I haven’t blogged for awhile. I know. Sorry.
Just thought I’d mention that we’re moving tomorrow (and all weekend). We’ll be in an apartment for a few months, and then build.
Long story. I’ll explain later, but don’t be surprised if I’m MIA a little longer.
Our phone numbers will stay the same though, and we’ll be back and forth cleaning and moving things over the next several weeks.
Happy blogging. And goodbye for now.
Good luck with the move. Have you already sold your house then? Congrats on building that will be fun.
I still can’t believe you’re moving! I’m planning on watching your kiddos all day Saturday, as I have no other plans 🙂 Talk to you soon!
We should be clear that we are not assured that we will be building yet. That is all dependent on some job factors yet to be finalized.
You guys are stink ha ha j/k but I’m sad your leaving!