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3 Years Old

November 23rd, 2008 · bridget

Our little girl is 3 years old today. It’s hard to believe. Time has gone by so fast.

To document this milestone in her life I thought I’d talk about some of her favorite things, her quirks, etc. I know you all hear about all things Bridget all the time, but be prepared for more. Lots more. I also have about 27 pictures (literally) to attempt to summarize her life thus far.


THEN (11/23/05)

AND NOW (9/3/08)

Bridget Today
Bridget currently has shoulder-length brown hair and hazel eyes. She weighs 32 lbs, and is 37″ tall. Her favorite color is light pink. Not dark pink, light pink. She loves PEZ dispensers, baby dolls, and princesses. Lately she’s taken a liking to “little things” – Polly Pocket style dolls, or pocket sized animals, etc. She has a very active imagination. She loves to play pretend (you be the mom, and I’ll be the baby), carry around purses, and cook elaborate meals in her kitchen. She has two imaginary friends, Fuf-uff and Didi – typically they are well behaved and great playmates. But occasionally they have issues that need to be resolved. I’m still not sure the gender, race, or even species of Fuf-uff and Didi… but I do know that they are short. Some days they don’t have legs and can’t walk. Other days they have cars (Fuf-uff’s is yellow, and Didi’s is blue).

From a young age (prior to her first birthday) we began exposing Bridget to American Sign Language. She still likes the Signing Time videos and has recently started to make efforts to expand her ASL knowledge and vocabulary. She regularly asks me how to sign things (washcloth, chips, potato, full, etc), and she sometimes tries to make up her own signs for things. She asks for things in Sign Language (sometimes instead of in English) pretty regularly… usually food related things. Milk in a cup, a napkin, cereal, or candy. And she even corrects the signing of others when she catches it (e.g. when daddy inadvertently signed “sorry” when he meant to sign “please”). We attribute much of her language skills to that early (and continued exposure) to Sign Language.

The kid is a sponge. She remembers things really well, and thrives on additional learning. She knows her alphabet, she can count to 20 most of the time (though she sometimes gets hung up on 14), and she can recognize many of her letters – some she can even write. She can spell “Mom” and “Dad” in English and in ASL, and she can write it. Occasionally when someone asks me to spell my name (usually my last name) she’ll chime in and announce that you spell it M-O-M. Too cute. She can recognize some other written words and can shape most of her letters with a little bit of help. Her spoken vocabulary includes words like “actually,” “incredible,” and “amazing.”

She knows the words to songs like “I am a child of God” and “A child’s prayer,” but she can also sing most of the words to “Its time for some Campaign’in” and to several of the “Dr. Horrible” songs. She is generally a pretty brave child, she doesn’t get scared easily, and she usually gets it when we explain that some things are just pretend. However, she somewhat recently developed a slight fear of dinosaurs and “iron mans.” The first is because of the dinosaur in the show “Meet the Robinsons”… she is convinced that dinosaurs come during the night to eat her hair. As for the fear of “iron mans” that started after she watched portions of “Iron Man” with daddy and I. She tells me, “I don’t like Iron Mans.” We explained that the things we watch in movies and on TV are pretend. Still, I have to check each room in the house before bed to make sure that there are no dinosaurs or iron men. After that she sleeps just fine.

In terms of other sorts of development, she can run, hop, jump, and gallop (though she thinks she’s skipping). She can string beads (or fruit loops), cut with scissors, and use her pincer grip to pick up and manipulate small objects. She can dress herself (save a little help with buttons and the fact that she thinks that a pink shirt, red polka dot pants and un-matching green and purple socks make the perfect outfit), brush her hair, and use the toilet by herself. She THINKS she can tie her shoes, but it just ends up being a stack of knots. And she THINKS she can whistle, though little sound escapes her lips – truthfully, she’s better at it than I am.

She loves playing games… Old Maid, Go Fish, Matching Games, and especially daddy’s train game. She also likes to play games on the computer, mostly stuff from She is getting pretty good at manipulating the mouse. She loves to scroll through people’s blogs with me and look at their pictures and watch the little video clips. She actually even knows about YouTube and can easily navigate her way around the related videos. Because of this, we had to password protect our computer screens, and she lost some iPod privileges – she discovered YouTube on my iPod the other day when she was supposed to be playing memory.

She’s working on learning to recognize her numbers (particularly digital numbers), write more of her letters, and she’s working on building more advanced puzzles (e.g. 25 piece cardboard puzzles).

I’m sure there is much more I could say about our big girl, but I’ll stop there. We love her dearly though and we continue to be amazed at the things she’s learning, doing, and saying. We have quite the character on our hands! Bridget, we love you!

Also… here are a few pictures over the past 3 years… She only has a birthday once a year, right?!

11/23/05 (4:07 a.m.) – The first time I held my little angel.

11/23/05 – Clean and ready to face the world.

11/26/05 – Daddy feeding her.

11/28/05 – Sleeping Beauty, 5 days old.

12/17/05 – Christmas pictures.

1/8/06 – Blessing Day.

4/20/06 – Playing with daddy. Hello chubby baby!

5/3/06 – Her first Oreo. And photo-op.

7/6/06 – Daddy’s hands.

9/15/06 – Eating bread.

11/25/06 – 2 days after her first birthday! Eating her cake, and sharing too!

12/5/06 – First year portraits.

1/30/07 – Playing dress-up. She LOVED shoes at this stage in her life.

2/23/07 – Big helper!

3/1/07 – Independent eater. And very messy.

7/14/07 – Signing “Dad” – Special Father’s Day portraits.

10/31/07 – Pebbles for Halloween.

11/21/07 – Second Year Portraits.

11/25/07 – 2nd Birthday party! She loved Elmo.

12/11/07 – Making (and tasting) Christmas cookies.

12/12/07 – Dress-up/”Ready for work” and early potty training time.

1/30/08 – Stringing Fruit Loops. One of the rare times she’s let me really curl her hair.

3/3/08 – More dress-up. She loved those glasses!

4/11/08 – Baby Animal days – getting to know a turkey.

7/24/08 – Pioneer Day parade.

9/3/08 – First day of “preschool” at the Family Center.

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For the love of Chocolate…

November 22nd, 2008 · food, random

Early in our marriage Dave introduced me to Lindt Chocolate. Its fabulous. Its also somewhat expensive, so we typically only indulge on special occasions.

A couple of weeks ago, however, Smith’s was having a sale on Lindt Excellence Bars. A bar that would normally cost upwards of $3, was on sale for $1.25. I had some coupons that made them only 25 cents each! I got 8 bars for $2, but I certainly would have bought them out if I’d had enough coupons.

At any rate, I decided to try a new flavor…

White Chocolate Coconut. It was awesome! Divine! Fabulous… SO YUMMY!!
And now I want more.

Seriously, I think this is my new favorite chocolate flavor!

So, for any of you chocolate lovers out there, I highly recommend trying this. If you even kind of like white chocolate or kind of like coconut… trust me.
If you are skeptical… well, they have lots of other flavors too!


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What’s your phone member?

November 21st, 2008 · bridget, random

With the weather getting a bit colder, Bridget and I venture into the mall a bit more often to play on the “ice cream.” She loves going there and usually ends up meeting new kids whom she quickly deems as her friends.

A few weeks ago she met a little girl there. She asked her name and they played for 30 minutes or so.
On the way home she announced to me that she wanted her new friend to come over and play. I tried to explain to her that we didn’t know anything about this girl, except her first name. I think I said something along these lines:

“But we don’t know her last name, we don’t know where she lives, and we don’t even know her phone number. How can we invite her over if we can’t even call her?”

Bridget then told me that next time she saw this girl she would ask her what her phone number is.

More than 2 weeks passed before we returned to play on the ice cream. This time she met a different little girl, whom again she quickly became friends with. I didn’t think much about our conversation from the time before, until she was asking the girl, “What’s your phone member?” The little girls’ mother looked at me a bit quizzically and I quickly explained. The woman then told Bridget what her phone number was.

I chuckled, but neither wrote down the number nor made attempts to memorize it. But Bridget quickly ran over to me to let me know that she had asked her new friends’ phone “member” and that now we could invite her over.

On the way out of the mall I asked Bridget if she remembered what her new friend’s phone number was. Her response… “Its 22!”

I guess we’ll have to try dialing “22” one of these days. I wonder if her friend will answer…

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Conversations with a toddler, IV

November 17th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, random

A few more good ones…

Can you by me some garments?
B: You know what? Yours and daddy’s garments go in the drawer in your room.
T: Yes they do.
B: Do you think you could buy me some garments? For my birthday?
T: Um. Well, you have to be a big like mommy or daddy before you get garments.
B: I’ll be a big mommy.
T: Ok. After you are big you’ll get them when you go to the temple.
B: Okay. Can we go to the temple?
T: Do you know how you have underwear?
B: Yea.
T: With princesses?
B: Yea.
T: Well, daddy and I don’t have underwear like that that fits us. Instead we have garments. Its like our underwear.
B: Oh. If you need some underwear you can just say please and borrow mine.
T: Thank You.

So Jesus can look for my little stuff with me
Bridget has a gallon-sized bag that she filled with random small toys. She calls it her “little stuff” and she frequently hides it “so no little kids can get it” (even when no little kids are here playing). And, she regularly forgets where she hides it. Alas!
B: Hey mom!
T: Yea?
B: I just said a prayer so Jesus could look for my little stuff with me.
T: Ok. Good. After your nap you and Jesus can look for it then.
B: Okay. Good night.
T: Good night.

When I die, Chris can have my toys
B: Um, when I die, Chris can have my toys.
T: What? Chris? When you die? What are you talking about?
B: When I die he can have them.
T: I don’t want you to die.
B: I won’t. But if you leave me, I will.
T: I won’t leave you then.
B: But if you go somewhere and you don’t take me with you then I will die.
T: Oh really.
B: Yea, I will just die. And then Chris can have my toys.
T: You’re not going to die.

How did Spencer get in there?
Talking about (and to) her unborn brother…
B: I can feel him move. He wants to play with me.
T: Yea, he probably does.
B: “Spencer, are you going to come out of there?” …I really want him to come out.
T: So do I. But he’ll be in there a little while still.
B: How did Spencer get in there?
T: What?
B: How did he get into your tummy?
T: Oh. Daddy put him there.
B: Why?
T: Because he wanted us to have a baby.
D: (giving me a strange glance) I liked you so much that I wanted to have another kid just like you.
B: Oh. But, why?
T: Because then we could have two really cool kids. One Bridget and one Spencer.
B: Yea, two kids.

Where did Daddy get you?
B: Where did we get Lucy?
T: Well, daddy got her. A lady just asked daddy, “Do you want to buy my dog?” and daddy said, “sure”
B: (To Lucy) We got you from a lady.
A few minutes later…
B: Where did daddy get you?
T: Huh. Where did daddy get me?
B: Yea.
T: Daddy just found me, and he married me.
B: You were lost?
T: Not exactly. Its kind of hard to explain.
B: Oh. (a couple of moments of thoughtful silence) When daddy comes home, he’s going to hide. Then I’m going to find him and marry him.
T: Oh really. How are you going to marry him?
B: I’m just going to take him to the temple. The Logan Temple. And marry him.
T: How exciting.
Later that day, to daddy…
B: I’m so glad you found mommy, so she isn’t lost anymore.
D: Huh? (looking to me for explanation)
T: (explains things)
D: I’m glad I found mommy too.
B: Later, when you get lost, I will find you and marry you.
D: Oh really.
B: Yea. I will.

Two Moons
B: Look, the moon!
T: Yep, that is the moon. It looks pretty cool, doesn’t it?
B: Its on top of the mountain. Silly moon. And when it comes down lower and lower, I will be able to touch it.
T: Probably not, but that would be pretty neat.
B: Yea, it would.
Later, during the same drive…
B: Look. I saw the moon again. Two moons.
T: No, there’s only one moon. You just saw it twice.
B: No, there are two moons.
T: Actually there isn’t. It just looks like its in a different place.
B: (getting mad) TWO! I saw two moons. There are two moons. Not one moon. Two moons.
T: You think there are two moons, do you?
B: Yea.
T: Ok.

Just my teeth
T: Is there something in your mouth? What are you eating?
B: I’m not eating anything.
A few minutes later…
Marissa: Bridget, what’s in your mouth?
B: Not anything. Just my teeth.

Later, when I get married
This conversation took place almost a week after the initial “Where did Daddy get you” conversation.
B: Later, when I get married…
T: Wait. You’re going to get married? Who is going to marry you?
B: Daddy. When I get lost daddy will find me and he will marry me.
T: Oh.
B: And later you can eat a cupcake at my wedding.
T: I can? Are you and daddy going to have a cupcake too?
B: No, just you.

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November 16th, 2008 · family, random

Also in August (actually the same day as the zoo), we had a BBQ with my family… parents, siblings/spouses, and kids.

We ate outside on some picnic tables on a piece of land my parents own neighboring my brother’s house. So far the land has been used only for gardening and for the storing all manner of random things my parents can get their hands on.

Here is a picture of the most of us. Notice the weird faces people are pulling. And notice the random pile of wood and foam core in the background. And notice, if you can, the tent under which we are all sitting… you can’t really tell from the picture, but it was once a giant vinyl banner for some company – now its a redneck canopy.

But the best part about being a redneck…

Is the entertainment.

Check out these videos:

Now, it should be noted, that I love my family dearly. And I’m not really trying to make fun of them (or us). Ok, yes I am. But I do have a pretty exciting family, you have to admit! Love you guys!

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The Zoo

November 15th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, dave, family, tina

Back in August (yes, I’m a little behind), we had the opportunity to visit Hogle Zoo as a family. My sister, Karla, joined us in the fun. Bridget and I had gone last summer, but this was the first time all of us had been together.

We had a great time visiting all the animals.

Here are some pictures.

Waiting for the Elephant show to start…

Bridget, enjoying a nice cold beverage in her new plastic elephant bottle…

Daddy and Bridget checking out some animals…

Aunt Karla, and a very fierce lion…

Bridget and I. And a zebra…

When we got to the zoo, we were greeted by a family in the parking lot that had 2 extra admission tickets they couldn’t use. They very graciously gave them to us. Thank you, whomever you are. We appreciate the gesture. Know that we would have tried to pay you for them, if we’d had any more than $0.30 in cash at the time.

At any rate, it was fun to be able to get away as a family for the day, and visit the zoo! It was a bit of a rarity this summer with Dave’s hectic schedule (lots of school, and a big work project). We really enjoyed the zoo, and look forward to visiting again – maybe next summer!

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Our Anniversary!

November 13th, 2008 · dave, family, tina

Today is our 4th Wedding Anniversary!! In celebration of this day, I thought I’d share a few of pictures of us from our wedding.

Here are some engagements and bridals too…

It’s too bad this old building fell down. It may have been a safety hazard, but it sure was a great place for pictures.

I also wanted to publicly (or as publicly as this blog is), let Dave know how much I love him and how grateful I am to be his wife. He is a great guy, hardworking, caring, and always keeping my and Bridget’s best interests in mind. He is a wonderful father, who loves his daughter very much. The last 4 years have been great, and I look forward to many, many more. Dave, I love you! Happy Anniversary!

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Fun with Pumpkins

November 11th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, family

I’ve been very hit and miss on my blog the past month. Its been crazy.
I can’t pretend that things are really slowing down too much, but I am going to try to get back to blogging. So here we go…

Last month, we did a couple of activities with Pumpkins.

Bridget painted one…

(she also painted that wooden boat)

We carved a pumpkin. This is the design we started with…

Bridget tried really hard to help.

This is the design we ended up with. Haha. It only took cutting through the web a couple of times before we changed course.

All lit up…

Then there was decorating Pumpkin cookies at a ward sponsored activity.

We also made pumpkin pie, pumpkin roll, and pumpkin ice cream pie. I don’t have pictures of those though.

We sure like pumpkins.

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November 10th, 2008 · random

A friend of mine has some brand new little Golden Retriever puppies she’s trying to sell, so I told her I’d post it here in case anyone I know is in the market for a puppy.

There are 10 puppies total. 5 male. 5 female. Here are a couple of pictures.

If you want more information, you can visit her website at – she has more pictures and prices up there.

She also mentioned being willing to hold them (with deposit) until Christmas.

Even if you don’t want a puppy, you should take a look. They are pretty cute!

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November 6th, 2008 · a day in the life, random

And the winner of the costume contest is….
She devil and the Grim.

Nope, not me. Oh well.
Looks like they took the one with 9.5 and the highest number of votes. Dave was thinking that since they make their money by the number of people that visit their site and click through the ads, that its all about the networking. The winner is the one that gets the most people to visit the site. Dumb, if that’s the case.

Thanks again everyone for voting and letting me go on and on about this. I appreciate you.

So, I didn’t win anything, but I got this lovely little stamp on my profile over there:

Yup, I was a finalist. Haha.

Oh well. Thanks again!

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