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December 14th, 2008 · 10 Comments · Uncategorized

Here’s a quick picture…

Tina & Spencer


10 Comments so far ↓

  • Emily

    oh my goodness he is so tiny! How precious! Has Bridget got to see him yet?

  • Emily

    I might come see you tonight, if that is okay with you. I will give you a call first.

  • Tina

    Bridget has only seen him through glass, she can’t touch him… And she’s pretty upset about that. He’ll most likely be in NICU all week.
    Tonight is fine if you want, but you won’t get to see him 🙁

  • Michelle

    Congratulations! How exciting that he is her already. Good luck with NICU. Have fun with your new addition. Keep us updated and definitely post more pictures when you get a chance!

  • Michelle

    I meant to say “here” not “her”…

  • Kellee

    Yeah!!! Congrats!

  • Tayli Nelson

    Wahoo! Congratulations!!!

  • Felicia

    Congratulations! I hope everything is going okay. My Dillon was in NICU (only for 2 days) and he cost TWICE as much as my other kids…but, it’s all worth it. Sandra had her Luke the same day and we’d pass each other in the NICU for feedings. Ahh, memories.

    How are YOU feeling?

    My sister had a baby on Christmas day a couple years ago, and she found a quote that I love. It always gives me chills when I read it. Since Spencer is a “Christmastime baby” too, I thought I’d share it:

    “At the focal point of all human history, a point illuminated by a new star in the heavens revealed for just such a purpose, probably no other mortal watched– none but a poor young carpenter, a beautiful virgin mother, and silent stabled animals who had not the power to utter the sacredness they had seen. Shepherds would soon arrive, and later, wise men from the East. Later yet the memory of that night would bring Santa Claus and Frosty and Rudolph– and all would be welcome. But first and forever there was just a little family, without toys or trees or tinsel. With a baby–that’s how Christmas began.”

    Jeffery R. Holland, “Without Ribbons and Bows,” New Era, Dec. 1994

  • Sandra

    I’m excited for you guys! I hope your little boy is able to come home soon! I hope you feel better soon also. Let me know if I can do anything for ya! Cute Cute boy! 🙂

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