We started giving Spencer some baby food a couple weeks ago! He doesn’t get much of it, a bit of cereal or a jar of something every couple of days. Not even daily yet. He’s doing really well with it though. And it sure is cute to watch him eat. Bridget likes to watch, help, and sample the baby food herself. Funny kid.
I don’t know how everyone else is when it comes to when and how much and what exactly to feed a baby, but I’m pretty relaxed about it. Both of my kids were given tastes of random sauces and flavors (the dip of a finger or pacifier) of all kinds of food. Both were given cereal and baby food pretty much right at 4 months, and I haven’t been very particular about the order or frequency in which I introduce foods. Its more just what’s convenient and makes sense to my odd mind. I don’t move too fast, or offer too much at first. I don’t do the honey, nuts, milk, eggs stuff… but pretty much everything else is fair game.
And so far its worked pretty well for me.
What do you do? When do you introduce foods?? What’s first?
P.S. It sure is good to have Photoshop back! I missed it.
Mother of the Wild Boys // Apr 23, 2009 at 9:09 am
Ha! I love his brown bib, that’s funny. 😀 And his cutie baby smiles are totally melting my heart.
I always started with the rice cereal, and then onto veggies, then fruits. (Gosh, that seems like a lifetime ago!) And they got their first taste of baby food somewhere between 4-6 months.
Sandra // Apr 23, 2009 at 11:58 am
I love his bib “cute but messy, just like daddy” Thats fun! I start with cereal too but I’m so lazy right now, it’s so nice not to deal with that. I’ve fed her cereal a few times and she ate it well but I just nurse her. It’s so much easier 🙂 I’m with Shauntae, I start with veggies after than the fruit.
Camille // Apr 23, 2009 at 10:02 pm
I was always pretty laid back too. I did learn one helpful thing. Start with veggies… then fruits. I didn’t with Kaylee and it took a LONG time to get her to eat ANY veggies… it is still a battle. Charles started on veggies, and he’s always been a pretty good eater. It may just be luck, but it’s worth a shot, right? 🙂
Kara // Apr 23, 2009 at 10:31 pm
Glad you are back! Cute bib and cute baby! (=