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That Word Means Lost

May 4th, 2008 · Uncategorized

For those that aren’t in immediate contact (and to explain where why we have been ignoring all forms of contact the past little while), we got seriously addicted to the show Lost.

It started a couple of months ago when my sister, Jenna, loaned us season 1 on DVD. After catching up to the rest of the world on “The Office,” we decided to dive into Lost.

The Lost intro is really interesting. For those that haven’t seen it, the word “Lost” flies towards the screen in big capital letters. There is a black background.

We decided to take the opportunity to teach Bridget a word that she probably ought to learn to prepare for our upcoming vacation to Disneyland. Obviously, the word we are teaching her is Lost.

Every time we started a new show, or the show ended, the video above would play. Corresponding music would also accompany. The following dialog typically ensued, obviously altered as she learned the word.

David: Bridget, see that word on the screen?

Bridget: Yeah.

David: That word means, “Lost.”

Bridget: Oh.

David: It means you can’t find your daddy or your mommy.

As episode after episode went by, sometimes in strings of 3 or 4 in a row, Bridget would initiate the conversation:

Bridget: That word means, “Lost.”

Tina: What does “Lost” mean?

Bridget: It means you can’t find your mommy or your daddy.

Well, we are now into season 4 (Thanks to an amazing sister in the ward and her husband for loaning us seasons 2 and 3.) Bridget will be playing in her bedroom upstairs and overhear the unique music that plays during the intro. Here’s what happened:

Bridget: (shouting) That word means, “Lost!” It means you can’t find your mommy and your daddy!

I think Pavlov was on to something…

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Some day my Prince will come…

May 3rd, 2008 · bridget, high school

Last week Bridget and I were over at Hilarie’s house playing with Kambree and Konner. We had a great time. At some point during playtime Bridget came out of the kids room dressed like this. She was so adorable. Thanks for taking pictures for me Hilarie!

She has just started to really like dress up. Maybe its about time for us to get some of that kind of stuff for her. Thanks Kambree for sharing with her.

Did I mention that I also dressed up like Snow White once? It was for a school musical, “Into the Woods.” Its true. Look how long my hair was. That was a long time ago – Fall of 1998. . . 9 1/2 years ago. Wow. Whenever I was wearing that costume people back stage would grab ahold of the skin on their necks and shake it back and forth as they sang “Some day my prince will come.” Crazy memories.

Anyway, all these Snow White pictures make me excited to take Bridget to Disneyland! She’ll love it.

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May 2nd, 2008 · a day in the life, domestic attempts, tina

I don’t garden. I don’t enjoy gardening.

I hate getting dirt under my nails. I hate gardening gloves because there always seems to be dirt or something else gross inside. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.
And I always manage to hurt myself when I try to garden.

Its just not my thing.

Growing up, however, my mom loved to garden. Almost half of our backyard was dedicated to her garden (I think it is still that way). She grew so many things, and they all grew so well. . . they still do. And she has lots of little garden figurines and decorations at things. During warmer weather we would have to wake up at 7:00a.m. for “weeding parties” where mom’s massive garden was divided up into sections and each of us was responsible to weed our assigned section. It was joyous fun.

You would think that her love of gardening would have rubbed off on me just a little. Or that maybe I would have had a little hint of green on my thumb.

But that’s not the case. I am really good at killing plants. Really, really good.

I tried to grow a garden last year. My tomatoes did pretty well. And I got a little bit of squash. The green peppers never got much bigger than my little finger – and we won’t even talk about everything else. I’m sure it doesn’t help that the soil around here is horrible – or that I detest weeding. Or…

So, with our house up for sale I figured that I should replace our flowerbeds full of 2 year old wood chips with something with a little more curb appeal. So I buckled down and purchased 8 bags of Top Soil, some Miracle Grow Plant Food (with weed preventer) and a bunch of random flowers.

When I went to the greenhouse I had the following conversation with the guy working there:

Tina: “Hi I need some really low maintenance flowers with lots of color. Oh, and they need to be able to grow in crappy soil and survive amid the roots of a quaking aspen.”
Guy: “Ok. What kind were you thinking?”
Tina: “Honestly I don’t care. We are selling our house and I just want to get some color out there. I don’t really want to have to do anything.”
Guy: “And you want to plant these now?”
Tina: “Yes. Is that a problem?”
Guy: “Well, we aren’t past the freezing yet”
Tina: “I guess I don’t have to get them out today. Like I said we are trying to sell our house and I was just hoping to get some color out there soon.”
Guy: “I have some that are pretty tolerant to cold. They’ll survive down to 28 degrees.”
Tina: “Great. Let’s see them.”
Guy: “Well, there’s [these daisy looking things] and [these little pink flowers], or you could try snapdragons.”
Tina: “I did snapdragons last year, and I killed them.”
Guy: (shocked look on his face)
Tina: “Is that a bad sign?”
Guy: “Um, no not necessarily.”
Tina: “I shouldn’t be allowed near plants”
Guy: (polite chuckle)
Tina: “No snapdragons”

I proceeded to purchase the daisy looking things and the little pink flowers. Sorry I don’t remember what they are called.

Bridget and I spent most of that day outside digging, pulling weeds, arranging dirt, and planting flowers. It felt good when it was finally done. But then I looked at the other flower bed and started to cry. Not really, but almost. That flowerbed is going to get a new layer of wood chips. No flowers.

In any case, the flowers are planted. Here’s what it looks like two days after being planted (right before the latest snow storm). I figured I’d take a picture before they all die.

I even bought this nifty little butterfly thing.

What do you think mom? Proud? Or maybe ‘shocked’ is a better word?

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May 1st, 2008 · random

I was tagged a little while ago by Emily to write a memoir in 6 words.

I wasn’t sure I was going to do it. Ya know, because sometimes these things are just like forwards in your e-mail. But I’ve been thinking quite a bit about it, and wondering what I would write. I read Emily’s and even followed her links back a little ways to see what other people wrote. It seemed like kind of an interesting challenge. Like Emily, I’m not certain that I have a very accurate self-image, and I deep thinking about myself is not my strong suit. For whatever reason though, I kept coming back to this memoir thing. So, I figure I better do it. This is what I settled on:

She enjoyed life, and her family!

Dumb? Cheesy? Maybe. But at least I finally did it. Sorry it took me so long Emily.

As for tagging other people. If it nags at you, like it did at me, consider yourself tagged. Otherwise, play along if you’d like.

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Socks and Sandals

April 30th, 2008 · a day in the life, tina

Lately I have been really careless (or maybe just care free) in the way I dress. Particularly if I am just running a quick errand here or there.

I’ve worn socks with sandals, brown shoes with black pants, and a brown shirt with black pants. . . and thats not even to mention all the times I’ve gone out without doing my hair or makeup.
I’ve been a regular walking fashion fopah. And the thing is. . . lately I don’t care.

I blame it on a LOST-induced sleep deprivation. lol. Does anyone else do stuff like this from time to time? I’d love to know.

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Boxed Up

April 29th, 2008 · bridget

One of the things we’ve been doing to prepare to sell our house and move is to pack up things that we don’t think we’ll need in the next 6 months and haul them to a storage unit. We figure that will not only make our house less cluttered and easier to show, but it will lessen the number of things we have to pack and tote at moving time.

A couple of days ago I was actively packing a few boxes, when Bridget came over and climbed into one. She thought it was a great place to lounge, and even had me close her in a couple of times. Various dolls and toys joined in the fun too. You’ve gotta love cheap entertainment.

Kids! 🙂

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Hair Chair. . . again.

April 28th, 2008 · bridget

You may remember my first “Hair Chair” post. Well, Bridget is at it again.

This time her subject was Marissa. Take a look at the master at work:

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April 27th, 2008 · bridget, dave, family, random, tina

Earlier this week Dave went to Denver on a business trip. He was gone three days.

The trip got me thinking about other times we went to Denver.

One day while we were dating (summer of 2004) we were playing with my video camera. When the display showed the time zone as “Denver,” we were suddenly transported on a virtual trip to Denver. This would be the first of our trips to Denver. Take a look at the video:

The second trip to Denver was in February of 2006. Bridget was just 3 months old. It was still pretty cold and snowy there, but we had a great time. We went to Dinner with my cousin Liz – she took us to this really fun restaurant, The Aquarium. That vacation was cut short due to an interview Dave had at DuPont. In was an interesting transitional time in our lives. Here are a few pictures from that trip.

For Dave’s most recent trip to Denver, Bridget and I stayed behind. It looks like he may get sent out there again in the next couple of months – I imagine we’ll stay home then too. I wonder what our next trip (as a family) to Denver will be like. . .

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Garage Sale

April 26th, 2008 · a day in the life, random

We are having a garage sale this morning (8:00-12:00). We’re just trying to get rid of a bunch of things before we sell our house and move.

Those of you that love garage sales should come check it out. Those that don’t should still come by and say “Hi!” I really can’t promise that there will be anything incredibly amazing – or of any serious resale value. But hey, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right? We have a dining room table/chairs, a china cabinet, a bunch of clothing, some dishes, and -for the geekishly minded- an oscilloscope. There is a bunch of other random things I’m sure – but that’s what sticks out.

Dave hates garage sales, thrift stores, and all manner of secondhand sales. I don’t so much care one way or another – but I do have to say that its been a bit of work already and I still don’t exactly feel prepared for a garage sale.

So there you have it. Our Saturday morning excitement.

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31 Cents

April 25th, 2008 · random

FYI to all you people that live near a Baskin-Robbins:

I recently heard that they are going to offer ice cream for 31 cents on April 30th.
Here are the details: Sounds like it might be kind of a fun little thing to do.

Go enjoy one for me! (No Baskin-Robbins around these parts).

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