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Once upon a…

May 11th, 2009 · 8 Comments · bridget, random

railroad track??

Why would my girl be tied to the tracks, you ask? Well, it might have something to do with her psycho mother. Maybe. Or maybe not. But probably.

The other day I had this idea to tie my “princess” up and lay her on the tracks… I just needed a villain and a prince to finish off the story. Oh a whim, I called up my friend, Sandra (you may have seen some pics from that day on her blog), to see if I could enlist her boys for the task. She went with it, and within a couple of hours we were on the tracks taking pictures.

It was great fun! (I think the kids even enjoyed themselves.)

I spent some time last night editing the images and adding little conversation bubbles. 9 images later, we had a cute little story. The finished images can be found on my photography blog, if you care to look, the link is: – leave me a comment while you’re there and let me know what you think!

Thanks again Sandra for succumbing to my craziness. I’ll get you a CD.


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