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Tasters Panel

March 12th, 2008 · food, random

The following individuals have been chosen to participate in the Costa Vida vs. Costa Tina Sweet Pork Burrito Taste-off!

The responsibility of this panel will be to assess the authenticity of the sweet pork, to compare flavors, and to blindly choose their burrito of choice. They were chosen based on entries submitted to the Sweet Pork Burrito (tasters needed) post. Each member of the tasters panel will be blindfolded, laughed at for being blindfolded, and given a variety of items to taste. Their responses will be recorded, their pictures will be taken, and both will be posted here for your assessment (and viewing enjoyment).

Without further adieu. . .

Tasters Panel Members:
Listed alphabetically.

Because he likes our Wii. And that makes him our friend.

Because he lives somewhat near Costa Vida.

Because she doesn’t eat much. And because Dave likes leftovers.

Because she is the self-proclaimed queen of tasting contests. Though she did have 63 words in her entry. . .

He was late. But he is here because he agreed to be featured on this blog with his crepe recipe. And because he is going to make some for us.

Because he is an eater. And because Raelynn knows he looks good in a blindfold.

Because she has experience and good taste.

Made it to the panel because of the manly voice. And because he loves food.

Her name is not Fred. And its a good thing.

Because Pork is the other white meat. And because she has her own blindfold – which by the way, she should bring.

To fill in the the event that one of the above tasters is found to be unavailable.

Chosen as an alternate because he doesn’t eat black beans. Besides, “Mmm….food” was officially the shortest entry.

Chosen as an alternate because I’m not sure what Bridget’s cuteness has to do with sweet pork.

Chosen as an alternate because I’m not sure what his cuteness has to do with sweet pork. And, would he wear a blindfold?

And there it is friends. Our panel of highly qualified and willing tasters. Taste-off to commence on Friday, March 21st at 6:00 p.m.

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“Now you’re thinking with portals”

March 11th, 2008 · techno geeks

There’s a computer game released by Valve I’ve been wanting to pick up ever since I heard about it 2 years ago. The game is called Portal. Wikipedia has this to say about Portal:

The game consists primarily of a series of puzzles that must be solved by teleporting the player’s character and other simple objects using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (“Portal Gun” for short), a unit that can create an inter-spatial portal between flat planes. The player character is challenged by an AI named “GLaDOS” to complete each puzzle in the “Aperture Science Enrichment Center” using the Portal Gun with the promise of receiving cake when all the puzzles are completed. The unusual physics allowed by the portal gun are the emphasis of this game….

Here’s are a few videos I had seen that got me lusting over the game.

Portal’s fascination for me is that it does some crazy-cool stuff with physics, i.e., preserving momentum and orientation through portals. The computer system (GlaDOS) that is narrating through the game has a serious passive-aggressive personality and the turrets say some very funny things, “there you are,” “no hard feelings,” “are you still there,” “Hey, it’s me! Don’t shoot!”

Well, I finally picked up the game last week. I love it. It came in a bundle called The Orange Box with several other games included: Half Life 2, Half Life 2: Episode 1, Half Life 2: Episode 2, and Team Fortress 2. I’ve been doing my best to throttle back instead of immerse myself in a dungeon for the next month while I play. I hope Tina and Bridget don’t feel too abandoned.

The ending of the game is probably the best game ending I have ever experienced. Since it is so clever and amazing, it is worthy of its own post (also then others that might end up purchasing this game will have sufficient warning before I spoil anything). Look for a follow-up post about the game’s ending and other great Portal-related findings.

One last thing: I found this 2D Flash version that some people created after seeing the trailers included above. The Flash version is found here.

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Final call for tasters!

March 10th, 2008 · food, random

Just a reminder that this is the last day to submit your entry to be a tester in the Sweet Pork Burrito taste test.

We haven’t hit our goal of 10 testers yet, so come one come all!
Seriously, this is all about random fun. You want to have fun, right?
CLICK HERE to join the fun. Its easy, just follow the link and in the comments tell us in 50 words or less why you are going to be a great taster!

Oh, and we are in need of some male representation here. Step it up men! 🙂
(Not that many men actually read this blog, but whatever)

So, go click that link! You’ll be missing out if you don’t!

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When kids play. . .

March 9th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget

We have a security camera setup in Bridget’s room. Dave got it free from a guy at work.

It’s been great to see what she’s up to without having to go needlessly interrupt her play. And its been really fun to watch her as she works to fall asleep – she is all over the place. One day a few weeks ago, we decided to record the feed while she was playing with a couple of friends.

The idea being to show the evolution of her room from being relatively clean to being a great big mess. Its amazing the mess a bunch of two-year-olds can make.

This video represents about 2 hours of play. It was sped up 5000% to make a 2 minute video. Enjoy!

Note: there are a couple of spots in the video where it seems to jump ahead – these represent times when the camera battery died and when we had to switch tapes for the recording. Sorry for the gaps. Also, the second tape ended before we started the clean-up process so you’ll miss that part in the video.

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I’m a Movie Star

March 8th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget

Dark shades. And solemn faces.

An quick grin or giggle for the telephoto lens of the paparazzi, without stopping long enough to remove the glasses that cover her eyes.

And a rare peek beneath the tinted shades.

Any questions?

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March 7th, 2008 · a day in the life, random

Yesterday was Lucy’s birthday.

She is 5 in people years, or 33 in dog years.
I found this nifty online dog year converter. Apparently the 7 dog years to 1 human year thing isn’t exactly true – or so says this website.

Anyway. It was her birthday.

And she really wasn’t all that thrilled about getting her picture taken in that hat. This is how she really felt about it.

But, I bribed her with dog treats to get her to sit still and wear the silly hat – so we are still friends. She likes dog treats. Really, she is a very tolerant dog. She lets me get away with all manner of cheesy photo-related things. She’s been posed with an Easter basket and a stuffed bunny, wearing a Santa hat, with her head in a stocking, and surrounded by Christmas lights – to name a few. She’s really gentle with little kids too – though I wouldn’t typically go so far as to say that she ‘likes’ them. We really couldn’t ask for a better dog.
Anyway – In celebration of her birthday, Lucy gets wet dog food (as opposed to that dry stuff she eats day in and day out).

This year, Josh was visiting and got to join in the celebration. Watching Dave open the can of dog food was terribly suspenseful.

We sang Happy Birthday, but Lucy was a little anxious to dive in and didn’t let us finish. Dave had to blow out the candle for her. Silly dog.
(Check out her eyeball – she is seriously lusting after that ground up turkey dinner)

She devoured her birthday meal in about 2 minutes flat. And these two little punks watched her eat every bite.

So, there you have it. A doggy birthday party. Oh the excitement!

Happy Birthday Lucy!!

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Pudding Pow-wow

March 6th, 2008 · college life, the funniest people we know

One summer my roommates and I had this great idea (we had lots of great ideas).

See, we lived in this particularly boring non-social apartment complex – and we were going crazy. So we decided that we wanted to throw some sort of crazy party that might help us get some of our quiet not so social neighbors out of their apartments.

The Logan Institute had just held its annual Green Jell-o slide on the quad, and we were discussing how cool it would be if we could do that INSIDE our apartment. The problem was that when jell-o isn’t cold. Its liquid. We didn’t want to ruin our apartment, so staining the walls and carpets wasn’t really an option. The gears in our crazy heads got a turning and we realized that pudding might be a reasonable alternative to jell-o.

So we began planning. . .

  • We went to Home Depot and purchased a 100′ roll of 6 mil. painters plastic to line the floor and lower walls of our living room and kitchen.
  • We went to Wal-Mart and bought 2 plastic kiddie swimming pools. And a couple of squirt guns.
  • We went to the church cannery and purchased 100 lbs. of chocolate pudding.
  • We arranged to borrow my dad’s drill w/ attached paint stirrer (to mix the pudding in the pools)
  • We collected a few cinder blocks (to hold down the plastic that lined the floor)
  • And we made and printed 500 of these fliers:

We were ready! We figured that since we lived in an apartment with a balcony when all was said and done we would use a plastic shovel to remove the majority of the pudding, then carefully remove the remaining pudding-coated plastic and throw it away. We figured we would have minimal mess on the walls of our apartment that we would have to scrub, and that we could simply hose down the balcony. The clean-up would be a bit rough. But worth it.

By the way. There were 6 girls living in that apartment. Everyone was in on it, and it was going to cost us $20 each to make it happen.

So we started distributing fliers.
The night they were printed we got 150 of them out (all to apartments on the south end of town). We figured we’d hit all the big near-campus apartment complexes the next night when everyone was home.

One of my roommates worked at Al’s Sporting Goods that summer, and she took a handful of the fliers to work with her to give to some friends. As luck would have it, the OWNER of our apartment complex was shopping at Al’s and happened to see the flier. He contacted our managers, who then came knocking at our door.

We were told that if we held the event on their property we would all be evicted.

Looking at our contract, I don’t think that they could have legally done that. Worst case, we would have lost our deposit – and that’s only if we damaged anything in the process. However, most of my roommates didn’t want to risk it.

Crushed that our Pudding Pow-wow was no longer going to happen, we began returning things. We returned the plastic to Home Depot, and the pools and squirt guns to Wal-Mart. But there was one problem – The cannery wouldn’t let us return the pudding! Not that I can really blame them, it came in 25lb brown paper sacks – but what were we going to do with 100lbs of chocolate pudding mix?? The thought of eating it all made us want to vomit, and having a pudding-eating party just didn’t have the same level of excitement associated with it. We had a dilemma.

Meanwhile, the day of the pudding pow-wow was here, and we had already hung 150 fliers.

Not wanting to explain our sad story over and over again to countless strangers, we hung a sign on our door announcing that “due to circumstances beyond our control” the party was canceled. Then we left. We locked our apartment, and we all went to dinner to laugh at ourselves. We came back around 9:30 (and hour after the pow-wow should have started. Only 4 people came knocking after that (we also left the sign on the door).

Alas! We still had 100lbs. of chocolate pudding in sacks leaning against our kitchen wall.

At ward prayer the following Sunday we were discussing the details of our sad story with a couple of friends, when it suddenly occurred to us that there must be something a large group of young single adults could do with that much pudding. It didn’t take long for us to convince the activities committee that we needed to have a pudding party. Our bishop graciously donated his backyard for the event.

It wasn’t nearly as cool as it would have been inside our apartment, but we still had a great time.

Here is a video of the pudding party as it turned out (note: I cut it down from 16 min to about 5, but its a bit long (may take a few minutes to load), you may not want to watch all of it):

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Random Bridget Funnies

March 5th, 2008 · bridget

This is just a small collection of some of the funny things that Bridget has been saying lately. She’s a riot.

Daddy Kay Ernstrom
Tina: What is your name?
Bridget: Bridget Kay Ernstrom
Tina: What’s my name?
Bridget: Your name is mommy.
Tina: I am your mommy, but my name is Tina Maria Ernstrom.
Tina: What is daddy’s name?
Bridget: Daddy Kay Ernstrom
(Our names have now evolved to “Tina Kay Ernstrom,” “Dave Kay Ernstrom,” and “Bridget Kay Ernstrom.” – she even told me the other day that Grandma’s name was “Grandma Kay Ernstrom”)

You’re a BOY big girl
The other night, after Bridget had successfully gone potty.
Daddy: I’m a big girl now!
Bridget: No, you are not a girl. You a boy.
Daddy: I’m a big girl now!
Bridget: No, you not a big girl. I’m a big girl. You’re a boy big girl.

I get it for Christmas
A few hours after she’d been given the Ratatouille PEZ dispenser for being accident free for a week. Michelle and Josh (and Chris) were over playing.
Michelle: That looks like Linguini. What did you get that for?
Bridget: Um, I get it for Christmas.

I’m stuck in my meeting
She went into her closet and closed the door. We had the following conversation through the door. It’s particularly funny if you remember our previous “Stuck in a Meeting” conversation.
Tina: What are you doing in there?
Bridget: I am at my work.
Tina: Ok, you work hard in there.
Bridget: I am stuck in my meeting
Tina: (laughs quietly)
Bridget: I am not stuck in my meeting anymore. I’m just at work now.

I fell asleep. Got beat up.
A quick conversation we had the other morning. She was looking kind of sad. Do you know what movie this line is from? I think she’s watched it one too many times. If you don’t know what movie it is, click here.
Tina: Are you ok?
Bridget: No.
Tina: What’s wrong?
Bridget: I fell asleep. Got beat up.
Tina: You are silly.
Bridget: (laughs)

I don’t have any Whistles
At the kitchen table a couple of mornings ago.
Bridget: I don’t have any whistles.
Tina: You don’t have any what?
Bridget: I don’t have any whistles.
Tina: Ok. Eat your breakfast.
Bridget: I don’t have any whistles. See (she flexes). No whistles.
Tina: Muscles?
Bridget: (still flexing) I don’t have any muscles.
Tina: Yes you do. I see some muscles.
Bridget: I have muscles! I am really strong.

Bridget: Where’s Disneyland?
Tina: In California
Bridget: I want to go there.
Tina: Ok. We’ll go in May. Is that a good idea?
Bridget: Yea. That is a good idea
…10 minutes later
Bridget: You wanna go Disneyland with me?
Tina: Yea. That would be so fun!
Bridget: Okay. You can go.

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Because I’m obsessed

March 4th, 2008 · a day in the life, food

I think I’ve gotten a little out of control in this quest to perfect my Costa Vida burrito recipe. I need some serious help. . . really, its borderline obsession here.

We had some friends over a few nights ago, and I thought it would be fun to try a whole array of Costa Vida sweet pork menu items. I can’t say that all of the items came as close to being authentic as the burritos – but it sure was fun to try.

Also, we still need more people for the Sweet Pork Burrito taste-off. Please volunteer here.

Sweet Pork Salad
(flour tortilla, black beans, rice, sweet pork, green leaf lettuce, pico, grated Parmesan cheese, tortilla strips, dressing)
We attempted to make the tortilla strips but cutting corn tortillas into strips and frying them in oil. It kind of worked.
The dressing used on the salad is the Tomatillo Ranch Dressing (recipe found here, and listed below)

Tomatillo Ranch Dressing
1 Buttermilk Ranch Mix packet.
2 cups mayo
2 cups buttermilk (or 1 cup sour cream and 1 cup milk)
2 tomatillos
1 jalapeno, seeded
1/2 – 1 bunch cilantro, chopped
1 Tbs lime juice
1 clove garlic, crushed

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend well.

Sweet Pork Tacos
(corn tortillas, sweet pork, lettuce, and pico – served with cilantro-lime rice and black beans)

Sweet Pork Enchiladas
(corn tortillas, sweet pork, and Monterey jack cheese – smothered with green chili enchilada sauce – served with rice and beans)

Sweet Pork Nachos
(tortilla chips, black beans, sweet pork, and Monterey jack cheese – heat to melt cheese – serve with pico, sour cream, and guacamole)

Sweet Pork Burrito
(flour tortilla, black beans, cilantro lime rice, sweet pork, Monterey Jack cheese, green chili enchilada sauce – smothered with additional sauce and cheese – served with green leaf lettuce and pico de gallo )

Sorry if you are getting a little tired of all this sweet pork stuff. But hey, its what’s going down around here lately. And we, at least, are having fun with it. Everyone should experience this at least once. If you are looking for the post with the recipe for the pork, rice, etc. . . its here.

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Hey Wilhelm!

March 3rd, 2008 · techno geeks

If you have never heard of the “Wilhelm Scream,” then this post may change the way you watch movies.

Wikipedia gives background on the “Wilhelm Scream” as such:

The Wilhelm scream is a stock sound effect first used in 1951 for the film Distant Drums…it is probably one of the best-known cinematic sound clichés…The Wilhelm scream is often used when a character is plummeting to a great distance, usually falling off a ledge. Its use in the Star Wars films was the beginning of something of an in-joke among some sound designers of the film industry. They continued to try to incorporate it into films wherever feasible. Because of the popularity of the sound, people are still finding it in older movies and shows. See Wikipedia article for more details and an list of appearances of the Wilhelm Scream.

Here are two YouTube videos that demonstrate how the scream has been included in movies.

The scream has been included in many, many movies. In fact, I heard the Wilhelm Scream during the Pixar short “Lifted” which was included on the Ratatouille DVD.

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