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Imaginary Friends

September 9th, 2008 · 2 Comments · bridget

Some of you may remember a post we did back in January about Bridget’s imaginary friend, Fuf-uff. Since January, another ‘friend’ has entered the picture. His/Her name is Di-di (pronounced Die-Die). Fuf-uff and Di-di typically come out to play more when Dave or I are unavailable to play with Bridget. They’ve sat at the table to join her for playdoh time. They’ve taken baths with her, and sometimes they ride in the car too.

Its not uncommon for her to go get them from whatever room they are in and take their hands to lead them wherever she wants to take them. Sometimes she sends me to get them for her. I have to walk out of the room and back in holding the hands of two imaginary friends. Its very interesting. Or maybe just odd.

They’ve been sick. They’ve been put in timeout. They sometimes eat with us at the table.

I still haven’t figured out what gender (or species) Fuf-uff and Di-di are. I do know that they are pretty small though. Bridget bends down to ground level to take their hands, and walks with her arms down while holding their hands. I’ve tried to get her to describe them to me… and I’ve tried making some drawings based on her descriptions… basically to no avail.

I’m not really concerned about these imaginary friends. Mostly just intrigued. Its an interesting part of a child’s development, and its fun to watch her interact with them.

Do any of your kids have imaginary friends? How do they manifest themselves?


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Jared

    None of my many children have imaginary friends, but when Kirstin was little, she had TONS of ’em. She, literally, had an entire imaginary family in which she was the mom. Her husband was “Sharman”, her children were “Katie”, “Marchin”, “Katie-Marchin”, “Shake”, “Car-issa”, “Shark”, and “The-Other-Shark”. She played with them all the time, and remembered all of their names.

    She also insisted that Mr. Rogers lived in the clothes dryer. And a common bathtime friend was Cindy Lauper.

  • Sandra

    My kids haven’t had imaginary friends but they use their toys and talk to them like they talk back.

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