Bad news, turns out that the Big Foot thing was a hoax. Turns out the frozen creature, was actually a frozen costume. Bummer!
Shauntae posted about this new blog on her site awhile back. Its satire. It makes fun of “Mormon mommy bloggers” everywhere. And it seems I’m hooked. I read a news article about the woman behind the blog. Its very interesting.
If you haven’t read her blog, you should. And you should check out this news report too!
My friend Michelle gave me this very prestigious and highly acclaimed blog award.
It comes with a few rules though…
Put the logo on your blog, and put a link to me (who awarded it to you) on your blog. You need to nominate 7 other bloggers for the award and put up links to them. Then, leave a comment for those you have nominated – so they know they have received a special award!
So, that being said, here are a 7 other blogs worthy of all manner of applause and praise:
Johnnie ‘B’ Good | Life’s Little Joys | 3 Guys 1 Girl | Dreaming in 3D | Joe-n-Kel | Drew & Amanda | Carrasco Family
Bridget made this great castle the other day. And asked me to take a picture of it. Here it is.
My sister Alice moved into our basement Wednesday night. She moved up here to work, to get out of our parents house, and because she has a certain boyfriend that is attending Utah State. Though, I don’t think she’d attest to that last one as a reason for her move. 🙂
Most of you probably know that we have had our house up for sale. Well, we recently took our sign down. No, we didn’t sell our house. Between me being pregnant, Dave going to school for his MBA, my sister moving in, the crazy unstable housing market, and the unknown status of Dave’s employment after he graduates – we decided to take a step back. I figure we don’t have to be in a hurry. If it randomly sells in the meantime, great. Otherwise, great.
So, for the time being, we’re not moving.
Mother of the Wild Boys // Aug 22, 2008 at 11:22 am
Random Comments:
I’m glad you’re back to blogging. 🙂
Did you really believe the bigfoot thing?
Seriously So Blessed is seriously addicting!
Michelle nominated you before I could…but I think your blog is Brillante! (actually I think your blog is Brilliant)
Maybe Bridget and Ethan can open a building business together. 😉
How fun to have Alice living with you. You’re a good big sis.
and HOORAY for not moving…I know, it’s selfish of me to want to keep you close by. 😀
Sandra // Aug 22, 2008 at 2:12 pm
Dude I’m so bummed about the bigfoot thing he he. I’m glad also that your not moving!
Tina // Aug 22, 2008 at 2:28 pm
Haha… no I didn’t actually believe the bigfoot thing… but I find it quite humorous in a weird twisted sort of way.