’s maiden name is Garcia. I think we’re related.


One Comment so far ↓

  • Amber

    whoa! I can’t wait to send Chris this link – he’s gonna love it! Let us know if you get that autographed bottle of Dharma Ranch dressing – I’ll pay you to take a picture of me next to it!

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