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Valentine’s Day!

February 14th, 2009 · bridget, dave, family, random, spencer, tina

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Valentines Day has never really been a major holiday for me. Sure its nice to celebrate with the people you love, but I’ve never really thought that things needed to be extravagant or overdone. Maybe I’m weird or crazy – I don’t know. I think its a great excuse to celebrate, but I don’t expect (or even want) expensive jewelry or fancy limo rides to overpriced destinations. I’ve told Dave that I’m more of a single rose and a kiss kinda girl. Maybe a love note. Chocolate is okay too. Simple stuff.

This year we are going to celebrate by having Dave home all day Saturday (a somewhat rare occasion lately) and Sunday night with a homemade Chinese dinner. Yum.

That being said, I wanted to express my LOVE for my family. I have the most wonderful kids. Spencer is such an easy baby and so well tempered. I love that he holds my hand when I feed him or when I’m holding him as he drifts off to sleep. I love the little noises he makes and how cuddly he is. He really is a sweet baby. And Bridget… she is so fun. I love having such a big girl. She makes me laugh everyday. I love that she loves to play with me (even though some days I don’t want to), and I love that she tries so hard to be helpful. I also love her huge heart. She hates seeing people sad or upset, and tries her hardest to make them feel better. I love my kids!

I also love my husband! I love that he works so hard to support us. I love that he loves to play with the kids and that he’d rather be home with us than be gone. I love that cares so much about me and my well being. I love that he kisses me goodbye every morning and occasionally calls throughout the day to say “I love you.” I love the little things that show me he cares (even though I sometimes complain about having my neck kissed while I’m cooking or about getting goosed up the stairs). I love his brain. He is very intelligent and thoughtful in his work, and he comes up with some amazing things. I love his smile and his laugh. And his eyes. And..
Happy Valentines Day my dear family! I love your guts!!

On another note…

Bridget attended her first Valentines Day party this year. In years past we hadn’t really bothered to explain anything about the practice of giving or receiving valentines. This year I took her to the store and let her choose some valentines to give to her friends. She chose Disney Princess valentines with princess pencils. She decorated an old Quaker Oats can for her “valentine mailbox” and wrote her name on each of the valentines so people would know who they were from. She did it all willingly and excitedly… even the name writing part. She wrote her name 16 times. After all that writing I could hear her in the other room spelling her name aloud. B-R-I…I D G-E-T. Hopefully she remembers how to spell it.

After she got home from the party we were sitting at the kitchen table and she was showing me all the valentines (mostly the candy) she got in her mailbox. I noticed that she still had a few valentines left and I asked her who she was going to give them too. The conversation went something like this…

T: You still have some valentines left. Do you have any other friends that weren’t at the party you’d like to give them to?
B: Um. Maybe Brakken. He wasn’t at the party.
T: Ok. You can give one to him. I don’t think he likes princesses though. What will he say if you give him a princess pencil.
B: He’ll just say thank you. He does like princesses.
T: Probably not. Boys usually don’t like princesses.
B: But I’m a princess and he likes me.
T: That is true.
B: See, he does like princesses.
T: Well. Okay.

I hope you all have a wonderful valentines day!

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Bibbity Boppity Boo

February 13th, 2009 · bridget

She asked me to do her hair like Cinderella.

But she also carried around a magic wand (a.k.a. plastic stick).

And she’s never seen the show.

I think this was the same day that she danced at the ball with daddy in our living room.

She thinks she’s cute.

She’s right.

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The road to becoming a millionaire…

February 11th, 2009 · a day in the life, random

The road to becoming a millionaire can be bumpy at times. Those that have reached that title in their lives are those that learn to have their money work for them. And nearly all of them will tell you that they’ve lost in their investments at one time or another.

Without loss there is no gain, right?

Maybe that means we’re on the right path. Maybe.

One of our goals in life is to learn how to get our money to work for us. And maybe, someday, we’ll find ourselves among those that call themselves millionaires. Wouldn’t that be nice! At minimum we would like to be financially free.

Anyway… in keeping with that goal we try to keep our eyes open to potential investments (particularly those with high yielding interest). Last March we signed on with one such investment. A relative had been doing the same investment for over a year with favorable results – around 7% return per month. At first it seemed too good to be true, but as the details were revealed it seemed more and more like a worthwhile venture. Besides, it helped to know someone else involved and know that they were succeeding. So we decided to go for it.

We figured that this was about the best time in our lives to take financial risks. And as many investments go, the higher the return the riskier the investment.

The minimum investment was $10,000. Let’s just say we put in more than the minimum. At 7% per month, the investment promised to repay itself in 14 months.

For the first six months everything was peachy! We were excited to see the payments come in and looked forward to the next one. We were paying down consumer debts and daydreaming about the days when it would all be icing. Several hundred dollars a month extra would be nice. Then around September something went wrong. We were told that there was a hold up in getting the funds deposited and that there would be a delay of a few weeks. A few weeks turned into a few months. Then we were told that the investment opportunity was no more and that our principle would be returned to us. Again was the promise of a few weeks turn around… again months passed.

We still have not received our principle. Nor any interest payments from the past several months.

We are still hopeful that we will, though we no longer expect to see anything “in the next couple of weeks.”

Yesterday we found out that the man with whom our money is invested is being investigated by the FBI and the SEC. Apparently the company we invested with is one of about 9 that have money tied up with this man. And apparently all of them have been getting the run around. From what I understand he has failed to show up to various court dates and has failed to pay by the dates set by the SEC. The investigation is considered global.

To say that things have gotten interesting would be an understatement.

I don’t know how the investigation will conclude, or how long it will take. It could be weeks, months, or years… but when its all over I’d like to think that we’ll see that money again.

In the meantime we have to view it as a speed bump on our road to financial independence.

Yes. It sucks. But what can you do.

The whole thing has me remembering my time as a “Campus Manager” for a company that collected credit card applications during my freshman year in college. To sum it up, I was responsible for hiring and training representatives that would solicit credit card applications on campus. After about a semesters worth of work and questioning some “gray” practices I learned that there were several open (unresolved) complaints with the Better Business Bureau against the man I worked for and a sister company. I added my complaint to the other outstanding complaints and the company was eventually shut down.

In the end, neither I nor my reps were given our final paychecks. And I had to break the news to the reps.

I’ll have to post that whole story later.

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Conversations with a toddler, VI

February 9th, 2009 · bridget, random

…yes, there are more…

How do you turn off the sun?
B: Mom, how do we turn off the sun?
T: We can’t.
B: Why?
T: Because the sun doesn’t have a light switch. It just gets light in the morning and dark at night.
B: But how does it do that?
T: Well, the earth rotates on its axis…
B: What?! The earth. What?!
T: I’ll explain it later (I think I need to get a globe and a flashlight to demonstrate)

Going to the Ball
B: I’m just playing in the living room.
T: What are you doing down there?
B: I’m just getting ready to go to the ball with Cinderella.
T: Oh really. Are you going to dance with the prince?
B: The little polly pocket prince?
T: Yay.
B: No. He’s too little.
T: Are you going to dance with a pretend bigger prince?
B: He’s not pretend. He’s real. Its Daddy!!
…Then she ran off to dance with Daddy at the Ball that was being hosted in our living room. All the polly pocket princesses were invited.

Dinosaurs are bad for our bodies
B: If I see a dinosaur I’ll just poke him.
T: Poke him? Why will you poke him.
B: Because dinosaurs are bad for our bodies.
T: Oh.

Who made the dinner?
B: When you and daddy were babies, who made the dinner?
T: Grandma and grandpa.
B: Who made the dinner when grandma and grandpa were babies?
T: Their mommy’s and daddy’s.
B: Oh. Who made the dinner when grandma and grandpa were babies?
T: Well, we weren’t all babies at the same time.

But, mommy is not from LOST
D: Hey Bridget. Who is taller, Jack or Sawyer?
B: Jack.
D: Who is prettier, Jack or Sawyer?
B: Um… Sawyer.
D: Who is prettier, Kate or Juliet or mommy?
B: But, mommy is not from LOST.
D: I know. Who is prettier, Kate or Juliet or mommy?
B: Kate.
D: Kate is prettier than mommy?
B: Yes, she is.
A few minutes later…
T: I wonder if I am prettier than Sawyer…
D: I don’t know, but I can find out.
(P.S. When asked I was told that I was prettier than Sawyer. There is hope for me still!)

The store that sells kids
This is a conversation between my cousin, Liz, and Bridget in the car one day.
L: Do you think one day I could have a cool little girl like you?
B: Yea, you can. Just when you go to the store that sells kids you can find one just like me.
L: The store that sells little kids. Oh. Do you think I can afford one?
B: Yes, you can.
L: How much does a little kid like you cost?
B: Just some quarters, I think.

Better than Snow White
B: Mom! I’m better than Snow White at eating apples!
T: You are? What makes you better?
B: I’m just better.
T: But why?
B: Because when Snow White eats apples she just falls asleep. I don’t fall asleep when I eat apples.
T: Well, that’s because the old lady gave her a poison apple. If you got a poison apple I bet you would fall asleep too.
B: No, I wouldn’t. I would just say awake.
T: I don’t think you would have a choice.
B: Not any choices? Why?
T: Because it would be poisoned. The poison would make you fall asleep.
B: No it wouldn’t
T: Really? Why not?
B: Because I’m just bigger and bigger.

The way shaving makes you smell
The other night Dave shaved and put on some cologne. The following is a comment from Bridget shortly after…
B: Oh, Daddy! I love the way shaving makes you smell!

I’m not on sale
Another conversation with my cousin Liz. Note: Bridget is confused between the terms “on sale” and “for sale.”
B: Do you want to buy something at my store?
L: You have a store? What are my options?
B: There are books, or polly pockets, or train tracks.
L: I want to buy you.
B: Noooo. I said books or polly pockets or train tracks.
L: But I want to buy you.
B: You can’t. I’m not on sale.
L: Why not?
B: Because I’m a kid.

A big ‘ol snot bug
D: What color are you today?
B: I’m white
D: White, huh? I’m orange.
B: Mommy, what color are you?
T: I think I’m green. The color of a big yucky booger. (I wasn’t feeling very good that day)
D: Ew!! Well, you are what you eat!
T: Gross.
B: And if you eat too many boogers you’ll turn into a big ‘ol snot bug.
T: Oh really.
B: Yea, and then I’ll blow you a way.

B: Mommy, will you play with me?
T: I need to feed Spencer right now. But I can after.
B: I want you to play with me now.
T: But Daddy can’t feed Spencer. He doesn’t have any boobs.
D: Yes, I do. We can try this.
B: (Watching intently as he lifts up his shirt)
D: Do you think it will work? Will Spencer get any milk?
B: No.
D: Why not?
B: Because when you drink milk it just goes down down down to your tummy.
T: (sarcastically) Well, its a good thing I drink a lot of milk.
D: How do you think the milk gets into mommy’s boobs?
B: Spencer just sucks it out of there.
D: But how does it get in there?
T: How do my boobs get filled up with milk?
B: You just drink milk (demonstrating) and it goes down down to your boobs. And they fill up.
D: Does that mean that if you drink enough milk your boobs will get bigger
B: Yea. Then they won’t be stuck in anymore.
Ironically, I drink less milk than either Dave or Bridget.

A Short White Dress
D: Where did you get all of your cuteness from? Was it me? Or mommy?
B: I just got it at the temple
D: Really? You got your cuteness at the temple?
B: Yea, and I got married while I was there.
D: You did?
B: And I wore a really pretty white dress. But it wasn’t long. It was just short.
D: A short white dress?
B: Yay.
D: You’re pretty cute, you know that?
B: I know.

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Blessing Day

February 8th, 2009 · a day in the life, bridget, family, spencer

Last Sunday we blessed Spencer. It was great to have so many family members join us at church and in our home that day. Thanks to everyone who came, participated, and visited with us. We love you all!

Jut for fun, I thought I’d post a picture of our family last Sunday as well as one from the day Bridget was blessed.

2/1/09: Spencer’s Blessing Day

1/8/06: Bridget’s Blessing Day

We think they look a lot alike. I still haven’t taken Spencer’s portraits in his blessing outfit, but when I do I’ll be sure to post them side by side with Bridget’s.

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February 7th, 2009 · bridget, random, spencer

Just a bunch of random things that don’t really have another home…

  • Spencer doesn’t like to be swaddled anymore. He gets mad. Really mad. The kid isn’t even 2 months old yet.
  • I told Bridget that I hate being sick. She told me that I shouldn’t hate.
  • Last week Bridget told us that she didn’t want to be part of our family anymore. That she wanted to live at her friends house and have her friend’s parents as her own. She said she wouldn’t miss us. She was dead serious, and bawling when we told her she had to come home with us. It sucked. I wanted to cry.
  • I’m not crafty. But I’ve been painting a lot of stuff lately. And I’m starting to feel crafty. Scary.
  • We set up the baby swing for Spencer yesterday. He seems to like it.
  • Emma (Bridget’s doll) has been having tummy time lately. Bridget tried nursing again yesterday. Her doll eats fast.
  • I think its cruel to make us wait a week between episodes of LOST. Can they just release the whole season at once?
  • I was bored (and sick) the other day and I was poking around on I ended up watching The Bachelor. Later that day I was playing polly pocket princesses with Bridget. She only has one Prince and she was making the princesses fight over who got to marry him. I had to laugh.
  • I’m having a love affair with Strawberry Limeades from Sonic. I started craving them when I was pregnant, and I haven’t stopped. I’ve also recently been craving Honeymoon Bliss cookies and the bread they serve at the Iron Gate Grill.

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Doctor in the house

February 3rd, 2009 · a day in the life, bridget, spencer

You know those moments when your kids do something that maybe they shouldn’t do, or something that makes you just a little bit nervous, but they are so dang cute doing it that you can’t get mad?

Well, we had one such moment a couple of weeks ago…

Bridget is excited for the day that Spencer can really PLAY with her. So excited, in fact, that she always tries to find things he can do with her. She even asked me the other day if she could have her friends over to play with Spencer. When I asked her what they would all play that Spencer could do with them, she responded, “We’ll all just play tummy time.” Haha… I bet her friends would love that.

She knows that Spencer can’t play with toys yet. And she knows that she isn’t allowed to put toys in the crib. So when I walked in on her “doctoring” Spencer she was a little worried that she’d get in trouble. She was so adorable. She made sure to let me know that she wasn’t leaving the toys in the crib, just using them because Spencer was sick and in need of some doctoring. I couldn’t be mad. She really was being soft and careful with him. Instead I got my camera, took a few pictures, and reminded her to be really soft with him.

Isn’t this the most adorable thing?

She really is a great big sister. Thanks, Bridget, for taking such good care of your little brother.

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Finger paint? Or paint your fingers??

January 30th, 2009 · bridget, random

I think we are a little unclear on which it is.

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Book Report: The Boy Who Whouldn’t Share

January 29th, 2009 · a day in the life, bridget, random

I picked up this book the other day for Bridget.

The Boy Who Wouldn't Share

I wasn’t familiar with the author, but the reviews I’d read intrigued me. After having read it, I have to say that I’m impressed. The text is pretty simple, it rhymes, and it gets the point across. Bridget loved it. We read it at least six times the day we got it, and quite a bit since then too. She told me that its her favorite book.

The illustrations are a little bit out there. The children depicted in the book are not glamorous… some may argue that they are downright hideous. The drawings reminded me of something I’d see from Dr. Seuss. The Grinch, maybe, only uglier. Hideous, or not, I think that the artwork does a great job portraying the message of the book – as any good illustration would.

The story is of a boy named Edward. Edward has a lot of toys, but refuses to share them even with his sister. Each time she tries to play with one if his toys he quickly takes it from her. At the end of the book his sister, Claire, helps him out from a pile of toys and shares with him. He has a change of heart, begins to share, and the two head off to play together.

After a couple of reads I caught her playing dolls… “This is the princess who wouldn’t share,” she told me. She proceeded to reenact portions of the book with her little princess dolls. One was saying ‘Its mine’ and another was sad, but eventually they shared and played nice. I thought it was cute.

I’ve also caught her trying to “read” it herself.

Anyway, I recommend this book.

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Slurpee Run

January 27th, 2009 · a day in the life, bridget, random, spencer

Its pretty rare to have a warm day in January around here… so when one came we decided to take the opportunity to go for a walk.

One of Bridget’s favorite summer activities was to take a walk to the local 7-11 and get slurpees. So when I suggested a walk she immediately requested that we also go get a slurpee. Why not? Right?

So we headed out on our little trek to 7-11… Spencer in the stroller and Bridget on her tricycle.

En route we decided to stop and visit one of Bridget’s little friends. Bridget invited her to come along for slurpees. Some of the sidewalks on our path were not very well shoveled, so we ditched the trike at her friends house and made the journey on foot.

I was a little bit worried because its a pretty decent walk for a three year old, and it had been several months since we’ve walked it… and even then, SHE had the stroller at her beckoning call. This time it was Spencer’s ride. Whether it was the company of a friend or the promise of a treat at the end of the journey, I don’t know, but we made it. We made it in one piece… happy and even decently warm. No bumps or bruises or scrapes of any kind. And no slipping on the ice. No incidents. Thank goodness.
Ah, sweet victory!

And we all had a great time too! Can’t wait for another warm day!!

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