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Remembering 9/11

September 11th, 2008 · college life, random, the hottest girls at USU, tina

In honor of the events that took place on this day 7 years ago, I thought I’d take a minute to share my experiences from September 11, 2001.

That particular school year I was living in “skankies” with the hottest girls at USU. Any of you that know these girls know that there was never any lack of excitement around our apartment. I had one roommate, Amanda, that was particularly dramatic.

I remember waking up that morning to Amanda screaming that the world was coming to an end.

I don’t remember exactly how the conversation went, but having known Amanda for many years and remembering her antics quite well, I am going to try to share the conversation as it might have been (I doubt I’m too far off).

A: “Teeny, wake up. The world is coming to an end.”
T: “What?”
A: “Get up! We’re being bombed. There are terrorists, we’re going to die.”
T: “What are you talking about? Leave me alone.”
A: “I’m serious. The world is over, we’re all going to die. Its going to be the second coming.”
T: “Calm down. We aren’t all going to die.”
A: “Please teeny, I’m scared. We are all going to die and you are just going to lay there and sleep. Get up!”
T: “Amanda!”
A: “Seriously. They’ll already bombed all of New York… this is it, the world is over. Teeny! Please.”
T: “Ugh! Fine. What is going on?”
A: “Come here” (dragging me into the living room toward the television)

When I got to the television the first plane had hit the North tower, coverage of the second plane unfolded as I watched. I think I was in a state of shock. I wasn’t really sure what I was seeing, and I don’t think I was fully convinced that it was real. Some strange movie perhaps?

By this point Amanda had succeeded at waking up the rest of our roommates and we were all watching the television is disbelief.

Amanda proceeded to tell us that the terrorists were probably coming to Logan next and that none of us should go up to campus, because we might get bombed. She tried to tell us that a big University like Utah State was very likely one of the next targets of these terrorists. Despite Amanda’s words of warning we all attended classes anyway.

It wasn’t until I was driving up to campus and saw the flag on Old Main Hill at half mast that I think it really started to set in for me.

When I got to campus it was nothing but a lot of solemn faces. People seemed to move in slow motion. There were large screen televisions set up in many of the common areas of the student center and in several other buildings around campus. Large groups of students gathered around the screens to watch, some only pausing momentarily on their way to class. No one really said anything. It was just a lot of silence. Some tears. A lot of gasps.

Many professors canceled classes. Some tried to hold discussions about the mornings events. And still others were business as usual. My classes that day fit into the former two categories.

I had the opportunity to visit New York City about 9 months prior. I’d toured the towers, and remember the view from the top of the towers. I couldn’t help but remember being there and remembering the height and vastness of the buildings. Watching images of the towers crumble to the ground was surreal. The images were shown over and over again that day, and in the weeks and months that followed.

I was blessed to have not lost any loved ones in the 9/11 attacks, but knew quite a few people that did.

Campus was no less dreary the following day. In addition to the numerous televisions replaying the gruesome footage, newspapers were now also plastered with headlines and images from the events just a day prior.

I still have one of those newspapers.

I remember attending a seminar months later in the ballroom on campus. A New York photographer that had taken some of the more iconic photos during the attacks and in the aftermath was there sharing his images and his experiences. It was interesting to relive the events through his work. But is also really made me want to visit ground zero. I’ve yet to make it back there.

In effort to lighten things up just a bit, lets fast forward one year…

September 11, 2002

As the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of the prior year was approaching, the news was again filled with images from that day. Information about clean up efforts, memorials, and death tolls were also shared.

And people were afraid to fly. Airlines were experiencing lower than normal volumes. I think that people feared additional attacks.

As a result, a couple of small no name airlines were offering low fare flights. National airlines was one such airline, offering flights for just $1 on the anniversary of 9/11. The only requirement was that both departing and returning flights be made on the same airline. Taxes and fees were additional. Destinations were available all over the United States. All just $1.

I wanted to visit New York. To see ground zero. I thought it a very appropriate day to do it too. But other locations included D.C. and Florida, Washington, Oregon, and California (to name a few).

A couple of good friends/former roommates and I decided to take advantage of this sweet deal.

UNFORTUNATELY, National Airlines didn’t fly out of Salt Lake.

But it did fly out of Vegas.

We decided that since we had to make our return flight on the same airlines, and since all flights on the 11th were only $1 that we’d just choose a destination that allowed us to make both departing and returning flights on the same day. That meant that New York was out.

It didn’t take long to settle on California. LAX, here we come!

We picked the earliest flight out, and the latest flight back.

9/11/02 fell on a Wednesday. So we left Logan on Tuesday evening and headed out on an 8 hour drive to Vegas. We probably made it into the city a little after midnight. Since we were all about going cheap this trip we passed on a hotel in favor of crashing on the ground at the airport. Each of us had a backpack and a beach towel. The backpacks made nice pillows, the towels were our blankets. We slept (or at least tried to) until our plane was ready to board around 6 am.

We weren’t the only ones on the plane with the great idea to take a day trip. A group of old men in plaid pants were also on our flight… headed out for a day of golfing.

When we landed in Los Angeles we headed to Fox Rent-A-Car (also having a sweet 9/11 anniversary deal) and picked up a rental car for $10 for the day… plus another $20 or so, since none of us were 25 years old then.

The rest of the day was spent at Venice beach. We played in the sand and the water, checked out the little shops along the beach, rented boogie boards and bicycles, and got really sunburned. We got some fun souvenir shirts and took lots of pictures. On the way back to the airport we stopped at Pizza Hut and filled up our rental with fuel.

It was a super-fun and way relaxing day!

We landed back in Vegas around 11:50 p.m. that day. We were exhausted and in pain from the tomato-red sunburns on the backs of our legs. It hurt to sit. The last thing we wanted was another 8 hour drive back to Logan.

But two of us had tests the next morning (in 7:30 a.m. classes), so we had to get moving. We probably drove a little faster than we should have… since we made it back to Logan around 6:30 a.m. AFTER having dropped off one girl in Orem.

It was just enough time to shower, attempt to wake up, and rush off to class.

It was a crazy long day, but it was one of the funnest things I’ve ever done. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat!!

Between gas to/from Vegas, $1 airfare + taxes, the rental car, boogie board/bike rentals, t-shirts, and pizza hut… we spent less than $60 each. Not bad for a little mini vacation!

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Imaginary Friends

September 9th, 2008 · bridget

Some of you may remember a post we did back in January about Bridget’s imaginary friend, Fuf-uff. Since January, another ‘friend’ has entered the picture. His/Her name is Di-di (pronounced Die-Die). Fuf-uff and Di-di typically come out to play more when Dave or I are unavailable to play with Bridget. They’ve sat at the table to join her for playdoh time. They’ve taken baths with her, and sometimes they ride in the car too.

Its not uncommon for her to go get them from whatever room they are in and take their hands to lead them wherever she wants to take them. Sometimes she sends me to get them for her. I have to walk out of the room and back in holding the hands of two imaginary friends. Its very interesting. Or maybe just odd.

They’ve been sick. They’ve been put in timeout. They sometimes eat with us at the table.

I still haven’t figured out what gender (or species) Fuf-uff and Di-di are. I do know that they are pretty small though. Bridget bends down to ground level to take their hands, and walks with her arms down while holding their hands. I’ve tried to get her to describe them to me… and I’ve tried making some drawings based on her descriptions… basically to no avail.

I’m not really concerned about these imaginary friends. Mostly just intrigued. Its an interesting part of a child’s development, and its fun to watch her interact with them.

Do any of your kids have imaginary friends? How do they manifest themselves?

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September 8th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget

With many of the kids in the area starting school (including some of Bridget’s good friends) these past couple of weeks, Bridget has been a little bit anxious. She’s been wanting to go to school for awhile now.

I have her on the waiting list for the Child Development Lab up at Utah State… but she hasn’t made it in yet. Hopefully in January.

In the meantime, a friend of mine told me about a program called Ready!Set!School! The Logan Family Center offers the classes free of charge. Its once a week for an hour, and focuses on some of the kindergarten readiness. We’ve only been once so far, but she seemed to really enjoy it. We’ll see how much she learns, but at least she’s excited to be going to “school” like everyone else.

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September 7th, 2008 · bridget

Take a look at these pictures. At first glance it may just look like a couple of pictures of Bridget eating toast…

What what you don’t know is that Bridget made this toast herself. She used a stool. She put the bread in the toaster. She took the completed toast out. She even buttered the toast herself. She was so proud of her accomplishment.

It all started when she saw me eating toast earlier that morning. A little while later she came in saying she was “hungry for toast.” I started making it, and she asked if she could help. We got out the stool, and I asked her if she’d like to do it all by herself. I just told her what steps to take to make it, and she did it.

She’s made toast twice since then.

I know, I probably should have taken pictures of her making it… I wasn’t so prepared. Its crazy to see her get so big, and want to do so many things herself.

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Preggers ‘n Proud

September 6th, 2008 · random

Since I know a lot of you women out there are pregnant, I thought I’d post a link to a sale I recently heard of at Preggers ‘n Proud.

They are having a 50% off sale on all of their maternity t-shirts. It runs through the 16th of this month.

If anyone is interested, use the coupon code Augnews at checkout to get the deal!  I think I’ll get some blank shirts, but I’m not sure about the ones with sayings yet. Check it out, and let me know which styles you like best!

And Happy Maternity wear shopping!

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Olive Garden

September 5th, 2008 · a day in the life, dave, food, tina

It would seem that my blog-cation vacation took a little longer than planned. I’ve started to get some mild harassment from some of you as to my absence. Sorry about that.

Anyway, it was nice to have a little bit of a break and not worry about blogging. There are a lot of things to report on now though… Its been a pretty busy week or so. We’ve had a great time having Dave home in the evenings though, and have taken great advantage of our time with him.

Most of its been family togetherness time, but last night we got to go on a date to the Olive Garden. Dave had gone 3 times in 3 days while he was in Delaware, and I was starting to feel a little left out (wink) so we decided to go reward ourselves for enduring such a chaotic summer. Thanks Shelly for watching Bridget!!

Olive Garden was great fun! And super yummy too.

We had a really hilarious waitress… somehow we found ourselves laughing with her every time she came to our table.  She mentioned that she’s been trying to duplicate Olive Garden’s Pumpkin cheesecake, and we talked about the Sweet Pork mayhem around here.

So, random waitress lady, if you happen to read this please know that we think you’re great! And we appreciate the service.
Let me know what you think of the Sweet Pork, and if you feel so inclined to share the Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe we’d love to partake! 🙂

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Mini Vacay!

August 28th, 2008 · random

I am busy…

Trying to catch up on all of the pictures I need to edit from the past couple of months. I have deadlines to meet.


Catching up on playtime with my ever-so-busy husband, who just returned from a business trip to Delaware.


…Oh I’m sure there’s other less interesting things too…. my yard, laundry, etc…

SO, I decided that I am going to take a little mini blogging vacation. I’ll be back Saturday maybe. If I feel like it. If I’m caught up. Maybe Monday or Tuesday.
Hm. I feel much better about things already!

In the meantime, please still come get these dang plums. I know you want some.

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ACPCG: Little Laurie

August 26th, 2008 · random, tina

A couple of years ago I joined a group called The American Child Photographers Charity Guild (ACPCG). Its a non-profit group of professional photographers that donate their time and talent to photographing children that are ill, premature, or that may otherwise have life threatening conditions.

For me, it is a nice way to serve while still doing something I love.

About 10 weeks ago, a dear friend of mine gave birth to her tiny little daughter at just 24 weeks gestation. Little Laurie was given a 50/50 chance to survive. She was born at just 1 lb. 11 oz. So far she has overcome many obstacles and is doing extremely well for a child her size. She is still in the NICU at Primary Children’s, but if things continue to go smoothly she should be able to return home with her family in another month or so. She reached 4 pounds yesterday!

I had the opportunity a couple of weeks ago to go to Primary and visit my friend and her sweet little girl. I took some portraits for them while I was there. My friend was kind enough to let me share them with you here.

Meet little Laurie.

If you happen to know anyone that could benefit from this service, please let them know about ACPCG and share the link above with them. There are volunteer photographers nationwide. It was a great experience for me, and I hope a blessing or benefit for the families involved.

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August 25th, 2008 · random

Pick Your Own Plums

We have 2 plum trees at our house. They are overrun with plums – ripe and ready for picking.

If anyone is interested in some plums we’d be happy to share. Feel free to help yourselves to the ones on the front tree… There are also more in the backyard, but please give me a call before coming for those!


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New Fish

August 24th, 2008 · a day in the life, random

We finally got our fish tank cleaned out and restocked.

Everything was pretty old and well used, so we replaced the rocks and scenery as well. And got some new tubes for the pump/bubbles.

Its fun to have fish again!

We got an Oscar, 2 red-tailed tinfoils, and a plecostomus (sucker fish). They are all really small right now… we are hoping that the Oscar will grow up and get to know the other fish rather then antagonizing them.

Now we just need to name them…

Oscars of the past have had names like Lazarus, Korihor, and Belthazor. We need something fitting.

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