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He said. She said.

May 5th, 2008 · 3 Comments · a day in the life, bridget

Bridget has made an interesting development in her language over the last couple of weeks. She’s started to recount events telling us who said what. Its pretty neat to watch her language develop like that. Previously she would say tell stories from her perspective only and without dialog. But now…
Here are a few “He said, she said” comments she’s made lately.

Remembering an event that happened at my brother’s wedding:
“Aunt Franny was like ‘let’s wash your hands’ And I said, ‘No.’ And Aunt Dixie said ‘Please.’ And then I washed my hands. That was funny.”
(Yes, she even said “Franny was like” – where does she pick up this stuff)

Remembering (or perhaps making up) a time she almost got in trouble:
“Daddy said, ‘come right now or I will give you a spanking.’ I said, ‘No, Daddy’ and he said ‘okay, I won’t.’ And then he gave me a love tap. It was just a love tap.”

This one may also be made up. It involves sharing a bottle of water with Josh:
“Josh said, ‘I want a drink,’ and I said, ‘No, Josh.’ And he said ‘please.’ And I gave him one drink and I said, ‘don’t drink it all gone.’ And he didn’t. Then I drinked it all gone. Josh said, ‘I want some more,’ but it was all gone. Josh was a sad boy. I said, ‘its okay Josh.’ He just wanted some more.”

In any case. I’ve been loving hearing this dialog from her. She getting to be pretty good.

P.S. Happy Cinco de Mayo!


3 Comments so far ↓

  • Sandra

    Thats pretty good, I don’t think Luke remembers anything I say 🙂

  • Raelynn

    That’s Awesome! She speaks so well. She is a character.

  • Amber

    Isn’t it crazy when kids seem to suddenly pick up a new language skill? Andrew still does that to us. I’m always a little surprised at what comes out of his mouth. My favorite part is that Bridget makes up those stories. Andrew does a little of that himself!

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