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Tina’s Birthday

March 31st, 2008 · bridget, family, tina

Dave here.

Last week, I was reading Tayli’s blog and she had a post where she went on and on about how much she is in love with her husband, Jake. It really got me thinking about how much I love and appreciate Tina and how wonderful she is. I don’t know that I express it to her enough, nor do I express to her how grateful I am for the outstanding job she does raising Bridget.

A few years ago, after Tina and I were just married, I remember a conversation we had with a family friend. She mentioned that she [alone] had the responsibility in their household to raise their children. In no way did she express that her husband shared any of the responsibility. I was really bothered by it for quite some time, even expressing to Tina how I felt that both she and I would be “raising” our children. I can honestly say that I need to severely eat my words. Yeah, I am Bridget’s father and do everything I can to train, teach, and guide her. Nothing I do, though, compares to the impact of such a loving and wonderful mother.

Perhaps a Bridget video will explain it better. Tina had gone visiting teaching and left Bridget and me alone. Bridget was “mad.”

Not only is Bridget stinkin’ cute in that video, but it expresses how much of an impact a loving mommy really has on her baby. When Bridget is happy and wants to play, she’ll spend time with me (she’ll play with either one of us). If she gets tired, grouchy, or sick, there is nothing that I can do — it is all Tina. In a way, I kind of feel bad that with all of Tina’s investment into Bridget that her payback is a child that is so needy for her during the rough times.

With this much buttering up, and in honor of Tina’s birthday, I want to share my favorite picture of Tina. If I were to gather up all of the pictures from the times where Tina has pulled this particular face in front of a camera for me, I’d be able to fill several posts with pictures. I’ll only share two versions, one from about 3.5 years ago (9/12/04) when we were engaged and one that she did in front of my camera two weeks ago (3/16/08). I don’t know why I think this face is so funny, but it is enough to cheer me up any day.

I love you, Tina.

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All we like Sheep

March 30th, 2008 · a day in the life, random

All we like sheep, have gone astray. Have gone astray.

How beautiful are the feet of them. . . ?

The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised. Raised incorruptible.

For unto us a child is born. Unto us, a son is given.

And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them. And the glory of the Lord shown round about them.

Comfort Ye, my people. Saith the Lord.

Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice greatly. Oh daughter of Zion.

He was despised and rejected. Rejected of man. A man of sorrow and acquainted with grief.

And the eyes of the blind shall be opened. And the ears of the deaf unstopped.

Surely, surely. He has born our pain and carried our sorrow. Surely.

Hallelujah. For the Lord, God, Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Can you tell I have Messiah on the brain? Its been a long couple of days – and I’m exhausted. We had a few hiccups (mostly sound engineer related). lol. But all and all I think things went well. The next couple of months should be pretty crazy though. If I start breaking out into the Hallelujah chorus around you, I am sorry. I guess then you’ll know I’ve had too much. Wish me luck with the editing game. I imagine I’ll post a few songs here at some point.

For those of you that made it to one of the performances – I hope you enjoyed it. I always do.

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Rejection Line

March 29th, 2008 · random, techno geeks, the funniest people we know

A few years ago my roommates and I decided to make a web page together. We did it mostly because we thought it would be funny to reset the “home page” on the computers of random friends – and by setting the home page to OUR page, we were in some way making our mark. I don’t know.

Anyway, the website was – we have since let the domain name expire, so it doesn’t work anymore.

This was our “logo”:
(Sorry if this is just a little too geeky)

On the website, we also put “our phone number” – (212) 479-7990.

I’m really not sure where we found the phone number, but it leads to a New York based Rejection Hotline.
I called the number again just recently. It still works. And its still funny.

The recording when you call the number mentions a website (I hadn’t noticed before).

So. . . if you are bored, and want a laugh. Give that number a call.
If you want an even bigger laugh, give that number to someone else to call. haha.

At least check out what its all about on their website. And let me know what you think. 🙂

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Wii Fit

March 28th, 2008 · random, techno geeks

You all probably saw our post awhile ago about Microsoft’s Surface computer… If not, go look now…

The same group that made the Surface parody also made a parody about Wii Fit (Nintendo’s new game for the Wii console).

First, here’s the real trailer:

And then the parody:

I love it. I just love it. “And then try sticking out… the other leg.” “With amazing graphics and engaging gameplay…” “…combines the perfect balance of barely moving and doing mundane things.” Freakin’ awesome.

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Animusic and Raytracing

March 27th, 2008 · dave, family, techno geeks

A long time ago, I saw a movie clip called “Pipe Dream” from a company called Animusic. I loved it! Here’s a brief clip:

The concept behind the whole project is so fascinating. On the first note, the whole thing is raytraced. (For those that don’t know, in its most rudimentary form, raytracing is a method of creating computer generated images where an imaginary ray is shot from the viewers eye through an imaginary window/frame. The ray bounces around an imaginary scene and through various calculations a single color is produced. That color is used to color the coordinate location that the ray passed through the frame. By simulating the ray for every possible coordinate location in the window, a complete representation of the scene is created. As you can imagine, the process of creating images (or “rendering”) can take quite a while. One image can take as long as several days to produce with the computer running at peak capacity. (In fact, my senior project at Utah State University in the Computer Science Department was to create a “render farm,” or in other words, a series of computers that work together to produce a single image much faster.)

Here is an example of a couple of raytraced images I came up with (in CS 6400 at USU):

As you can imagine, since video is really a whole bunch of pictures shown in rapid succession and sound added in, companies like Pixar make lots of money producing raytraced video. Animusic has taken this to the next step. Instead of tediously making the images line up with the spoken word (as Pixar does), Animusic has written their application to let the music drive the video. The music is created using MIDI music which is fed into the program. The program reads the music and calculates precisely when to make an instrument make a noise (or a ball hit a string) so that things line up beautifully.

Animusic has two DVDs out and I picked up both of them. If this kind of thing intrests you at all, I would encourage you to also purchase the DVDs. The DVDs are in a much higher quality than the YouTube video. The second DVD has all of the videos rendered in both Widescreen AND full screen. I’m a fan.

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Birthday Gift

March 26th, 2008 · dave, family, techno geeks

Every time occasion lends itself to gift giving, Dave tries to guess what he is getting. More often than not he is right.

But this year, for his birthday, he was convinced that I was getting him an air compressor. I played along, and fueled the fire. . . for almost 2 weeks.

So when his actual gift arrived I found the biggest box I could to wrap it in. Unfortunately the box wasn’t quite big enough to be a convincing air compressor – but I still had him confused. Here is the wrapped package:

I added a few random heavy objects from the garage to give the package some weight, and to further deceive him.

This is what he actually got:

Its the Canon SD1000. He’s been wanting his own digital camera, since he usually doesn’t get free reign of mine. So despite the fact that it wasn’t an air compressor, I think he really liked it. He has been a little snap happy lately though. I think I’ve created a monster.

And you guys thought we already took too many pictures. Just you wait. lol!

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Science Experiment

March 25th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, random

Have you done this before?

Dave hadn’t. We had to repeat the experiment for him after work.

Its really simple. Just put some milk in a bowl, and add a few drops of food coloring. Then add a drop of dish soap into the bowl. The coloring in the bowl moves outward, away from the drop of dish soap. It really only works once or twice though – so pay attention when you add the soap.

I vaguely remember doing this as a kid. Bridget thought it was pretty interesting. I was shocked that Dave hadn’t ever done it as a kid – I thought everyone had. Hm.

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Guess What???

March 24th, 2008 · a day in the life, random

I’m sure many of you never thought it would happen. . .

That’d we’d leave them up all year. . .

Well, I’d just like to say that we finally got all of the Christmas Lights off of our house!! Hooray!

Aren’t you proud of us? Seriously, this was a big accomplishment.

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Happy Easter!

March 23rd, 2008 · a day in the life, family, random


Today is also Dave’s 28th birthday! Happy Birthday Honey, I love you!

(Look for birthday celebration pictures in the next couple of days.)

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Sweet Pork Party. . .

March 22nd, 2008 · food, random

Well, the results are in from the Costa Vida Sweet Pork burrito taste-off, and quite honestly I’m not sure if it was a success? Don’t get me wrong, good food and fun was had by all – but I it seems that my recipe for Sweet Pork is off, quite a bit off. And I don’t know exactly where to begin in changing it.

Anyway, take a gander at these great looking blindfolded people. We’ll talk more details in a minute.

Here’s how it all played out:
Each person was blindfolded and given two sample cups of each: pork, rice, and burrito.
They were asked to 1) try to identify which was from Costa Vida, and 2) to state which flavor they preferred.

Responses were verbally given and recorded. Participants did not necessarily receive samples in the same order.

The following table outlines the responses:

Pork (identify) Pork (taste) Rice (identify) Rice (taste) Burrito (identify) Burrito (taste)
Shauntae Yes CV Yes CV Yes T
Emily Yes CV Yes CV Yes T
Michelle Yes CV Yes CV Yes T
Raelynn Yes CV Yes CV Yes T
Sandra Yes CV Yes CV Yes T
Jared Yes CV Yes CV Yes T
Joel Yes T Yes T Yes T
Chris Yes T Yes CV No CV
Dan Yes CV Yes T No CV
Dave Yes CV Yes T Yes T

As you can see, everyone correctly identified the Costa Vida pork and rice when sampled separately. 8 of 10 identified the finished Costa Vida burrito.

8 of 10 preferred Costa Vida’s Pork and
7 of 10 preferred Costa Vida’s Rice
but only 2 of 10 preferred Costa Vida’s complete burrito

I also thought it was interesting that all of the girls (and Jared) voted the exact same way. Hm.

The general consensus was that Costa Vida’s Sweet Pork was sweeter and juicer. It actually had a noticeably deeper color too it, and a thicker sauce as well.
My rice was heavier on the lime. And some say it had a bit too much cilantro as well.

All in all, I had a great time. It was fun to eat and visit and get people’s opinions. In any case, I think there still may be some work to do in the sweet pork department. If anyone has any suggestions on what might be in that meat to make it so much sweeter and richer, let me know! With Messiah season upon me, you probably won’t hear much about this from me for awhile. But maybe we’ll revisit it in a couple of months.

For those of you considering making this – I still recommend it. It may not be completely authentic, but its still good eating! Recipes here.

One last thing. Check out what the kiddos were doing while we were all blindfolded in the kitchen. lol.
Crazy kids thought they’d all take a bath . . . together. I guess we can be thankful they were all still dressed.

Thanks again everyone for playing! I had a great time!!

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