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Sledding with friends

January 13th, 2008 · bridget, family

I took Bridget to go sledding with some of her friends last week. She had a blast. She loves the snow.

Bridget went down the little hill twice. The first time with her friend Josh, the second time alone. The hill wasn’t steep enough for the two of them to successfully go down together – the sled kind of crawled down the hill.

So when she went down alone, I think she was a little bit shocked when things sped up.

We also got out the sand toys for the kids to play with. Buckets and shovels were a big hit! Bridget and Gordon were pretty diligent at cleaning off the cement ledge with their tools.

The last time Bridget went “sledding” was December 2006. She was 13 months old then. For that sledding trip she was pulled around on flat terrain by Marissa. She had fun then too.

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Creamy Corn Bake

January 12th, 2008 · food

I know I’ve been bad. Cheesecake, Fudge, Cookies, Crunchy Munchy Big Butt . . . I don’t want you to think that the only thing I cook around here is junk food (not that this one is all that healthy). Its not. I promise. To prove it, I am going to share with you side dish I made for dinner the other night, that Dave loved.

Its really really easy to make.

Creamy Corn Bake

1 bag frozen corn
1 can creamed corn
1 can diced green chilies
1 8oz package cream cheese, cubed
6 T. butter or margarine, cubed
1 t. garlic powder

Combine everything in a pan. Cook at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes – until bubbly around the edges.
Stir, and serve.

I don’t have a picture. I’m sorry. For what its worth its not much to look at anyway. Its the taste that counts!

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January 10th, 2008 · bridget, random

Bridget loves PEZ!

She has three PEZ dispensers. Santa Clause, Ariel, and Jack Jack.

Her PEZ dispensers rarely have any candy in them. Usually, they just talk to each other. And guard her things. Sometimes she shares her snacks with them, gives them drinks from her sippy cup, or fixes them a meal in her play kitchen.

HOWEVER, now that she has been potty training PEZ candy has been a bit more frequent. She is given her choice of candy from the kitchen stash when she has a successful #2 in the toilet and, whenever they are available, she chooses PEZ.

First, she opens the package and dumps them all out. Then she puts them into the dispensers one by one. She is careful to make sure that each of them get some. Some for Santa. Some for Ariel. Some for Jack Jack.

Twenty minutes later when she’s finally gotten them all in the dispensers (or 2 minutes if she gives in and asks for help), she dumps them all out again.

Then she washes them in her play kitchen sink, and cooks them in a pot on her play kitchen stove. And serves them up on a plate. And eats them with a spork.

Sometimes the process is a little different. Sometimes mom and dad have to help insert the PEZ. Sometimes they don’t get washed in the sink. Sometimes she cooks them in the microwave. Sometimes she drinks them from a cup. Sometimes she stores them in her play kitchen for later (thus the reason she has two colors of PEZ in the above picture). Sometimes she shares. Sometimes she’d rather not.

And sometimes her tongue turns colors from sour blue PEZ.

I think that if she knew it was possible to collect these PEZ dispensers she would be trying to. But I don’t think she has figured that one out yet. Heaven help me when she does.

This PEZ obsession is bad. Really bad. I haven’t seen an obsession this bad since Bryant Jacob’s collection in High School. Bryant, if you happen to read this post, you should send me a picture of your PEZ collection. Seriously.

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Pumpkin Cheesecake

January 9th, 2008 · food

I made some YUMMY pumpkin cheesecake the other day. It was really, really good. And really, really rich.

The recipe originally came from here. I made it just as the recipe specified, except I substituted pineapple juice in place of the rum.
I also decorated it a bit with some cream cheese icing. Because I got cake decorating tips for Christmas. And because I wanted to. You don’t have to though. That part is strictly optional.

Pumpkin Cheesecake

3/4 c. crushed graham cracker crumbs
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 tbsp. brown sugar, firmly packed
3 tbsp. butter, melted
4 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened
1 3/4 c. sugar, divided
5 eggs
1/4 c. unsifted flour
1 (16 oz.) can pumpkin
2 tsp. or more pumpkin pie spice, to taste
2 tbsp. pineapple juice
2 c. sour cream
1 tsp. vanilla

In a bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs with cinnamon and brown sugar, then stir in melted butter. Press mixture in bottom of a 9 inch springform pan. Set aside.

In a large bowl, preferably with electric mixer, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Stir in 1 1/2 cups sugar. Beat in eggs one at a time, sprinkle flour over mixture and beat. Thoroughly mix in pumpkin, then spice and pineapple juice. Pour into the springform pan.

Bake in preheated 325 degree oven 1 hour and 30 minutes. Turn off heat and let cake stand in oven another 30 minutes. Remove cake from oven and let cool until it is warm but not hot to the touch. Meanwhile, mix together sour cream, 1/4 cup sugar and vanilla. Spread smoothly over top of cheesecake. Return to 425 degree oven and bake 10 minutes. Cool in refrigerator at least 4 hours before serving.

I ended up with too much batter for the 9″ pan. The original recipe said I might. So I added some flour, baking powder, and chocolate chips to the remaining batter and cooked them on a baking sheet as cookies. Then I frosted them with cream cheese icing. I had enough batter left to make a dozen good sized cookies.

Also I might add a bit more pumpkin pie spice next time. I only did the 2 tsp., and although the batter tasted fine, the finished cheesecake could have used a bit more emphasis on the pumpkin pie. Still good though. Still really, really good.

Did I mention that this cheesecake was really rich? And really yummy?
You’ll want to invite some friends over to eat this with you. They’ll love you if you do.

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Mark Lives in IKEA

January 8th, 2008 · random

This is brilliant! Its too bad most people wouldn’t be able to get away with it. I think you would have to be a comedian.
I would do it. I think. Probably. Actually, I’m not sure. Maybe for a day or two. A week might get old though.

I wonder what the terms were? Do you think he has to purchase the bed he sleeps on every night?
Its probably pretty good advertising for IKEA though.

Take a look at these links to see what I am talking about.

His Starbucks thing was pretty funny too!

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Santa’s Lap

January 7th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, family

I realize that Christmas is over now, and everyone is taking down and packing up their Christmas decorations. But I just recognized a failure on my part to post pictures of Bridget on Santa’s lap.

This is Santa at the Ward Christmas Party. I’ve seen a few Santa’s, and so far this one is my favorite.
Dallas Gallup - Santa, Greenfield Ward Party 2007

Bridget saw the same Santa last year (2006) at Logan City’s Nights of Lights celebration. I was commissioned to take the Santa pictures for that event. Dave and I even got in on the Santa picture action. Look at how much Bridget has grown in the last year!
Dallas Gallup - Santa, Nights of Lights 2006
Dallas Gallup - Santa, Nights of Lights 2006

Bridget has also visited other Santa laps.

This is my other favorite Santa. The suit actually belonged to my grandfather. My dad gave it to me last year about the time these pictures were taken. The first one was taken in my basement studio as a lighting test right before some other kids arrived for their photo session. The other was taken at a boutique in Providence last year, where I set up shop for Santa pictures.
Mitch Hedin - Santa 2006
Mitch Hedin - Santa 2006

This year, Bridget also sat on Santa’s lap at Sam’s club. This was not my favorite Santa. Apparently it wasn’t her favorite Santa either.
Sam's Club Santa 2007

In my quest for Santa pictures I also found this one. Its of Dave and his brother on Santa’s lap – Christmas 1985. Dave was 5 years old that Christmas – but look at the resemblance Bridget already has to her daddy!
Santa 1985

I tried to find one of me with Santa. But apparently I don’t have one scanned. I know some exist. So, mom – if you are reading this and you can find one, please have dad scan it for you and send it my way. Thanks. I appreciate it.

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Potty Talk

January 6th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, family

Disclaimer: The following post contains information about potty training as it pertains to one toddler. Words such as “pee” and “bowel” are used. As well as words like “potty,” “underwear,” and “wet.” It may come across as graphic in nature to some people. Please stop reading now if you have an aversion to potty talk. Thank You. You have been warned.

Bridget has been potty training. . .
I’ve spent far more time in the bathroom that I would like to admit. At times it bordered on 30 minutes per potty session. I am thankful that part is over. She’s gotten to the point that if she says she needs to go, she really does go – previously we would ask if she needed to use the bathroom and we’d end up in there for 15 minutes (or more) with no success, just to have her pee in her underwear 2 minutes later.

She’s tried crying wolf. It drives me insane. “Got to go potty” “Just kidding” – or the times that she needs to use the bathroom just as an excuse to stay up a few minutes longer. She’s even nearly fallen asleep on the toilet once.

Some days she goes through 3 or 4 pairs of underwear, other days she’s dry all day. Once she decided that every time she sat on the potty she needed new underwear, whether or not they were soiled. She wore every pair she owned that day.

But the worst part. . . dry, chapped hands. Now that I wash my hands every time I use the bathroom AND every time she does, my hands have gotten beat up. The cold winter air doesn’t help. And I didn’t even mention all the baths and dishes. I bought some Curel hand lotion the other day. It has helped a lot.

Anyway, here is an attempt at a potty chronology. Some of the dates are approx.:

June 2007 (19 months old)
– We bought a “potty” for Bridget. She was still a bit young to really try, but she was starting to express some interest.

. . . The interest came and went, and the potty got put away for awhile. It came out now and then when she remembered about it. . .

November 2007 (2 years old)
– We bought her first package of underwear and just let her get used to the idea. She would wear it when she asked, but we didn’t push the issue.

. . . Thanksgiving and Christmas meant a lot of traveling. We weren’t terribly rigid about the underwear wearing thing. Though, when she did wear it, we didn’t have too many messes. But we also spent 20-30 minutes in the bathroom (several times a day). Some days I felt like all I did was sit around in the bathroom. Some days it was the truth. . .

December 25, 2007 (2 years, 1 month)
– Santa brought Elmo underwear!

. . . And a few good underwear wearing days transpired. . .

December 27-29, 2007
– We decided to go out of town. And although we took underwear with us, she spent a good portion of the trip in diapers. We got daring and let her ride home from Syracuse to Logan wearing her panties. She did great!

December 30, 2007
– We don’t dare let her loose at church in underwear just yet. Out come the “big kid pants” (pull-ups).
– We tried letting her wear underwear to bed. That was more stressful (for me) then it was worth. I woke her up in the night once to go potty. She woke up in the morning with dry sheets, but slightly wet underwear screaming “I got to go potty, mom.”

December 31, 2007
– I hear that they way to do things is to keep the kid in underwear all day and fill her up with liquids so she’ll know when she needs to go. It went alright. She even napped in underwear. Just one accident later in the day, but it wasn’t very bad. She stayed up until midnight. Pull-up for bedtime.
– She thinks she’s big enough to go potty all by herself. She’s wrong.

January 1, 2008
– Underwear all day long, and zero accidents! New record!

January 2, 2008
– I knew accident free couldn’t last.
– First ‘real’ #2 in the potty.
– Still wants to do it all herself.
– We ran out of M&M’s, so we went to Sam’s Club and let Bridget choose her own potty treat. Her choice: Chocolate covered raisins.

January 3, 2008
– Are we regressing? She went through about 3 pair of underwear, and wanted to wear pull-ups all day.
– She threw a fit at nap time because she needed to use the potty, but even after she went she refused to get off. After unsuccessfully trying to fight with her, I told her she could stay on the potty, but as soon as she got up it was time for a nap. The stubborn kid nearly fell asleep on the toilet. Her head bobbed around, and her eyes drooped and shut a number of times. Yet she insisted “I not tired.” Eventually she gave in. I think she sat there for 45 minutes.

January 4, 2008
– She recognized the need to go potty while she was in the tub. I took her out, she went.
– I cleaned the toilet and added a blue tablet to the tank. Now when she uses the potty she tries to turn the water green.

January 5, 2008
– Day two, accident free! We even ran errands around town, and left her at a neighbors house for several hours. She wore the same pair of underwear from the time she woke up to the time she went down. Yee-haw!
– I think she’s a little bit attached to her bowels. After a #2 she doesn’t want to get off the toilet, and she keeps looking in the toilet bowl to see if they are there.

January 6, 2008
– So far, so good
– I think we’ll try underwear at church today. . . *gulp*

And I’m sure there is more fun to come.

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10,000 Words

January 4th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, family, random

It is said that a picture speaks 1,000 words. Here are 10 of them.

What do they say to you?

Ready for Work
Bridget came downstairs dressed like this and announced, “I’m going to work mom.” I asked her to stop for a picture before she headed to the garage.

Help Me
Bridget had fun reading books to Lucy and bringing her into the tent. Lucy wasn’t having as much fun.

Daddy’s Little Girl
Bridget LOVES shoes. All shoes. She tries them all on and walks around the house. Daddy’s boots were an extra temptation.

Happy Birthday Cake
Warning: Terrible Two’s. This was at Bridget’s birthday party in November.

Big Sister
If Bridget had a big sister it would be Marissa. Bridget adores her and loves it when she comes over.

Put that camera away
This is Bridget taking a break at Grandma Harmer’s house after a long day of making fudge.

Spells Bridget
“I did it. I spelled Bridget” – She was so proud.

Ready, Set, Go
Santa brought Bridget a tricycle for Christmas. She loves it!

Please Help Me
Bridget also got playdoh for Christmas. She could play all day.

Bridget hamming it up for the camera. She got her hair cut on New Years Eve and we were playing with curlers. The blue tongue was from some sour blue PEZ she ate (her candy choice after a successful “#2” in the toilet).

There you have it. 10 pictures. 10,000 words.

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Vampire vs. Werewolf

January 3rd, 2008 · a day in the life, random

Its a battle for the love of a human girl. Vampire vs. Werewolf. Twilight. New Moon. Eclipse.

This is what I’m talking about:

I’ve read all three books now. All of them captivated me. Reading is just about all I did in my free time – for a solid week.
And these books are the reason for the recently dull or otherwise non-existent posts recently. I am sorry.
I will be better. At least until the fourth book comes out.

Yes, I just read books about vampires and werewolves. And yes, I like them. Want to fight?

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Grandma’s Fudge

January 2nd, 2008 · a day in the life, family, food

This is Grandma:

And this is her fudge:

It is the best fudge you’ll ever taste. Promise. Its rich, its delicious. . . and its fat free! Okay, so its really not fat free. I lied. But its so good, you won’t care.

Every year at Christmas time we make this fudge with grandma. This year we made three batches. . . or the equivalent of six 9×13″ foil pans full!

That’s more than 13 cups of sugar. . . 18 cups of chocolate chips. . . 2 lbs of butter. . . You get the point.

Grandma’s Fudge
4 1/2 C. Sugar
1 can evaporated milk
3/4 C. butter (grandma used 1 1/2 c. this year)
35 large marshmallows
1 large chocolate bar (5-8oz size)
3 pkg. (6 cups) of chocolate chips
Nuts (optional)


  1. Combine sugar, milk, butter, and marshmallows in a large pot and stir continuously on medium heat. Bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Break the chocolate bar into smaller chunks and stir in, until melted.
  4. Fold in chocolate chips until melted
  5. Stir in nuts if desired.
  6. Pour into greased pans (2 – 9×13″ or 3 – 8×8″) and allow to cool

Note: If desired, fudge can be cut into squares, wrapped in foil, and frozen for later.

Grandma’s fudge is yummy stuff. Make it. Eat it. Love it. Go to the gym!

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