Ernstrom Family Chatter header image 2


May 1st, 2008 · 1 Comment · random

I was tagged a little while ago by Emily to write a memoir in 6 words.

I wasn’t sure I was going to do it. Ya know, because sometimes these things are just like forwards in your e-mail. But I’ve been thinking quite a bit about it, and wondering what I would write. I read Emily’s and even followed her links back a little ways to see what other people wrote. It seemed like kind of an interesting challenge. Like Emily, I’m not certain that I have a very accurate self-image, and I deep thinking about myself is not my strong suit. For whatever reason though, I kept coming back to this memoir thing. So, I figure I better do it. This is what I settled on:

She enjoyed life, and her family!

Dumb? Cheesy? Maybe. But at least I finally did it. Sorry it took me so long Emily.

As for tagging other people. If it nags at you, like it did at me, consider yourself tagged. Otherwise, play along if you’d like.


One Comment so far ↓

  • Sandra

    Hey you did a lot better than I did. I hope Bridget is okay, I just read your post on Kellee’s blog. If she is still complaining I would take her in, a sore throat and fever sounds like strep to me.

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