In case you didn’t know…
Bridget LOVES PEZ!
As you may know, she was given PEZ dispensers as potty training rewards. But she also got them for various other reasons, or from various other people. And she’s developed quite the collection. So far, 23 PEZ dispensers in total (6 months ago, she only had three). And she still talks about others that she would like to get.
Here they all are…
Each PEZ dispenser has a (somewhat) unique origin and story. Most of which she can tell you.
We’ve found new and interesting ways to play with her and her PEZ dispensers. Games where she has to sort them by the color of their legs, or pull out all the ones with hats, or all the girls/boys, or all the ones with green faces, or black hair. It has proven to be an interesting challenge for her, but she loves it – and hey, she’s learning!
Anyway, the following “Meet the PEZ dispensers” section is more for us to remember where she got each of them… but if you are interested to know, please keep reading.
– Meet the PEZ dispensers –
(In display order)
- Santa Clause – Given to her by her cousin Liz. The third PEZ dispenser she acquired.
- Eyore – The last of the Potty Chart PEZ. (All she knows about Eyore is that he is Winnie the Pooh’s friend).
- Shrek – Potty Chart PEZ.
- Fiona – Aunt Holly gave it to her when she saw that Bridget had Shrek.
- Arial – The first PEZ dispenser she got. June 2007. It was purchased as a distraction on an airline ride.
- Aurora – Found in a Geocache in Ogden.
- Cinderella – Potty Chart PEZ.
- Emilie – Potty Chart PEZ.
- Linguini – Potty Chart PEZ.
- Skinner – Potty Chart PEZ.
- Sally – Dave brought it back from a business trip to Denver as a gift for her.
- Doc – Potty Chart PEZ.
- Mater – Potty Chart PEZ.
- Dash – Potty Chart PEZ.
- Mr. Incredible – Found in a Geocache in Ogden.
- Jack Jack – The second PEZ dispenser she ever got. Purchased randomly at the store before we started the Potty Chart. (Aside: Jack Jack once filled in for Jonah during a family home evening lesson)
- Wilbur Robinson – Potty Chart PEZ.
- Goofy – Given to her in California after she met him at Disneyland.
- Mickey – Given to her the day we left for our Disneyland vacation.
- Minnie – Potty Chart PEZ immediately following our return from California.
- Donald Duck – Given to her in California for not having accidents.
- Daisy Duck – Potty Chart PEZ following our return from California
- Mike Wazowski – Randomly purchased just as we began the potty chart. Given to her without cause to kick start the PEZ reward program.
She is truly becoming a collector of PEZ dispensers. She even has a (short) list of ones she still wants to get – and we check for them each time we are at the store. She really wants to find Lightening McQueen and Guido from the movie Cars. So, if any of you are out and about and see them, please buy them and I’ll pay you for them. She’s also mentioned wanting “the girl incredible” or “Mr. Incredible’s mom” (a.k.a. Mrs. Incredible or Elastigirl) but they don’t seem to be as prevalent in her mind.
Here is another picture of her with her collection.
She’s such a cute little punk! We love her to pieces.
Oh, I should mention that these PEZ dispensers do everything with her… watch movies, go for rides in the car, sleep in her bed, watch her brush her teeth, etc. (usually she has to choose just one or two to do any given activity though) A couple of weeks ago she asked me to help her make a house for her PEZ dispensers. This is what we came up with. What do you think?
I’ve never seen a collection of PEZ! I would never think of playing with them like dolls. She is pretty creative.
Who knows, maybe someday the collection might be worth a lot?:) I think it’s cute that she likes them so much.
That’s so cute!! Brakken plays with his pez guys too!! I’ll keep an eye out for those three… no need to pay me back!! The joy of seeing her face if i can find them.. will be the priceless reward!
Haha, thanks Raelynn!
Don’t look too hard for Guido, they don’t even make one… I’ve seen the other 2 online, so maybe if we can’t find them we’ll eventually order them. Stocking stuffers or something? 🙂
Have you found them all? I didn’t know about these PEZ dispensers until I saw the tv show The Pretender on NBC in the 90s. That picture of your daughter with the PEZ dispensers is adorable. Is she still collecting/playing with them or has she outgrown it?