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August 23rd, 2008 · bridget, random, tina

I hate mosquitoes.

I’ve been allergic to them since I was a kid. They sting me. I swell. It itches. I hate it. It sucks.

Sadly, my sweet little daughter inherited my tempting blood – and gets them just as bad as I do (maybe worse). A few nights ago a mosquito got her while she slept. The next morning her eye was swollen shut. It took another 24 hours before you could see the heads… 3 mosquito bites on her eyelid.

This picture was more than 24 hours after the bites. Her eye had just started to open up. When I did her hair that first morning she looked in the mirror and then told me that she wanted her eye to open like the other one. Sad.

I’ve been giving her benadryl as needed for the itching. Its slowly getting better.

Its weird though. I’d never wished until now that a mosquito would bite ME instead. I hate to see her suffer.


Speaking of bloodsuckers…

I finally finished the 4th Twilight book, Breaking Dawn! It was pretty good…. but it did take me a bit longer to finish than the others did.
I do have to say that the thing with Alice totally threw me for a loop. Didn’t see that coming.

Can’t wait for the movie! I hear its been moved up to November 21st!
I hope they make more movies based on the other books too. I’d love to see Reneseme on screen.

Read it if you haven’t. Read them all.

I hear I need to read The Host next!

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A few random things…

August 22nd, 2008 · a day in the life, random

Bad news, turns out that the Big Foot thing was a hoax. Turns out the frozen creature, was actually a frozen costume. Bummer!


Shauntae posted about this new blog on her site awhile back. Its satire. It makes fun of “Mormon mommy bloggers” everywhere. And it seems I’m hooked. I read a news article about the woman behind the blog. Its very interesting.
If you haven’t read her blog, you should. And you should check out this news report too!


My friend Michelle gave me this very prestigious and highly acclaimed blog award.

It comes with a few rules though…
Put the logo on your blog, and put a link to me (who awarded it to you) on your blog. You need to nominate 7 other bloggers for the award and put up links to them. Then, leave a comment for those you have nominated – so they know they have received a special award!

So, that being said, here are a 7 other blogs worthy of all manner of applause and praise:
Johnnie ‘B’ Good | Life’s Little Joys | 3 Guys 1 Girl | Dreaming in 3D | Joe-n-Kel | Drew & Amanda | Carrasco Family


Bridget made this great castle the other day. And asked me to take a picture of it. Here it is.


My sister Alice moved into our basement Wednesday night. She moved up here to work, to get out of our parents house, and because she has a certain boyfriend that is attending Utah State. Though, I don’t think she’d attest to that last one as a reason for her move. 🙂


Most of you probably know that we have had our house up for sale. Well, we recently took our sign down. No, we didn’t sell our house. Between me being pregnant, Dave going to school for his MBA, my sister moving in, the crazy unstable housing market, and the unknown status of Dave’s employment after he graduates – we decided to take a step back. I figure we don’t have to be in a hurry. If it randomly sells in the meantime, great. Otherwise, great.
So, for the time being, we’re not moving.

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Short Shorts and Heels

August 21st, 2008 · bridget

Please. Stop.
Don’t grow up THAT fast!

This was the sight I saw walking around my house the other day. She had necklaces on sometimes, other times carrying a purse or pushing a doll stroller.

My little girl is growing up. . .

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Earth Bread

August 20th, 2008 · food

This is a recipe my mom made a bit while I was growing up. I think she got it from a food program on KSL years ago – but its hard to remember. Anyway, its a great way to use some of those fresh vegetables from your garden. (Not my garden, I don’t have a garden)…

Anyway, think Banana bread meets Zucchini bread. …meets carrots… meets pumpkin pie spice… its pretty good!

Earth Bread

3 cups flour
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 eggs
3/4 cup oil
1/4 cup water
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup mashed banana
1/2 cup grated carrots
1 cup grated zucchini
1/2 cup chopped nuts
In medium size bowl mix together well the dry ingredients.
In large bowl mix together well the eggs, oil, water, and vanilla.
Stir dry ingredients into wet ingredients.
Add in banana, carrots, zucchini, and nuts. Mix only until it’s thoroughly mixed.
Pour into pans of choice that have been greased and floured. Bake at 350 degrees. Takes 30-60 minutes to bake depending on pan size/selection.
Cool 10 minutes on wire rack before removing from pan.
*Slices better after additional cooling and when sliced thick.

Since I don’t have a garden, I used zucchini from my mom’s… and carrots from Sandra’s garden. Thanks guys! I left the nuts out this time since I didn’t have any on hand, but I have to say that I MUCH PREFER it with nuts. It just adds another dimension to the bread.If you make it, let me know what you think!

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Calling all fabric people…

August 18th, 2008 · a day in the life, domestic attempts, random

Hello out there!

I know there are a few of you that are up on your fabric. Cami, Felicia, Livia, anyone else…. I need some help here!

For Halloween this year we are going to go a little crazy. We are making Sully, Mike, and Boo costumes from the show Monsters Inc. My dad, the man that can do anything, is going to help me create them. We are thinking combo foam rubber, paper mache, chicken wire, fabric, and paint… with any luck they’ll turn out close-ish to the kind of stuff you’d see walking around at Disneyland.


I’ve found the foam rubber (Smith and Edwards), and some green fleece for Mike (JoAnns).

I also found some long pile turquoise fur for Sulley at Zims, but they only had 2 yards. I need 4 more. There is some similar looking stuff at PreFurs, but its $40/yd. So if anyone knows where I can get some more of that….

AND, I am having a tough time finding the purple metallic scale-like fabric for Boo’s costume.

Here’s a picture of the Boo costume from the Disney parade.

The scales almost look painted on in this costume – as compared to the metallic looking stuff in the movie. Either way.

Any ideas where I can find such fabric?
What about the arms and feet?

The Magic Dots fabric listed here looks a little promising, in purple of course.

But is it too much sequins, not enough scales? Tough to tell from the picture, I may have to get a sample.
Can anyone help?

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Big Foot

August 16th, 2008 · random

Good News! Big foot’s been found.

Everybody do a happy dance. 🙂

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Park Group

August 15th, 2008 · a day in the life, tina

We love park group!

But is it more for the kids? Or their moms??

Its a great excuse to get together while the kids get to play and get their wiggles out. Bridget and I both look forward to it every week. Last Wednesday we were even able to convince Dave to join us – he’d taken the day off work but was a little uncertain about the idea of hanging out with a bunch of women. I think we proved to be cool people. Thanks everyone for coming each week! Its great to get together.

And thanks Dave for coming last time. And for taking this picture.

For those of you that have yet to attend park group, you are missing out. Come join us!

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It’s a Boy!

August 13th, 2008 · bridget, dave, family, tina

I’m not sure how many of you knew we were expecting… well, we are… And we found out yesterday that we’re having a boy!

The officially unofficial due date is January 9th. We are pretty excited.

The doctor’s office actually screwed up and scheduled our ultrasound for a day when no technicians would be in. Oops! But since we were all there and excited to find out, my doctor went ahead and did a short ‘gender only’ ultrasound. I have another appointment this morning for the measurements portion of things. It actually worked out to our advantage though… we like to get video recordings of the Ultrasound and, due to lawsuits and such, IHC isn’t too fond of recording them for us. With Bridget they flat out refused and we had to argue pretty seriously and sign a waiver to get them to do it. We brought a videocassette this time prepared to put up a fight, but since it was my doctor performing the ultrasound instead of a tech, all we had to do was say “please.” That was nice.

Anyway, here are a couple of images from the ultrasound:

He didn’t try to hide the fact that he’s a boy. It was pretty obvious.

We haven’t chosen a name yet, but Dave and I both remember liking the name ‘Spencer’ when we were brainstorming names with Bridget. So that is a possibility.

So far this pregnancy has been pretty mild – just as it was with Bridget. As long as I remember to eat and try to avoid foul smells I’m okay. I’ve only thrown up a few times. I am grateful it is mild. One looming consideration for me though is C-section or attempt at vaginal delivery???

For those of you that don’t know, I spent 13 hours in labor with Bridget… 4 of the 13 hours I was pushing. She wouldn’t drop past position 1 – apparently I have a small pelvic bone that happens to be tilted slightly upward. Inside of gracefully finding her way out of the birth canal, Bridget continually banged the back of her head up against my bone. After 4 hours of pushing, my doctor called for an emergency C-section. It was nearly 4am when she was born and I was exhausted. The recovery was horrible too – I had a lot of the swelling and hemorrhoids from a vaginal delivery PLUS the pain and swelling of the incision. It hurt to walk for almost 3 weeks, and hurt to laugh or sneeze for even longer than that.

Bridget was only 6 lbs. 7 oz. when she was born.

My doctor says that there is a possibility that a vaginal delivery might work this time… bodies tend to change with each pregnancy. But there is no way to be certain.

So the dilemma… Which option do I choose??

Obviously a successful vaginal delivery would be the most affordable and easiest to recover from. But what if it doesn’t work (remember no way to be certain)? I don’t really love the idea of another emergency c-section and more hideous recovery. And this time I’ll have a toddler to care for too (e.g. I can’t just live in the recliner for 3 weeks). If I choose the c-section route from the beginning I can schedule the birth and to a degree minimize my recovery time… as compared to an emergency cesarean. But that would cost more than a vaginal (but not as much as a ‘vaginal turned emergency c-section’) – and it also means that any/all future births will also have to be cesarean.

I need some help here. Looking at the PROS/CONS:

Vaginal Delivery
If successful: quick recovery. Lower cost. Shortest hospital stay. Possibility of future vaginal deliveries.
CONS: Risk of emergency c-section = highest cost, longest recovery. Small risk (1%) that previous incision can rip while pushing = fatal to mom and baby.

Ability to schedule the birth*. No risk of additional emergency c-section. Moderate recovery time (as compared to vaginal + emergency c-section)
CONS: Higher cost. Longer recovery (compared to successful vaginal). All future births will also be cesarean.
*I should mention that we have 90%/10% insurance through the end of the year – so a scheduled c-section would be late December (if we have it our way).

Can you see why this is a tough decision? I’ll take any thoughts/suggestions/experiences I can get. What would you do? Which route would you choose?
(Has anyone else had to make a similar decision?)

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Living the life of a PEZ dispenser

August 12th, 2008 · bridget

I don’t think there is any secret to Bridget’s love for PEZ dispensers. Borderline obsessive maybe.

Since the last report on PEZ dispensers Bridget has added a few more to her collection.

  • Mrs. Incredible – Thanks again Shauntae
  • Lewis (from Meet the Robinson’s)
  • The bowler hat guy (also from Meet the Robinson’s)
  • Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Bringing her total number of PEZ dispensers to 27.
Next on her “want list” is Carl, the robot from Meet the Robinson’s.

Since she no longer earns PEZ dispensers from the potty chart, we’ve had to find other ways for her to be able to get them. Just over a month ago we started a reward system for doing chores in which she can earn quarters (you may remember the rain money post). She can spend her quarters on whatever she’d like – but typically she saves them for PEZ dispensers. She has to save 7 quarters ($1.75) to purchase a new PEZ dispenser.

I got online awhile back and ordered about a dozen PEZ dispensers from – all characters she recognizes and many missing figures for sets she already has. Anyway, we have a box of them in the cupboard and when she reaches 7 quarters she can “go shopping” from our selection. Its much easier than trying to track down characters she wants at stores that usually don’t have them.


A PEZ dispensers life around here is one of great importance and propriety. That’s not to say that they are treated like gold, they still get left out and mistreated like all of her other toys – but they are well loved and well played with.

The other day, Bridget told me that she made a “cool train” and that I needed to come see. Want to guess who was riding the train??

The following Day she came in with a stack of LEGO’s letting me know that she’d made a house for her PEZ dispensers.

Its not uncommon to see them sitting at the dinner table, or watching television. The other night they were all lined up on MY dresser, so they could watch me sleep.

She’s so funny!

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Sororities, Sex, and Drugs

August 11th, 2008 · college life, tina

As promised in my College Life Timeline post, I am going to post more about my experiences during college.

Before I go into too much detail about my first year at college there is a little bit you need to know about my childhood/adolescence… I lived a very sheltered life. I think I lived in a bubble. I was unaware of a lot of the things that happened in the lives of people outside of my family and close knit ward and neighborhood. Sure I knew drugs existed, and people went around having sex… but it was all stuff I’d just heard, and not really anything I thought of as being commonplace. I really was a bit of a Molly Mormon, but I didn’t really realize it. So, when I moved into my first college dorm it came as a HUGE SHOCK to me that there was life outside my little bubble and that it was vastly different from the little shelter in which I lived for so many years.

I was petrified. I remember calling my mom and telling her that I lived in Sodom and Gomorrah.

I was unprepared for the world… but I saw a lot and learned a lot rather quickly.

That being said, I am grateful for my good friend Jacqueline that came to Utah State and roomed with me. If it weren’t for her I think I would have gone insane, and maybe even dropped out of school.

I lived in Moen Hall (on campus apartments), where 6 girls shared an apartment – 2 to a room. Aside from Jacqueline, my 4 other roommates were Caroline, Beth, Lindsey, and Kate. Each brought their own “color” to the apartment… individually probably tolerable, but collectively – insanity! All of us were freshman. Here’s a brief introduction…

  • Caroline was all about Frat parties and hanging out with drunk boys (she thought they were funny when drunk). She once had $20 stolen from her back pocket while dancing at one of these frat parties. She slept in all the time, and had all manner of strange boys (many high, or drunk) come over to the apartment. One even boasted to be on Acid. Besides Jacqueline, she was probably the easiest one to get along with and relate to.
  • Beth was a member of the Kappa Delta sorority and was constantly doing things with them/for them. She would regularly spend the night at her boyfriend’s apartment – her bed wasn’t slept in for 3 months straight. She had another boyfriend back home that was leaving on a mission and was mad about the college boyfriend. She also had a stalker that sent her threatening mail and flattened her tires (among other things). She once had a ‘study’ group of very high boys come over. They tried to study, but spent most of their time laughing at anything and everything – apparently a common thing when you’re high. She decided at some point during the school year to get a tongue ring.
  • Lindsey also had a tongue ring. She was from a little town in Idaho and had a high school boyfriend from that same town. He spent many a night in her bedroom with her (often leaving Caroline on the couch – she didn’t want to be in there) – the two often emerging in the morning with nothing but underwear on. This continued until about a month before he left on his mission.
  • Kate moved in late in the year. She was a bishop’s daughter with bit of a rebellious side. She also spent many a night sleeping somewhere other than her bed. She pierced her belly button at some point during the year (and was scared to tell her mom). She had a boyfriend that she eventually ended up breaking up with. He came over a week or so later and found her talking to another boy in the apartment… he flipped out and started beating up the other kid – when she tried to intervene he pushed her against the wall. It took all of us ganging up to kick him out of the apartment.
  • Also… 2 of our neighbor boys were gay, and the others were skaters who regularly displayed images of half-naked girls on their shirts or walls. A couple of them did tongue piercings too.

I remember sitting in my bedroom talking to Jacqueline and listening to all manner of fighting and yelling… or trying to sleep and knowing that drunk boys were in our apartment, or that some kind of hanky panky was going on in the next room, and that even when everyone finally went to bed no one ever bothered to close the front door.

The first few months were overwhelming and caused me to cry from time to time. I sometimes really missed my little bubble of a life and had a hard time imagining that THIS is what real life was all about. Over time I came to find some level of sanity among the chaos and actually sort of became friends with my roommates. When it was just us and no random strangers (or boyfriends) were around we all got along pretty nicely. Eventually I just learned that if I just accepted the fact that our night lives would be different and our choices of friends would be different that we could all live in some relative amount of harmony. Jacqueline and I just learned to lock our bedroom door (since the front door never was) and sleep through all manner of noise. We started making friends with some of the people upstairs and tried to keep ourselves separated for the majority of the drama. It worked. Mostly.
For a long time I wished that my freshman year in college would have been different – a little more calm perhaps. But I learned a lot that year about people, about decisions, and about the world in general (Only some of which I’ve touched on here)… that in some strangely twisted way it was good for me. It certainly helped me to look beyond the surface level of people and to relate better to what would be future friends and roommates.

I’ve grown a lot.

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