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Our Family

August 6th, 2008 · 11 Comments · bridget, family

As promised, here is the picture Bridget drew of our family. She actually drew it more than a month ago – its been hanging on our fridge and I just recently got around to scanning it in.

Her people drawing skills are starting to blossom. Check it out:

She drew a similar one (on orange paper) for my sister – of her family. I forgot to scan that one before we mailed it to them though. Oh well.

So, what do you think? We look a bit like aliens if you ask me, but I still think its great!


11 Comments so far ↓

  • Sandra

    I love how Dave’s head is so big he he.

  • Mother of the Wild Boys

    She really is good at drawing. 🙂

  • Kellee

    Did I miss a post about you being pregnant? Congrats if y0u are!!

  • Tina

    Kellee- Nope! You didn’t miss anything. This was my ‘see who will notice’ post. I figured I’d officially post/announce it here next week when we find out gender. Thanks for the congrats!

  • Hilarie

    Cute picture. The baby in Mom’s tummy was the first one I actually looked at…. lol. Congrats! You are already going to be finding out gender soon? Wow! Can’t wait to find out 🙂

  • Mother of the Wild Boys

    For the record, I did notice. I’m just not brave enough to be the first to ask!

  • Tina

    Shauntae – you make me laugh. That thought also crossed my mind… that people may not ask even if they wonder… but I’m kinda weird so I didn’t really care too much if people only suspected for the next week. Sorry, I’m kind of evil like that.

  • Angie

    Congratulations! That’s a clever way to announce it. So, do we all get to hear how far along you are? When’s the due date? I’m sure she’ll be a wonderful big sister!

  • Tina

    Angie – I am just over 18 weeks along. So the due date is officially January 9th… but if I have to have a C-section again, I think we’ll try for December 31st. We should find out whether its a boy or girl next Tuesday! Bridget kept telling me it was a boy, up until a few weeks ago… now she’s saying girl. Who knows. She’s pretty excited though.

  • Ellen

    Wow, I was just wondering about this when I saw you at the park. I am so happy for you guys! I saw the picture and started checking your old posts to see if there was one about a baby coming, but then I came to comment and noticed the other comments and your comments back. Congrats to your family. You hide it well!

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