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High School Tag & Quirky Tag

October 8th, 2008 · 2 Comments · high school, random, tina

High School Tag
I saw this on Amber’s blog and thought it might be fun. If any of the rest of you feel like remembering a bit of your High School days, feel free to do this too!

1. Did you date someone from your High School? I dated a boy from my High School a bit during my senior year. My husband also attended my High School – I didn’t date him back then though. But I did marry him later.

2. What kind of car did you drive? During my junior year I purchased a Dodge Omni. I named it Diane (because the previous owner, Diane, had a dashboard mat made for the car with her name stitched in – so that became my car’s name.)

3. Did you pass your Driver’s License test on the first try? Nope. I failed twice before passing. The first time I drove over the painted train track lines on the driving range (at my High School) without stopping. The second time I was at the DMV on their driving range, can’t remember what I did that time. I eventually got my license though. lol!

4. Were you a Party Animal? Not really. I was a bit on the nerdy side, so the only “parties” I attended were things like cast parties… yes, I was in theater.

5. Were you a flirt? Maybe on occasion. With some people maybe. Not overly flirty though.

6. Were you in Band, Orchestra or Choir? No. No. No. I took band in Junior High, but didn’t in High School. Kinda wish I’d stuck with it.

7. Were you a nerd? Yes. And No. There were others nerdier than I, but… okay, yes I probably was. Ha! I hung out with a lot of nerds too.

8. Were you on any Varsity Teams? Hahahahaaa.. Um, no.

9. Did you get Suspended or Expelled? Nope.

10. Can you still sing the Fight Song? The first verse. I think my husband can remember the whole thing though.

11. Who were your favorite teachers? My AP English teacher, my theater teacher, and my debate coach were among some of my favorites. I think I more or less got along well with all of them though.

12. Where did you sit during Lunch? I don’t remember having any special place. Just in the lunch room. I do remember eating bagged lunch in the hall with Michelle and Jenny when the lunch room was being remodeled.

13. What was the name of your school? Clearfield High

14. What was the mascot and school colors? Falcon, Green and White.

15. Did you go to Homecoming? I don’t think I went my sophomore year. But I did Junior and Senior.

16. If you could go back and do it all over again, would you? I might. I don’t think I’d change anything though. Just relive it a little.

17. What do you remember most about Graduation? The after party… a friend of mine had a seisure or something, and a few of us spent a good portion of the night in the corner with her trying to bring her around. Eventually an ambulance came.

18. Where did you go on your Senior Skip day? Lagoon. I don’t know if it was really a “skip day” though. It seems like it was sponsored.

19. Were you in any Clubs? Drama, FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), Writing (I think that’s what it was called), Debate, and… seems like there was one more. My yearbooks are all packed up somewhere or I’d look it up.

20. Have you gained some weight since then? Um. Yea.

21. Who was your Prom Date? We didn’t have “Prom” ours was called Cotillion. I went with the boy I was dating/”in to” at the time, Derrick.

22. Are you planning to go to your 10 year reunion? Yep! I look forward to seeing everyone again.

23. Did you have a job while in High School? I worked at Playtown, Macey’s, and seasonally at a Christmas tree lot. Not all at the same time, just over the course of my High School years.

Quirky Tag
My friend, Michelle, tagged me for this one last week.The rules: Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag a few of your fellow bloggers to do the same.

  1. I have to have the sheets straightened when I go to bed. If the bed didn’t get made during the day, I have to fix the sheets/blankets before I climb in or I can’t sleep. It drives my husband nuts.
  2. I hate being interrupted in the kitchen. If I’m cooking and trying to multi task in there it drives me nuts to have someone in my path.
  3. The toilet paper roll must roll from the top.
  4. I always put my wedding ring in its jewelry box before I climb in bed.
  5. I can’t leave the dishes for the next day. If the dishwasher hasn’t been started (and it needs to be) then I can’t sleep.
  6. I can’t drink milk that is past the date, even by one day. I have similar issues with bread.

I tag the first 5 people to read this post! Do both, or pick one.


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Amber Meadows

    Hey – my dad went to Clearfield High! Small world, eh?

    I had a good laugh about your first 3 quirks because I have the same ones! I’ll have to ask Chris what a few of mine are, because I think I’m completely normal!

  • Sandra

    Fun info! I have issues with drinking milk past the expiration date also. I think you fibbed about being a party animal though he he. 🙂

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