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I *AM* Bakerella

March 19th, 2009 · 4 Comments · domestic attempts, food, random

Ok. So, I’m not really Bakerella. But I assume you already knew that.

She’s amazing. Her cake pops, cupcake pops, cupcake bites, and basically everything else she makes is awesome. She is incredibly talented, and I love to look at her site and pretend I could make such cool looking things. If you haven’t visited her blog, you should. I think you’ll be amazed.

Anyway, I decided I wanted to try something new a different for a St. Patrick’s Day treat this year. So I braved it and tried to make Bakerella’s cupcake bites (and some cake pops)…

They don’t look nearly as cool as hers. Seriously.

But I did have fun trying.

And I now have a whole new level of respect for her. These took A LONG TIME. Way longer than I thought. Now, I am going to guess that Bakerella has gotten into a rhythm with these things and that she’s considerably faster than me. And I’m going to assume that she doesn’t have 2 small children vying for her attention as she’s cooking. But still.

I probably spent 4 or 5 hours in the kitchen working on these. Bridget helped for awhile, but then lost interest.

On the bright side, I think they turned out pretty good. And they look cool. (though not as cool as hers). Cool or not, I don’t know that I’ll be making more of these any time soon – they just take too long to be massively consumed immediately after they are finished.

Anyway, here are a few more pictures:

I tried to dye the yellow cake mix green. It didn’t quite work like I’d hoped. Its not really all that green.

And the Cake Pops. I think the cupcake bites were easier.

Oh… and for the record. Dipping chocolate works significantly better than melted chocolate chips. You can probably see that my brown is a little rougher than the other two colors.

As a side thought, I bet these would be really good with an Oreo Bon-bon filling instead of the cake. At some point I imagine I’ll try that.

They are pretty fun and funky. So if you’re feeling ambitious, I recommend giving these a try.


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