My friend, Michelle, lives in the area of the island affected by yesterday’s canal break and landslide.
Her home was spared, but many of her friends and ward members were evacuated, and their homes flooded. She posted some information on her blog, but I thought I would repost it here for those that were unaware of what happened. Besides, a lot of these people can use our prayers.
Here is a video from
Video Courtesy of
Michelle’s husband, Chris, was part of the cleanup effort and was interviewed briefly in the newscast.
Its really anĀ interesting thing to have something like this hit so close to home. For me (even removed from the situation) its surreal. This morning I’ve just kept thinking about my food storage at home… some of it is in cans and bottles or 6-gal buckets, but there’s plenty of cardboard boxes or bags (e.g. pasta)… in an emergency like this a lot of that would have been distroyed. I guess there are some improvements to be made.
Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of this chaos.
And some links in case you want to read more: (pictures)
Please pray for this people, their homes, and ther rescue/clean-up effort.
I saw Michelle on Saturday and she was on the phone talking to someone about water in their home. I feel for all those people who were affected. Crazy stuff.