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MLS #897414

July 7th, 2009 · a day in the life, domestic attempts, random

Well, its official.
Our home is for sale. Its on the MLS and beginning to propagate to a bunch of other real estate websites.

Check it out here:

And for more photos…

I suppose I should also explain myself in regard to our sudden departure from the home and quick move into the apartment.
We’ve been wanting to build for awhile now and knew we were going to sell our home. When Dave finished his MBA work at Utah State on the 6th of June we began to jump in with both feet. Looking at land, choosing a Realtor, moving things to storage, etc…

On the evening of Sunday, June 14th we decided that we needed to plow into this a little deeper and do everything we could to sell and sell fast. The following day I went apartment hunting. Tuesday of that week we filled out the application and by that Friday (June 19th) we were signed into a 7 month lease and starting to move into the apartment. Since then we’ve been moving,painting, cleaning, and finishing our basement (drywall, paint, carpet, wiring, etc). The end goal was not to move everything out of the house, but rather to stage the home for the best possible impression. We left all of our large furniture there, and rearranged things a bit more aesthetically. At our apartment we are sleeping on mattresses on the floor and eating on a folding table… boxes and air mattresses serve as substitutes for our actual mattresses at the house. Hopefully it works.

Its been a long, exhausting couple of weeks. But here we are.

There are still a few things we’d like to see happen at the house, but I think that there will always still be *something* that could be done there. But, the listing is done, the pictures are taken, and the house is tourable. So we can breathe a little now. Our apartment is still stacked with boxes and whatnot, but we are starting to feel a bit more settled.

So there you have it. Sorry to have left you all in the dark so long. I should be able to get back to a more regular blogging schedule moving forward as well. In the meantime, if you know anyone that wants to buy a house…

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Moving Tomorrow

June 18th, 2009 · Uncategorized

I haven’t blogged for awhile. I know. Sorry.

Just thought I’d mention that we’re moving tomorrow (and all weekend). We’ll be in an apartment for a few months, and then build.

Long story. I’ll explain later, but don’t be surprised if I’m MIA a little longer.
Our phone numbers will stay the same though, and we’ll be back and forth cleaning and moving things over the next several weeks.

Happy blogging. And goodbye for now.

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June 6th, 2009 · bridget, dave, family, random, tina

We took Bridget to see the new 3D Pixar flick earlier this week, UP.

It was a pretty cool movie, and it was kinda fun to wear the 3D glasses too!
Bridget was a little scared a couple of times, particularly when the “bad guys” (and scary dogs) got a little too close for comfort – ah, the power of 3D. But she did fine after getting to sit on my lap for the last half of the movie.

I really liked it. I think Pixar did some fun and clever things… and what a great concept, a house that floats away with a bunch of balloons.

If you haven’t seen this movie, check out the trailer:

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Happy Donut Day!

June 5th, 2009 · random

Yes. I’m serious.

Today is donut day. So is tomorrow.

Check it out:…

I hope you can all enjoy a donut today!

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Happy Birthday Mom!

May 31st, 2009 · family, random

Today is my mom’s birthday.

She’s 21. 🙂

I found this picture of her holding Spencer from our visit last month. I thought it was sweet.

Happy Birthday Mom, I love you!

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Grandpa’s Pancakes

May 30th, 2009 · bridget, family, food, random

Growing up, my dad would make us these fun-shaped pancakes. I remember a lot of mickey mouse heads and vaguely remember a character with a large hat… goofy maybe? Or the wolf from the Three Little Pigs story. He got pretty creative with them. Lots of shapes, and lots of fun memories.

Last month the kids and I went to visit my parents for a couple of days while Dave studied for finals. While we were there my dad made pancake shapes again for us. It was fun to see Bridget get excited about it like I did as a kid. Grandpa made her a butterfly, I tried my hand at a train, and Bridget got to make a smiley face (with assistance, of course). It was a fun blast from the past for me and a tradition I think I’ll have to carry on at home… at least every once in awhile.

Thanks Dad for the fun and yummy breakfast! We love you.

P.S. His pancake recipe is pretty awesome too! I’ll have to post that to The Slotted Spoon soon.

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Shrimp and Mushrooms

May 26th, 2009 · bridget, food, random

I’ve always been impressed at the diverse foods that Bridget is willing to try. Sometimes she even surprises herself (and me) and likes new/different things. Now, at just 3 1/2 years of age, she has a bit of an expensive taste. Its a curious thing. Even in her candy choices… she knows what chocolate is, and will choose it over everything else most days.

Maybe its because we let her suck on a piece of steak once when she was about 6 months old (she liked it, btw)? Maybe.

Anyway, Sunday afternoon I was making some casadias for lunch. I came up stairs to ask Dave and Bridget what they wanted in theirs. “I have Cheese, Ham, Mushroom, and Spinach,” I said, “What do you want?”

Bridget’s reply came quickly, “SHRIMP and MUSHROOMS!”

T: “I’d like shrimp in mine too. But we don’t have any shrimp.”
B: “I just really love shrimp”
T:”I know. But we have cheese, ham, mushrooms, and spinach.”
B: “I’ll have mushrooms. Just mushrooms.”

I ended up adding ham and cheese to hers as well as the mushrooms. She loved it and ate every bit. Go figure.

Yesterday we made shish kabobs on the grill. (We didn’t have shrimp, but in retrospect, we should have)…
Bridget asked me if she could have a ‘sis kabob’ with only mushrooms on it – she was forced to have some variety.

Today at lunch she asked for some mushrooms again. The leftover grilled-from-the-kabob kind. She ate them and loved them. Then she said, “Mom, do we have any shrimp?”

No, honey, sorry.

So then we had this conversation…

T: You really like shrimp and mushrooms, don’t you?
B: Yay, I do.
T: We don’t have any, but if someone were to ask you if you’d rather have shrimp and mushrooms or a peanut butter sandwich, what would you choose?
B: shrimp and mushrooms
T: How about shrimp and mushrooms or pizza?
B: shrimp and mushrooms
T: Shrimp and mushrooms or a hamburger?
B: (sighing, as though I should already know the answer) shrimp and mushrooms
T: What about shrimp and mushrooms or mac and cheese?
B: Mac and cheese. (pause) Mac and cheese AND shrimp and mushrooms.
T: Oh really.
B: (grinning and nodding) Yea.

So there you have it. She’s still 3, and can’t turn down mac and cheese – but she’d prefer it served with shrimp and mushrooms.

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Conversations with a toddler, VII

May 23rd, 2009 · bridget, random

I’ve had these “conversations” sitting in my blog drafts for a month or two now, and I haven’t been very diligent about recording new ones. So I thought I’d go ahead and post these before they become completely old and irrelevant. Oh, the things kids say!

I’m very disappointed at you
The other night I dropped a container of flour on the floor and some spilled out…
B: What happened?
T: I dropped the flour and it spilled. I’ll sweep it up in a minute.
B: I’m very disappointed at you.
T: What? Why?
B: We don’t make messes.
T: Wait. But it was an accident.
B: I know, but I’m disappointed at you.
T: (sad face) If I clean up my mess will you stop being disappointed with me?
B: Yes, I will.

B: If you eat and you have a baby in your tummy it will get all dirty with food.
T: No, not really.
B: But why?
T: That’s just not how it works.
B: Yes. If you eat it will go down, down to your tummy and just land on the baby.
T: Well… no.
T: Okay. Imagine a couple of balloons. Your tummy doesn’t just have one area in it. Inside your tummy there’s a balloon called a stomach. And in girls tummies theres another balloon called a Uterus. Can you say that word? Uterus?
B: Uterus.
T: Okay. So when you eat the food goes to your stomach. But your baby grows inside your uterus. So the food doesn’t actually land on the baby since its in a different area or a different balloon.
B: Sometimes when I eat the food just lands on the baby in my tummy.
T: Oh, so your baby is growing in your stomach? Not in your uterus?
B: NO (in a silly voice, as though I just asked a really dumb question). The food just goes to my uterus and lands on my baby’s shirt.
T: Your baby is wearing clothes?
B: Yes, she is.
T: Never mind.

Only Boys
B: Get out of here, I’m trying to put my jammies on.
T: I’m just coming in to change Spencer.
B: But I need privacy.
T: I won’t look at you then. I’ll just go over to the crib and change your brother.
B: Only boys can see me when I get my jammies on.
T: Only boys? Why? Why do you want boys to see you when you put your jammies on?
B: So they can say, “Ok. Good.”
T: Um..

Boys love their selves
B: I love you
T: I love you too!
B: No! You don’t. Only I love you.
T: Can’t we love each other?
B: No.
T: Please.
B: Okay. Girls can love each other, but boys only love their selves.

Because you’re a daddy
D: I need to remember to slow down when I eat.
B: Why?
D: Because if I eat too fast I’ll eat too much, and then I’ll get fat.
B: Ok. Just eat fast then you can play with me.
D: I just said that I need to slow down when I eat.
B: I know.
D: Do you want me to get fat?
B: Yes.
D: Why?
B: Because you’re a daddy.

Earlier the same morning…

B: Wow. This strawberry is really big.
T: Yep. Its huge.
B: Its a daddy strawberry.
T: It is?
B: Yea, and its fat too.
T: (silent chuckle) Ok, dear.

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Whose child is this?

May 17th, 2009 · bridget, random

I think she must take after her father! 😀
What do you think?

I sure love my family!!!!

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Pretend Graduation

May 15th, 2009 · college life, dave, family

A couple of weeks ago we attended USU’s graduation ceremony up at the Spectrum. Dave walked, was hooded, and pretended to get his degree.

He won’t actually be finished with classes until the first part of June, but they let him participate in the graduation ceremony anyway. Its too bad it didn’t mean we were done – but at least we feel a lot closer.

The graduation was fun, and it was exciting to see Dave up there all decked out his graduation garb. Bridget thought that the whole thing was great too. Go Dave!! We are proud of you and your pretend graduation. Thanks for working so hard for us.

I sent Bridget with this disposable camera so she could take pictures of daddy at graduation too. She loved it!!!

The hooding ceremony was interesting.

Dave with his parents. It was fun to visit with them. Thanks guys for coming up to celebrate with us.

Me, and my HOT pretend-graduate! I love you honey! Congrats.

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