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Dr. Horrible

August 10th, 2008 · random

Dave came home from work the other day and asked if I’d ever heard of “Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog.” I hadn’t.

So, then he showed me.

I laughed. I cried. I wanted more.

Basically there are 3 episodes (each 14 minutes long). The main characters are Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris), Penny (Felicia Day), and Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion). Its a sort of classic superhero, good vs. evil, meets musical theater. And its HILARIOUS! It was also written by Joss Whedon – whom we love! (He also did Firefly and Serenity, and the Buffy series).

…With my freeze ray I will stop the world… its not a death ray or an ice beam… bend the world to our will and we’ll make time stand still… that’s the plan, rule the world – you and me…

Behold, transported from there to here… its not about making money, its about taking money… destroying the status quo, because the status is not quo.

Stand back everyone, nothing here to see… yes Captain Hammer’s here, hair blowing in the breeze… A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do…

Anyway, you NEED to see this. Really, you do. Follow the link and you can watch all 3 episodes.
or here –
And if you decide to become obsessed, you can check out the fan site at – Or you could spend $5 and buy the series on iTunes.

Let me know what you think!! (And, yes, we paid the $5 and bought it from iTunes).

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Anybody want some Free cereal??

August 8th, 2008 · random

How does 4 free bags of Malt-o-meal cereal sound?? In-store sales + easily obtainable coupons = free cereal = no brainer!
You may be aware that Smith’s is having their Founder’s Day sale this week.

As part of the ad they have a promo on Malt-o-meal cereal…. $2/bag, but you get $4 off if you buy 4 bags… making it only $1 bag (when you buy 4). Officially promo is as stated here:

Buy 4 bags of these cereals, get $4 off instantly. Limit: 8 Bags Malt O Meal Cereal: “21 oz Marshmallow Mateys”, “22.5 oz Tootie Fruties”, “25.5 oz Golden Puffs”, 27 oz Frosted Mini Spooners”

$1 per bag is a good price, but FREE is even better.

So how about 4 coupons??… each for $1 off a single bag of Malt-o-meal cereal??
If you print the following coupons you can get 4 bags of Malt-o-meal cereal free! But you do have to get 4. Rough, I know.

Coupons can be found HERE and HERE.
Please note – that you can print coupons TWICE from EACH link. The system won’t let you print more than twice… and copying printed coupons is illegal (clever watermarking would make it very obvious too). So, 4 coupons total.

Also note, if this is your first time printing coupons you will be required to install a ‘coupon printer’ on your computer (easily done from the coupon websites).

P.S. I found out about this deal through a lovely coupon program I signed up to do (I went to the coupon meeting at Kellee’s house.) – I’ll report on my overall opinion of that program sometime soon. For now though, go get some free cereal 🙂

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Prayer & Testimony (toddler edition)

August 7th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget

“I need to bare my testimony”
For the past several months we’ve been trying to teach Bridget what a testimony is. I’m not convinced that she has any real concept of what it actually means to have a testimony, but she’s caught on to the fact that on certain Sunday’s people take turns going up to the front of the chapel to share their testimonies.

The first month we emphasized testimonies, we didn’t bring any toys, books, or snacks to church. We figured that the speaker would change often enough that it would keep her interest. We were mostly right. It took a little encouragement from us to get her to pay attention to the things that were being said – it helped that she knew quite a few of the people that were getting up. She sometimes noticed some of the things they said, and always seemed to notice those that cried during their testimonies, often she asked me why they were sad. Near the end of the meeting we mentioned to her that anyone that want to care bare their testimony, “Mommy can bare her testimony, or Daddy can. Even Bridget can go up there and bare her testimony.” She seemed dumbfounded that she could. Her only response was, “I can?” So that Sunday, with a little assistance, she shared her testimony for the first time.

For the couple of months that followed we would remind her during testimony meeting that anyone can bare their testimony, even her. Each time she wanted to, and did.

The last couple of testimony meetings however, we haven’t said anything to her – except to help her understand that people were indeed baring testimony that day.

Then, last Sunday….
She didn’t seem to be paying too much attention to the testimonies at first. But then toward the very end of the meeting one brother in our ward mentioned the word “camping” in his testimony – the word seemed to immediately get her attention. He sat down and a sister when up to share her testimony. Within a few seconds of this sister standing up Bridget was insisting that she needed to bare her testimony. The problem was that it was already almost 10 minutes after the hour. I tried to explain that she wouldn’t have time, but maybe next time. But she kept insisting that she NEEDED to bare her testimony – she also insisted that I not help her; she wanted me to stay sitting on the bench in the congregation while she went up. I finally asked her what she was going to say if I let her go up there. Her response:

I will say “I’m gonna bare my testimony and Jesus Christ Amen”

After making her repeat this to me several times and trying to convince her to say other things in her testimony as well, I finally consented to let her go up to the stand and try it herself, though I was mentally preparing myself to have to intervene and assist her.

When the sister that was speaking finished, I sent her up. She just started to climb onto the stage when the 2nd counselor stood up to close the meeting. She’s so short that no one saw her. So she stepped back down and came back to join me in the congregation. She had the saddest look on her face, and just kept telling me that she didn’t get to bare her testimony. I reminded her that she’d have another chance at the next testimony meeting, but that wasn’t enough for her.

Instead, after the meeting had concluded we walked to the front of the chapel and I held her up to the [dead] microphone so she could bare her testimony. Funny thing is that she noticed it was off and told me it wasn’t working, but I was successful at convincing her that everyone could still hear her. So, there we stood as ward members were getting up and leaving the chapel… but at least she got to bare her testimony. Its the thought that counts, right?!

Go tell Jesus not to let us get any mosquito bites

Last night as we knelt to say our evening prayer Bridget was scratching a mosquito bite on her leg. I remembered that she seemed to be waking up with a new one each morning for the last several days. So, as it was my turn to say the prayer I quickly added a line asking that the mosquito’s would leave us alone as we slept. The prayer concluded and as I was tucking her in bed I reminded her that the mosquito’s would leave her alone because we asked Heavenly Father to keep them away.

She quickly informed me that we didn’t ask him. The conversation went something like this:

T: Remember, we asked Heavenly Father to not let the mosquito’s bite you, so they’ll leave you alone tonight.
B: We didn’t ask him.
T: Yes we did. When we prayed we asked him.
B: No. Just go and ask him.
T: Go where? Do you want me to say another prayer?
B: No. Just GO.
T: Go where? Where do you want me to go to ask him?
…At this point I was wondering if I would have to explain that there are no airplanes that take us to heaven. That its not a place from which we just come and go at will. But, I didn’t have to, she was pointing to her dresser.
B: Go over there (pointing to a 5×7″ picture of Jesus sitting on her dresser)
T: Oh. (getting the picture) Why don’t you ask him?
B: (talking to Jesus’ picture) Jesus, please don’t let the mosquito’s bite us.
T: Ok. Now tell him goodnight.
B: Goodnight. (kisses the picture)

I was a little bit confused that she didn’t seem to completely understand that when we pray we are indeed talking to Heavenly Father. Though I found it precious that she would have the faith to speak to a tangible representation of Jesus and know what the thing that she asked for would be granted her. And that she would speak to that picture as she would any other person in the room.

It made me smile. I sure do have a lot I can learn from this child of mine.

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Our Family

August 6th, 2008 · bridget, family

As promised, here is the picture Bridget drew of our family. She actually drew it more than a month ago – its been hanging on our fridge and I just recently got around to scanning it in.

Her people drawing skills are starting to blossom. Check it out:

She drew a similar one (on orange paper) for my sister – of her family. I forgot to scan that one before we mailed it to them though. Oh well.

So, what do you think? We look a bit like aliens if you ask me, but I still think its great!

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Camping with Friends

August 5th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, dave, family, tina, Uncategorized

Pioneer Day weekend we went camping with some friends. We all have kids about the same age and they are all really good friends. Us adults get along pretty darn well too (wink, wink). This camping trip marked the third (see the first & second) for us this summer! Which, with Dave’s school schedule, proved to be more than we were expecting to be able to do. Yeah for camping! We got a bit of a late start, and since it was a holiday weekend we ended up doing quite a bit of searching for a spot.

We ended up somewhere between right-hand fork and Tony Grove at an awesome campground off the right-hand side of the road. My brilliant self didn’t notice the name of the campground. At any rate the spot was perfect! There was plenty of room for all of our tents, a nice fire pit, and a beautiful view. We didn’t have any immediate camping neighbors either. Just a handful of random kids occasionally passing by on four-wheelers or dirt bikes.

Speaking of my brilliant self…
I also didn’t notice that we had less than 1/4 tank of gas when we left either. Any any normal car that would probably have been plenty, but in Dave’s explorer at 1/4 tank you may as well be empty. The needle on his gas gage drops really quickly during the last quarter tank. I noticed our lack of gas on the way up the canyon approx. around right-hand fork. Brilliant, eh? Thankfully we didn’t run out of gas, but we sure were close. The gas gauge light came on just as we were pulling out of the camping spot to leave the next morning… we’d literally moved only 500 feet before it came on. We couldn’t remember if the at 1 gallon remaining, or 2. The Explorer gets about 16 miles to the gallon, and according to the GPS home was 21 miles away – you do the math. Recognizing that the downhill driving to get out of the canyon was in our favor we didn’t stress TOO MUCH, but we were still adequately nervous. I couldn’t help being reminded of our early summer hike to the wind caves and our significant lack of flashlight. I think we must enjoy living on the edge. Why is it that we tend to fly by the seat of our pants so often? Maybe because we’ve always survived? So far anyway.

Anyway, enough talk. On to the pictures!

Dave and his mad tent setting up skills.

Bridget and her rock collection. These rocks spent most of the camping trip occupying the cup holders in the folding chairs.

Michelle & Emily with the little boys.

Our yummy tin foil dinners cooking.

Great Friends with dirty faces (except Pitcher Guy, he face was pretty clean). They sure have fun together.

Dan and Pitcher Guy trying out the tent. PG looks pretty cozy!

Our crazy little family.

Roasting marshmallows with daddy!

Emily with her open-faced s’more. She successfully dropped all three s’mores she made in the dirt. We all laughed pretty hard as it kept happening. Sorry Emily!

The Tatton Family.

Little explorers. It was so fun to watch them play together again! It had been awhile since these three had gotten together.

Thanks friends for the great time camping! We had a great time and can’t wait to do it again!
And, yes, I’ll get you guys copies of the pictures.

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Bridget’s Place Park

August 4th, 2008 · bridget

Bridget really likes a certain park near our house… its called “Ryan’s Place Park”. We don’t go there too often because as far as parks are concerned its not the closest or most convenient one around. After more than a solid week of her asking to go to Ryan’s park, I finally took her.

We played there for about an hour last Monday afternoon.

Later that evening she was in her room playing with blocks. After awhile she came in and got me saying, “Come see Mom, I made a park!” She was super excited about this park she designed. She even pointed out the slide, the swings, the monkey bars, and the sandbox. When I asked her what park it was she stated that it was Ryan’s Place Park.

She has such a vivid imagination. I love it!

This is Bridget and her entire park.

This is the slide.

This is the sandbox.

And these are the monkey bars, I think.

Incidentally, Dave asked Bridget if he could play at her park. She told him he was too big. This picture shows Bridget illustrating how small someone would have to be to be able to play at her park. …later that night the PEZ dispensers got to play at her park.

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Conversations with a toddler, II

August 3rd, 2008 · bridget, random

I’m convinced that someone could write an entire blog just of things toddlers say. An entry a day (or more) would be no problem. Anyway, here are a few more Bridget funnies for your reading enjoyment.

I’m Freaking out
We were going for a walk and Bridget ran through some neighbor’s sprinklers. The water was getting her pretty good.
T: (after Bridget made it through the water) Are you okay?
B: Yea. I’m just freaking out.

The wind blows my butt
Standing under the swap cooler with her bare bottom exposed, after having just gone potty.
B: Look mom (sticking her butt in the air), the wind blows my butt.
T: Alright, silly, get over here.
B: It feels cool, it just goes up and up and up my butt.
T: You like that huh?
B: Yea, its pretty cool. Do you want to do that to your butt?
T: No thanks.

Bridget is Hot!
Playing at the Park with Emily and her son Gordon.
E: Gordon, you look hot. Are you hot?
G: No, I’m not. Bridget is.
Emily and I got a pretty good laugh and tried to get Bridget to thank Gordon for the compliment. lol!

Jared ate my Fruit Snacks
B: Mom, can I have some fruit snacks?
T: Sure.
B: (minutes after finishing her first bag of fruit snacks) Mom, can I have some fruit snacks? Please?
T: Didn’t you already have some?
B: No, I didn’t.
T: If you didn’t have any, then who ate the ones I just gave you?
B: Jared did.
T: I never saw Jared. Are you sure he ate them?
B: It was a little tiny Jared (showing me an inch or so with her fingers). He just climbed up my arm (demonstrating with her fingers) and took my fruit snacks and ate them all gone.
T: Really? Are you trying to trick me?
B: (laughs and runs away)
…5 minutes later…
B: Mom, can I have some fruit snacks?
T: No, you already had some. Maybe tomorrow.
B: Ok. Mom, can I have a banana?

Who’s your daddy?
Dave, Bridget, and I were all playing and visiting while laying on our bed a few nights ago.
B: I have a baby in my tummy, see. (lifting up shirt)
T: How big is your baby? Is it as big as an apple?
B: No, it isn’t.
D: Can I kiss the baby?
B: Sure.
D: (blows a raspberry on her tummy)
B: That’s not a kiss. You go like this (makes kissing sound).
D: Oh, let me try again (kisses her tummy)
D: Can I talk to her?
B: Yea
D: (his whiskers tickle her tummy as he talks) Hello baby. Are you in there?
B: (giggles and laughing – pulls her shirt down) That’s enough
D: So who is your baby’s daddy?
B: You are.
D: (laughing) Who is the baby’s mommy?
B: Mommy is. Um, Tina.
D: Oh, so that’s your sister in there?
B: Yea, my sister.
T: If I poke your tummy will the baby kick?
B: No it has to get bigger.
B: When the baby gets bigger and bigger, we can eat her.
T: What? Why would you want to eat her? How sad.
B: I’m just kidding.

Square Burst
B: What do you got?
T: I have a Starburst. See (holding up the candy).
B: (looks at it thoughtfully for a moment) That’s a square burst.
T: Oh. It is square isn’t it.
B: Yea. It is.

The Bitamin is in the Cuvord
B: I need a bitamin.
T: You need what?
B: I need a bitamin. Its in the cuvord.
T: You want a vitamin?
B: Yea, a bitamin.
T: Say “The VITamin is in the cupBoard”
B: The bitamin is in the cuvord.
T: VITamin
B: Vitamin
T: Good job. Now, cupBoard.
B: cupboard
T: Now, say “The VITamin is in the cupBoard”
B: The vitamin is in the cupboard.
T: Yeah!! You did it. Let’s go get a vitamin.
B: Yeah, a bitamin.
T: A what?
B: A VITamin.
T: Right! Where are the vitamins?
B: In the cupboard.
T: Very good.

The one with 2 brown garages
B: I want to go to grandpa’s house
T: Which grandpa?
B: The one with 2 brown garages.
T: Two brown garages?
B: Yea, grandpa has 2 garages and the scary man has 2 garages too.
T: That’s true.
B: And he has hair on his face.
T: Grandpa? or the scary man?
B: Grandpa has hair on his face.
T: And 2 brown garages?
B: Yep.
T: Well, we can’t go today, but maybe we’ll go see grandpa soon.
B: I just want to go today.
T: I know, but grandpa is at work… and you need to take a nap, so we’ll have to go later.
B: Okay.
Incidentally, the grandpa with 2 brown garages is my dad. I knew he had two garage doors, but I didn’t remember that they were brown – and I grew up in that house. lol. I actually called him to confirm the color of his garage doors – sure enough.
Also, it should be noted that “the scary man” is actually our next door neighbor (who is actually not scary at all). Apparently he smiled at Bridget one day when she said “hi” to him, and apparently it scared her for some reason. This was months ago – ever since she’s called him the scary man.

When I’m a daddy
B: When I’m a daddy I can stand on the table.
T: When you’re a daddy?
B: Yea, when I’m a daddy I can.
T: But daddy doesn’t stand on the table. We’re not supposed to stand on the table.
B: If he tries, I will tell him “No, daddy! Don’t stand on the table” and he will get down.
T: That’s a good idea.

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Word of the day: Oligopoly

August 2nd, 2008 · college life, dave, random

When I was helping Dave study for his Economics final yesterday, I was reading some of his past test questions and quizzing him. A word kept creeping in that I hadn’t heard before. I didn’t know the definition of the word, and I kept pronouncing it wrong.

After butchering it a few times I finally asked Dave what it meant. And I immediately decided that it needed to be the word of the day.

The word, Oligopoly.

From Unabridged (v 1.1)Cite This SourceShare This

ol·i·gop·o·ly Audio Help [ol-i-gopuh-lee] Pronunciation KeyShow IPA Pronunciation


the market condition that exists when there are few sellers, as a result of which they can greatly influence price and other market factors. Compare duopoly, monopoly (def. 1).

[Origin: 1890–95; oligo- + (mono)poly]

ol·i·gop·o·lis·tic Audio Help [ol-i-gop-uhlis-tik] Pronunciation KeyShow IPA Pronunciation, adjective Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Wikipedia gives a more thorough explanation of what oligopoly is. Click HERE if you feel like getting educated.

When explaining it to me Dave used the example of “cereal” as a oligopoly. There are few sellers (Post, Kellogg’s, General Mills) that make similar products – none of which have a monopoly on cereal. He said that CD’s are an example of a monopoly (E.g. You can only get your favorite Britney Spears soundtrack from one recording studio). That seemed to help me understand it a bit more.

So… now that you all know what Oligopoly means, the goal is to try to use it in a sentence at least once this week. If you do, come back and let me know how you used it. C’mon, this could be fun! I bet you’ll get a few people looking at you funny.

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College Life Timeline

August 1st, 2008 · college life, the funniest people we know, the hottest girls at USU, tina

My recent visit with old friends from my college days made me realize that there are gaps in my memory – or more specifically the chronology of events over the course of the years. I was reminded of tons of things we did together – and where my memories failed me others’ memories filled in. In effort to not forget even more, I’ve decided to write a chronology of events (and other college memories).

I’ll do the best I can to make this accurate, and as I write more detailed posts about any given activity or event I’ll make a point to come back here and link to them.

Wish me luck! And welcome to the journey I called college.

1999-2000: Moen Hall (On-campus living)

  • Roommates: Jacqueline, Caroline, Beth, Lindsey, & Kate
  • Sean Sweeny – “Campus Manager”
  • JAPS
  • Patty, Stephanie, Tad – Upstairs Moen Gang
  • Kate & the abusive boyfriend
  • Beth & the stalker
  • Sororities, sex, and drugs

Summer 2000: Back Home

  • Working: Macey’s & Iomega

2000-2001: Cobble Creek 54

Summer 2001: Old Farm R2

  • Roommates: Jacqueline, Amanda, Michelle, and Marci
  • R2 @ Malibu
  • Brigham City Boys (The BCB)

2001-2002: The Cube, a.k.a “Skankies”

  • Roommates: Jacqueline, Amanda, Michelle, & Carrie
  • The Hidden room (and the history of Skankies)
  • The Ghost
  • 9/11
  • HOWL, Sailors
  • Fall Roommate pictures with Emmylou
  • Amanda Engaged/Married

Summer 2002: The Cube, a.k.a “Skankies”

  • Roommates: Jacqueline, Amanda, Michelle, & Carrie
  • More music videos
  • Jacqueline Engaged/Married

2002-2003: Bridgerland Apartments 57

  • Roommates: Kari, Erin, & Katie
  • $1 Airfare – Day trip to California!
  • Poster board windows
  • Strange gifts
  • The year of Pranks: Ropes, Subway, GPA, Car Lot, etc…
  • Jack
  • The perpetrator list
  • Archway of balloons
  • Music Videos
  • NP
  • Spring Break in Paris

Summer 2003: Garden Court

  • Roommates: Kari, Britney, Kristy, Bryn, & Tiffany
  • Pudding Pow-wow
  • Popcorn
  • Crazy WestHost summer
  • Tina Turner Video
  • More Music Videos
  • The Canadian
  • Britney’s Sunday School Lesson
  • Drug dealers & a broken guitar

2003-2004: Vance’s House

  • Roommates: Kari, Erin, & Loretta
  • Product Interviews
  • International Dinners
  • Indians on a Motorcycle
  • Death Mask meets Jell-o mold
  • The Hussie
  • Breaking and entering
  • The case of the missing kitchen
  • NCC – Non-committal cuddle
  • Tractor Sexy Music Video
  • Kari’s soap business

Summer 2004: Brentwood

  • Roommates: Kari, & mystery girl (she was never there)
  • Practicum
  • Dating Dave/Engaged
  • Washington D.C. to visit Erin
  • Graduated
  • Hand massages
  • Interesting neighbors

2004-2005: Bridgerland 58/Married

  • Roommates: Kari, Risa, & Randa
  • Kari gets hit by a car
  • Wedding Prep./Wedding

If one of these sounds more interesting to you than another, leave me a comment, and I’ll be sure to write about it sooner. Boy, do I have some crazy stories to tell!

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July 31st, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, random

A couple of days ago I told Bridget that we needed to go to the grocery store. She didn’t want to go with me, so I used the argument that we didn’t have any food in the house and that if we didn’t go to the store we wouldn’t have anything to eat for dinner.

She was quick to call me on it. “We do have some food,” she said, “I’ll go to the kitchen and check.” She proceeded to go to the kitchen and point out some croûtons and potato pearls, as well as some boxes of cold cereal. “See, we have food.”

And she was right… perhaps what I should have said is, “… we only have 1 egg, 3 slices of bread, and a quarter gallon of milk… and I’d really like to get some chicken for dinner…”

At any rate it made me feel grateful that our cupboards aren’t bare. Its nice to know that we do have food to eat – and it helped to get a little toddler perspective on the matter. She has such a simplistic outlook on life, and I love it!

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