This is Bridget! I didn’t even know we had a blog!! I decided to start it back up but I figured y’all would need a summary of everything that has happened.
2013: Bridget starts a jewelry business. We adopt a dog!

2014: Tina finds out she’s pregnant. The baby is allergic to dairy. It’s a boy. They named him Charles. After he’s born, Tina rejoices because she can finally eat pizza again. The Ernstroms decide to eat pizza every day for an entire week. By the end, we’re all burned out and don’t touch pizza for about a month afterwards.

2015: The Ernstroms visit Disneyland. The kids discover a love for fishing. Dave takes them quite often. Grandma Felix turns 100. Grandma Gibson passes away.

2016: Bridget breaks her hand playing Red Rover. Ouch. It was literally the smallest boy in her grade. She has not gotten past that fact. Dave meets Brandon Kennington of the Flexline business. Tina starts renting a building in Richmond as a photo studio. The other half of the building is a salon. Proof that dreams really do come true.

2017: Spencer gets baptized. Dupont changes to De La Rue. We finish the basement. Spencer and Bridget move down there. Our neighborhood floods. The Ernstroms visit Tina’s cousin in Idaho to view the eclipse. Grandma Felix passes away.

2018: Bridget gets chickens and a fancy new chicken coop. Abby gets baptized. We start a new tradition called International Sundays. The idea is that we’ll cook food from a different country for one Sunday each month. We finish our deck. Tina and Dave sell the purple Honda. Tina’s college car. We visit Mt. Rushmore. Grandma Harmer passes away.

2019: Tina’s gall bladder spontaneously dies. Abigail starts having mysterious stomach pains and ends up getting an MRI. After much confusion, we discover that there was something wrong with our water. The gall bladder gets removed and we buy water filters. As soon as we get filters, all of our stomach problems go away. Tina starts Tahitian dancing. Dave goes to the UK on a work trip. We start watching Lost with our new friends, the Dowdings. Dave and Bridget go on a cruise with Dave’s parents. Dave and Tina go to Hawaii.

2020: The Ernstrom family visits Disneyland. Tina hurts her leg in a skiing accident, tears ACL, MCL, and Meniscus. Coronavirus. Enough said. The Ernstrom family hosts regular home church. Bridget joins the marching band. We adopt a cat!

2021: Tina has her fourth knee surgery. We finally finish watching Lost with the Dowdings. Dave buys a tractor. Tina stops renting The Studio as a result of complications with the owner. Our neighbors help us pave the dirt road. Spencer and Abigail both break their arms.