This past weekend we tackled what was the messiest and most cluttered room in our house. Our computer room.
Dave and I are both pretty big computer geeks, each in our own way. So over the few years we’ve been married we’ve managed to collect all sorts of parts and gadgets and miscellaneous computer related things. We’ve also well exceeded our share of paper clutter. Drawers, files, and stacks filled with only somewhat organized papers. Not to mention the random sheets of paper (whether bills, or simple note pages) that littered our desks, shelves, and floor.
The room had gotten just a little out of hand.
Here are a few images to illustrate my point…
The bookshelf…
Dave’s Desk…
Tina’s Desk…
The Closet…
Random File drawer…
Conveniently, one of the assignments given Dave at school this past week was to “5S” one room in the house. The assignment specifically stated to 5S your bedroom, but our bedroom would have been a simple task. Without complaint from his professor it was decided that the monumental task of cleaning and organizing the computer room would be a much more worthwhile task.
And so it began…
For those unfamiliar with the 5S process, it is a Japanese methodology for organizing (and keeping organized) a workspace. It is typically practiced in a work environment rather than a home environment, but the principles are the same. The underlying premise is to decide WHAT should be kept, WHERE it should be kept, and HOW it should be stored. The first 4 S’s are centered on the organization portion. The fifth S stands for “sustain” . . . meaning, now that our computer room is clean and organized, we need to keep it that way. For more information visit the wikipedia page.
We spent several days working on this room. Installing shelves, throwing things away, sending unneeded papers to the shredder, etc… It was a huge undertaking, and meant that our computers were inaccessible for a few days, but its done. And boy does it feel good!
Here are the AFTER pictures…
The Closet…
Tina’s Desk…
Dave’s Desk…
Bridget, helping to install supports for the wire shelves. She was pushing them into some pilot holes Dave drilled.
(BTW… she put that shirt on all by herself. Its inside out and backwards)
What do you think? Great isn’t it!! We eliminated an entire bookshelf and 2-drawer filing cabinet, and found everything a home. We even got Bridget involved a little bit. She thought it was great fun to help hang the shelving.
So there you go! It was worth a few absent blogging days, right?
Now its your turn! Pick a room and go crazy. It will feel good when you’re done…
Kellee // Sep 18, 2008 at 8:52 am
Joe and I were talking about this just last night. I’ll have to show him your pictures. I’ve been worried that while I’m gone to NC in October, the whole will be completely rearranged and all of my clutter will be in the garbage. We need to do this before I leave!!!
Hilarie // Sep 18, 2008 at 8:59 am
Looks great!! I love doing this sort of thing, it always feels so great once accomplished. I spent all yesterday cleaning my bedroom closet (where anything and everything gets put to be out of the way or out of sight) I didn’t take any pictures but it looks much better.
Angie // Sep 18, 2008 at 9:02 am
You are welcome to my house any day to further practice your theory! 🙂
Mother of the Wild Boys // Sep 18, 2008 at 12:09 pm
Need extra credit? Come organize my house!
Sandra // Sep 18, 2008 at 1:40 pm
Looks great but I have a better idea….pick a room in my house and you can go crazy 🙂 Nice job helping on the shelves Bridget!
Dave // Sep 18, 2008 at 8:42 pm
Tina left out one major point of 5S. It is the philosophy that if it isn’t needed, get rid of it! At DuPont, we use the philosophy of 6 months. If we don’t see ourselves needing the thing for day-to-day business for a 6 month time period, we get rid of it. The costs incurred by hanging on to a useless piece of equipment are greater than having to purchase the thing again IF we need it.
We found lots of boxes of useless junk, that for some reason we had a tough time parting with. (Granted, some of those things we snapped a picture of before we made them go away.)
The point is, stop wasting effort packing around junk and get rid of it. It feels so much better (and you can find stuff, too!).
Amy Putnam // Sep 19, 2008 at 11:32 am
Off subject of your cluttered room, did you ever sell your house? BTW you should see our office, it is where all of the unpacked boxes have ended up. They are stacked to the ceiling! (Don’t worry, the ceiling is only 6 feet high).
Amber Meadows // Sep 29, 2008 at 1:40 am
Kudos! It looks great. I recently stayed up until 3 am cleaning and organizing my Stamp room. It’s not exactly exactly finished yet – I still have great plans for improvment – but I agree with you, it feels so great to have a clean, usable space!