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That Word Means Lost

May 4th, 2008 · 4 Comments · Uncategorized

For those that aren’t in immediate contact (and to explain where why we have been ignoring all forms of contact the past little while), we got seriously addicted to the show Lost.

It started a couple of months ago when my sister, Jenna, loaned us season 1 on DVD. After catching up to the rest of the world on “The Office,” we decided to dive into Lost.

The Lost intro is really interesting. For those that haven’t seen it, the word “Lost” flies towards the screen in big capital letters. There is a black background.

We decided to take the opportunity to teach Bridget a word that she probably ought to learn to prepare for our upcoming vacation to Disneyland. Obviously, the word we are teaching her is Lost.

Every time we started a new show, or the show ended, the video above would play. Corresponding music would also accompany. The following dialog typically ensued, obviously altered as she learned the word.

David: Bridget, see that word on the screen?

Bridget: Yeah.

David: That word means, “Lost.”

Bridget: Oh.

David: It means you can’t find your daddy or your mommy.

As episode after episode went by, sometimes in strings of 3 or 4 in a row, Bridget would initiate the conversation:

Bridget: That word means, “Lost.”

Tina: What does “Lost” mean?

Bridget: It means you can’t find your mommy or your daddy.

Well, we are now into season 4 (Thanks to an amazing sister in the ward and her husband for loaning us seasons 2 and 3.) Bridget will be playing in her bedroom upstairs and overhear the unique music that plays during the intro. Here’s what happened:

Bridget: (shouting) That word means, “Lost!” It means you can’t find your mommy and your daddy!

I think Pavlov was on to something…


4 Comments so far ↓

  • Kellee

    We are planning on watching The Office on Netflix but haven’t yet. We also have Lost coming from Netflix. We’ve been behind too! Can’t wait to catch up with ya.

    Hope Brigette is better. Luke has had a low fever and a cough, but I haven’t heard of anyone else being sick. I actually enjoyed the day home yesterday from church with him so I could catch up on some much needed sleep 🙂

  • Mother of the Wild Boys

    That’s too funny! 😆

  • Tina

    Kellee – Sandra’s Luke ended up sick too. And I think Jacob as well. Not fun. Sorry if our kid was the one to start it all. 🙁

  • Amber

    LOL – I really did laugh out loud. That’s so funny! And by the way, we’re major LOST fans too. Glad you jumped on the bandwagon. I can’t wait for Thursday’s episode!

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