A few more…
We can just use salt
A conversation we had on the way to Macey’s on the last day of their emergency preparedness sale.
B: Are we going home now?
T: No, we’re going to Macey’s.
B: I don’t want to go to Macey’s. I just want to go home.
T: I’m sorry. Macey’s has flour and sugar on sale and we need some.
B: We don’t need anything.
T: If we don’t get flour we won’t be able to cook anything.
B: We can cook eggs.
T: Yes, we could make eggs. But what if we wanted to make bread? Or cookies? We need flour for those things.
B: We can just use salt.
T: Salt? Instead of flour?
B: Yea. We have some salt.
T: That would be pretty yucky. Salt doesn’t work like flour, besides then our cookies would taste salty.
B: Oh. We can just use rice instead.
T: Rice doesn’t work like flour either.
B: Oh. We could just use flour then.
T: Good idea. Will you come to Macey’s with me to get some.
B: Sure.
T: Thanks!
Come take care of it
B: I need to go potty
T: Ok, go. Hurry up.
A few seconds later…
B: I get a candy from the jar!
T: Only if you wipe your own butt
B: I will. My tummy hurts, can you come take care of it?
T: What do you want me to do?
B: Just kiss it better.
T: Um, I can’t reach. I’ll kiss it better when you’re done on the toilet (translation: I’m sticking my face any closer to the stink in the toilet than I have to)
B: Ok. I’m all done.
T: Good. Can you wipe your butt?
B: Yea.
T: Good job. Go ahead and wash your hands.
B: Okay. Then I want to lay down on my bed and cuddle with Lammie. So I can feel better.
T: Do you feel sick?
B: Yea, a little sick. My tummy hurts and my butt hurts a little.
T: Alright, lay down. Go ahead and come out when you feel better.
30 seconds later…
B: I never got my candy from the jar. Can I have one please. I really want one.
T: I thought your tummy hurt.
B: Its all better. Can I have a candy from the jar?
I will grow into a tomato
T: How did you get so big?
B: I’m just this big. (Reaching upward)
T: Did you grow?
B: Yea, I just growed. And when I grow even more, I will grow into a tomato.
T: What? You’re not going to grow into a tomato.
B: Yes, I am. And when I grow into a tomato you will eat me.
T: You are silly.
B: And after you eat it, I will just turn into Bridget again.
T: Oh really?
B: Yea, I will.
I’m not Pretty, I’m a cutie
T: You are gorgeous
B: I’m not gorgeous, I’m Bridget
T: Gorgeous just means you’re pretty
B: I’m not pretty, I’m a cutie
I’m exercising my hair
Playing wildly with her hair a few weeks ago
B: Look Mom. I’m exercising my hair!
When it rains pancakes
While on a walk, as she looked up at the sky. Note: We’d just read the book Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs
B: Guess what mom!
T: What?
B: When it rains pancakes I will catch one and eat it.
T: Oh really?
B: Yea. I will just reach my hand up and catch one.
T: Do you really think that its going to rain pancakes? Or was that just a silly book that we read?
B: It was just a silly book. But if it DOES rain pancakes I will catch one and eat it up.
T: Ok. That would be pretty silly though.
My nose can’t smell
Bridget was starting to get sick the other night, and tried to explain to me how she felt.
B: My mouth hurts
T: What’s wrong with your mouth
B: I just need to eat something
T: Its the middle of the night. You can have a drink of water, but then you need to go back to bed.
B: No. But my mouth hurts.
T: Let’s go to the kitchen, and get you a drink
B: (taking a drink) My mouth can’t swallow
T: Your throat hurts?
B: Yea, my throat hurts. It can’t swallow.
T: Yes it can. It just hurts a little.
…Later, the next day…
B: (sniffling) Mom.
T: What?
B: My nose can’t even smell
T: I think you’re getting sick
B: No, I’m not. My nose just can’t smell.
With glue
B: My tummy and my back are stuck together with glue
T: With glue?
B: Yea. It just goes around and connects together.
T: Interesting.
Note: We had recently read the book Parts by Tedd Arnold. That may have had something to do with it.
Mac and Cheese has MILK in it?
I let Bridget help me make mac and cheese the other day. She stood on the stool at the stove and dumped things in. We had already cooked the noodles and added the butter at this point.
T: Can you pour this cheese into the pot for me? Don’t let it spill on the stove.
B: That’s not cheese.
T: Its powdery cheese. It will turn into a cheese sauce.
B: Oh. Can I taste it?
T: Sure.
B: (trying some on her finger) Oh. Yummy.
T: Ok. I’ll pour the milk in.
B: Mac and cheese has MILK in it?? Oh my gosh!
T: Yes. It has milk, and butter, and that cheese sauce.
B: And noodles.
T: Yes, and noodles.
…A couple of days later we were having Oatmeal for Breakfast….
B: What?! Milk?
T: What about the milk?
B: Oatmeal has milk??
T: Yes. We pour milk on it. Like cereal.
B: Mac and cheese has milk, AND oatmeal has milk.
T: That is true.
B: That’s pretty weird.
T: There are lots of things that have milk in them.
B: Yea. Lots of things.
I love your conversations with Bridget! She’s so cute! I assume she wasn’t at school because she was sick! She was missed. We went to Cold Stone last night and left bccause the line was much too long!
Yep, we are both actually sick right now. Its no fun. We got to Cold Stone yesterday at 4:50… and the line was already out the door. When we left it was maybe 5:15 and the line was ridiculous.
Cute conversations. The one telling her she is georgous reminds me of telling Luke he is handsome and he says “No, I’m Lukie”
Bridget is the cutest thing. I love your conversations with her. She is so smart.
I love the commenary. I can’t wait til Nyah can talk. I am so interested in what she is thinking 🙂
she is so smart!! she just makes me laugh!!
I always get a good laugh at these conversations you have with Bridget! She’s so funny. It reminds me though…I have a few conversations with Andrew that I wrote down and still haven’t posted. Better get on that…