I picked up this book the other day for Bridget.
I wasn’t familiar with the author, but the reviews I’d read intrigued me. After having read it, I have to say that I’m impressed. The text is pretty simple, it rhymes, and it gets the point across. Bridget loved it. We read it at least six times the day we got it, and quite a bit since then too. She told me that its her favorite book.
The illustrations are a little bit out there. The children depicted in the book are not glamorous… some may argue that they are downright hideous. The drawings reminded me of something I’d see from Dr. Seuss. The Grinch, maybe, only uglier. Hideous, or not, I think that the artwork does a great job portraying the message of the book – as any good illustration would.
The story is of a boy named Edward. Edward has a lot of toys, but refuses to share them even with his sister. Each time she tries to play with one if his toys he quickly takes it from her. At the end of the book his sister, Claire, helps him out from a pile of toys and shares with him. He has a change of heart, begins to share, and the two head off to play together.
After a couple of reads I caught her playing dolls… “This is the princess who wouldn’t share,” she told me. She proceeded to reenact portions of the book with her little princess dolls. One was saying ‘Its mine’ and another was sad, but eventually they shared and played nice. I thought it was cute.
I’ve also caught her trying to “read” it herself.
Anyway, I recommend this book.
Ohh.. that sounds like a good book. I’ll have to check it out.
I just got your comment about Dave thinking Spencer is bigger. When I took her to her two month checkup she was a little over 10 lbs. Do you know how much he weights?
Cool…we love books. I’ll see if our limited library has it. Probably not 🙁