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Conversations with a toddler

July 10th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, random

A few recent conversations with the kid. This is a mere sampling. If I wanted a full record I’d have to follow her around 24/7 with a video camera… tempting idea. Anyway, Enjoy!!

Big girls don’t poop (in their undies)
T: Thank you for pooping in the toilet instead of your underwear.
B: You’re welcome. Thank you for pooping in the potty too.
T: (smile) You’re welcome. We are pretty big girls aren’t we.
B: Yea, I’m really big. This head (pointing to her head) got bigger and bigger.
T: Really?
B: Yea. I think I’m growing up.
T: Yes, you are.

Girl Cheese sandwiches
T: What do you want for lunch?
B: An Ezekiel sandwich.
T: A what kind of sandwich?
B: An Ezekiel sandwich. Girl cheese.
T: Oh, you want a grilled cheese sandwich?
B: Yay, girl cheese.
…The conversation resumes as we begin eating…
T: So, if this is a girl cheese sandwich – are there boy cheese sandwiches?
B: Yes, there are.
T: How do you make a boy cheese sandwich?
B: You go like this, and like this, and like this (she demonstrates squishing two slices of bread together with her hands).
T: Oh, that’s pretty cool.

Bridget has been experimenting with the word “dead” lately. I’m not sure where she picked it up, but she has some pretty interesting uses for it. The next three conversations all happened in the same day.

Dead Apple
B: Can I have an apple?
T: Sure. (handing her a slice that she hadn’t finished from about half an hour earlier)
B: I don’t want this one. Its dead.
T: Its not dead, its just a little bit brown. It still tastes good.
B: No, its dead. We don’t eat dead apples.
T: Fine, I’ll cut off the brown part for you. Is that better?
B: Yes. Thanks mom.

I’m dead
B: (falling over backwards) I’m dead.
T: You’re not dead.
B: Yes I am. I fell over so I’m dead.
T: No, you’re just silly.
B: I’m silly and I’m dead.
T: Okay.

Dead Eye
B: Aunt Holly’s eyes come out.
T: What?? Do they fall out like on corpse bride?
B: No. Her other ones were dead and they falled out. So she had to get new ones.
T: So she has new eyes?
B: Yea.
T: Do her new eyes fall out?
B: No, they are not dead. Just her other ones are dead.
…P.S. To the best of my knowledge Aunt Holly has never had any issues with her eyes that would have caused her to need new eyes. She does wear contacts though, and I have wondered if those are the eyes that Bridget is referring to when she says they fell out and she needed new ones. Who knows.

Big like my friends
T: I need you to please show me how big you are (trying to get her to stop playing with her lunch)
B: (standing up) I’m this big.
T: No, I mean please eat your food like a big girl – and stop playing
B: (still standing) I’m just really, really big – like my friends Lukie and Josh.
T: (trying really hard not to laugh) Yes, you are big like your friends. Can you please eat like a big girl now?
B: Yes, I can.
T: Thank you.

You can if you want
This takes place at the A&W Restaurant. Dave had just left to go back to work and Bridget was taking her sweet time finishing her root beer float.
T: Can you please drink a little faster, its time to go.
B: Look mom, a fly! A fly. Oh, it landed on the window.
T: Bridget, I need you to finish your drink so we can go. I don’t want to be here all night.
B: Its okay. You can be here all night if you want.
T: I don’t want too.
B: Yes, you can if you want.
T: But if I stayed here all night the restaurant would close and it would get dark. And they’d probably kick me out.
B: If they kick you out it will hurt.
T: Well, I don’t want it to hurt – so please finish your drink.
B: And you will be sad.
T: Please, just drink. I don’t want to be here all night.
B: They will kick you out.
T: Probably. Are you finished with your drink?
B: (takes two more drinks) Okay, I’m all done.
T: Great, lets go.
B: Wait, I need one more drink.
T: (grunting) Alright, climb down and then you can have one last drink.
B: (climbs down, takes drink)
T: Okay, hold my hand, lets go.
As we are walking out of the restaurant hand in hand…
B: I held you hand and they didn’t kick you. I’m so nice. I kept you safe.
T: Yes. Thank you for coming to the restaurant with me.
B: You’re welcome.

And I’m three.
B: (holding up 2 fingers) You are 2, and I am 3.
T: No, you are 2 and I am 27.
B: You’re 27?
T: Yes. And you’re 2.
B: You are 27, and I am 3. 27 and 3 – that’s pretty cool.
T: You’re not 3, you’re 2.
B: No, I’m 3. I just barely turned 3.
T: Oh really?
B: Yay, I did.
T: Okay.

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Fun with Lego!

July 9th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, random, tina

You may remember me mentioning that we bought a couple of “Brickmaster” subscriptions from before our trip to California. We did it for the “complimentary” legoland tickets.

As a perk to the subscription we will get a total of 6 lego sets (or 12, if you count that we end up getting 2 of each – since we got two subscriptions).
The second of the six came last week. It was Indiana Jones with a jeep.

The first set was this strange prehistoric creature.

When I saw the two lego characters together, I immediately started thinking of that scene in Jurassic Park where the T-Rex attacks the electric cars. I’m not sure why I thought of that – its been awhile since I’ve seen that movie. In any case, I starting laughing out loud (literally) and starting playing – and taking pictures.

First. The chase.

Oh no! The weird dino creature has caught up.

And in for the kill… Poor Indiana Jones.

I’ll spare you the graphic images of Indiana getting devoured… too much gore for this blog! lol!!

I MUST HAVE BEEN BORED – or something. It was pretty fun though.

I should mention that I wasn’t the only one who played with the Legos though. Bridget had a great time too! The two of us played for more than 2 hours that morning.

Her favorite thing to do was take apart the Indiana Jones character and put it back together. Over and over.

Here, both Indiana characters are having a race.

“Look mom, I did his hair!”

I feel like such a kid! And it sure makes me want to start collecting Legos! I wonder what we’ll get next time…?

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Camping with Adam

July 8th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, dave, random, tina

Dave’s friend, Adam, had never been camping.

Until a little more than a week ago.

We decided to introduce him to the wonderful world of camping. Adam and his son (Alex) joined our little family up Right Hand Fork the last weekend of June for all kinds of camping fun! We roasted hotdogs, made smore’s, and did a little geocaching. We even tried telling ghost stories… we weren’t so good at those. In the morning we cooked up some eggs and sausage. We all had a great time – and I think we even managed to convince Adam that he might like to go camping again some time.

Here are a few pictures from our camping adventure!

On the way up to Right Hand Fork we stopped to find a geocache. I think they called it a “natural” cache, or something like that. Anyway, the thing we actually came to find was that strange patterned rock-like thing we are sitting on. Its actually fossilized worms… (or so it claims to be). Pretty weird and gross but also kind of interesting.

Adam and Alex by their tent.

This picture was taken just after Bridget decided that she was tired. She had played pretty hard and finally announced that it was bedtime and tried to get everyone else into their tents. She was a little sad that the rest of us wanted to stay awake a bit longer… I told her she could sit on my lap and rest though. Look at that dirty little face – I’m not sure how it got so dirty, but she sure had a good time.

Adam and Dave. The picture says it all – no explanation needed.

Our little family all gathered by the fire.

Our little orphan child… all ragged and dirty – lol! She loved climbing up that branch.

Saturday morning Geocaching!

Dave and Alex scaled up the side of a mountain to get to this one… once at the top they found the actual trail that would have let them there safely. Lol, the things we won’t do for an ammo box of dollar store toys! Hehe…

We had a great time camping! On the way down we all started contemplating where our next camping adventure would be… we’re thinking Tony Grove, 2 nights, renting canoes, fishing, and geocaching – hopefully our crazy summer schedules will allow for such things at some point!

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Park Group

July 7th, 2008 · a day in the life, random

Our ward recently started a Park Group… every Wednesday morning we get together and take our kids to a different park in the Valley. Those of you not in our ward are still welcome to attend if you’d like – your kids would love it!

I was about to post the park schedule here, but then I had all these weird visions of strange people showing up at the park, calling our kids by name… and knowing all manner of info about them because of our blogs. Maybe its just because its pretty late at night whilst I am typing this and at night all manner of weird thoughts and ideas creep into my head. I don’t know. But, in the effort to adhere to any stranger danger lessons, I won’t be posting the schedule here.

If you want to join us, please let me know – and I’ll get you a copy of the schedule.

P.S. Some of us also ride the bus to/from the parks. If you feel so motivated to save on gas, or party on the bus you may also consider that.

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Independence Day!

July 4th, 2008 · random

I’ve been a bit of a blog slacker the past several days… sorry about that.

My typical daily posts seem to be about every other day or every three days. I was trying to come up with excuses for this – without much luck. So I decided that it was all (subconsciously) for Hilarie – when she returned home she mentioned that she had 8 posts of mine to catch up on… so I’m taking it a bit slower for her benefit! 🙂 Yup, that’s it… its all for you Hilarie. You can thank me later. lol.

Anyway, I decided that since I’m going to be all over the (Wasatch Front) map this holiday weekend, that I may as well give myself a blog holiday! No one is going to read blogs this weekend anyway, right?? So, I’ll be back and going strong on Monday!

Until then… I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!

Happy 4th of July!!

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Rain Money

July 2nd, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget

For the past several months we’ve been giving Bridget spare change here and there.

We taught her what a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter look like. She can distinguish between the different coins, but she really has no concept of the value of the coins (She would happily trade you a dime for a couple of pennies). Being so young we didn’t really think it was quite time to try to teach her “about” money – so all she knew is that it is money… and its hers.

She liked to pour money from one container to another, cook it in her play kitchen and serve it up as anything from soup to mac & cheese. She would sometimes drag it around the house in her purse. Regardless of what she did with it, it always made a mess – sometimes all over the house. And then there was that incident with one of her friends swallowing a couple of pennies… his mom had a little bit of dirty work to do after that… so sorry Michelle.

And then a few days ago she called her dad into her room and asked him if he wanted to play “Rain Money” – Neither of us knew what that game was or how to play, but Dave soon learned. She had him lay on the ground and she took handfuls of money and dropped it over his body. Coins went everywhere.

Here are a couple of pictures of “Rain Money.”

Although the there is a certain humor to the game of “Rain Money” – and to the meals made of money – we decided that it might be time to try to explain to Bridget that money has a purpose (other than as a toy). So last Saturday we counted up all her money (mostly pennies) – $5.19 – and took her to the store so she could buy a toy. The toy she really wanted was $15, but there was a smaller version that was $5. I tried to explain to her that she could take her money back home and save a little bit more to get the bigger toy, but she decided on the instant gratification of the smaller toy. She’ll get it one of these days.

She has asked a couple of times about her money, and I have to remind her that she has a toy instead… she seems okay with that.

Yesterday we started a new thing where she can earn quarters for tasks that she does around the house (above and beyond those things that are expected of her). I’ve been trying to explain things in numbers of quarters… 1 quarter can buy a bouncy ball, 6 quarters for a PEZ dispenser, or 20 quarters for another $5 polly pocket type toy.

So far she has one quarter! Wish us luck!
(I can’t wait for the tithing lessons :))

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Look Mom…

June 30th, 2008 · bridget

The other day I heard a little voice from the other room yelling, “Mom, look mom. Look what I made!”

When I went into her room this is what I found. “I made it bigger and bigger and bigger,” she said.
The tower was a little tipsy because she couldn’t quite reach the top and had to bend the structure a bit to get the last few bricks on.

Here is a better picture of how tall it actually was. I helped her straighten it out and held on to it while she climbed off the stool.

The crazy kid hasn’t figured out how to create things with her lego’s yet. But she sure does know how to stack pieces that are the same size. This was quite the feat for such a little person. I was pretty impressed at how tall she got it. And she was so proud too.

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Fun in the Sprinklers

June 28th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget

Yay for warm summer days!

These girls had a great time in the sprinklers.

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Thanks Shauntae!

June 27th, 2008 · bridget, random

Shauntae surprised Bridget with the Mrs. Incredible PEZ dispenser yesterday.

Now she has the whole Incredible set. And she’s been carrying them everywhere with her.

They even slept in bed with her last night.

Thanks Shauntae!

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Movie Night – Tonight!

June 26th, 2008 · random, tina

I know its kind of last minute. It was a last minute idea. But…

Girls Night, Movie Night. Tonight 9:00 p.m. my house!

We’ll be watching ‘The Other Boleyn Girl.’ (Watch the trailer here)
Wear your PJ’s and bring junk food if you’d like. Let me know if you think you’ll be coming.

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