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April 23rd, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget

Have you ever thought about how commercialized our society is? I am always hearing about this commercial or that ad. We have the basic cable package, but only because having it makes our high speed internet a couple dollars a month cheaper. We almost never watch it. In fact it is not uncommon for the coaxial to remain unplugged most of the year. The point is that despite not watching much television I am still somehow aware of a good deal of what’s out there.

And so is Bridget. Which honestly is amazing to me. She knows who Spongebob, Dora, and Spiderman are – to name a few – yet none of these she’s seen on television. I’m sure she has friends that have seen these things and have the dolls or action figures. But the fact that she picks up on them and remembers them is amazing to me. She’s only 2. We can be out somewhere like Wal-Mart and she’ll see a toy with one of these characters on it and get really excited. . . and she has to have it. Most often it is with Dora/Diego items. I just have to look at her and say “But you don’t even know who Dora is.” But I guess she kind of does.

Sorry about the ramblings. . . She just came to me yesterday and said look, its spongebob – pointing to the graphic of a face in a square that was on the side of a box in our house. It wasn’t. But I guess it was close enough. Needless to say I’ve had it on my mind since then.

Do you all notice this commercialization that I am referring too in your kids? I didn’t think I’d have to even think about this stuff until she started school.

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April 22nd, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget

The other day Marissa was over visiting. She and Bridget came in and asked if they could have a picnic. Since it was a little cold for eating outside, I setup a picnic blanket in the living room. They had a great time.

We sure are glad to have friends like Marissa. Thanks for being so sweet with Bridget.

P.S. I never would have thought of having a picnic indoors during the colder months. Kids can be so creative. Great idea guys!!

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Vocabulary Lesson

April 21st, 2008 · bridget, family

Bridget has a few words in her vocabulary that are very much made up. . . and we aren’t really certain what they all mean. I am going to write a few of the words here and a few examples of how she uses them. Since I can barely pronounce them, and I certainly can’t spell them, I’ll write them somewhat phonetically. If you have any guesses to what she might be talking about, please let me know.

“That’s my who-de-da-ta-da”
“Its not your who-de-da-ta-da. Its my who-de-da-ta-da”
(She is usually referencing a toy or other object that she wants possession of)

“I can’t find my com-scription.”
“Mom, where is my com-scription?”
(When questioned, I was told that it was pink and small. Not much help.)

Pwen (Pa-when)
“No, that’s pwen”
“Don’t touch it, its pwen”
“Don’t want mom’s potty. Its pwen”
“I don’t want to. Its pwen.”
(My best guess is ‘bad’ – but where did she get that word?)

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Donald & Holly

April 19th, 2008 · family

My little brother got married on Thursday in the Bountiful Temple. It was a beautiful ceremony and a gorgeous day. Congratulations guys!!

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Baby Animal Day

April 18th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget, family

We went to Baby Animal Day at the American West Heritage Center last week. This year we took Josh and Marissa with us. We all had a great time!

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Potty Talk, Volume V

April 17th, 2008 · a day in the life, bridget

Bridget is getting better at being able to control her bladder and her bowels. And the PEZ dispenser prize chart was working pretty well for awhile. She was going about a week to a week and a half without an accident.

But then she started regressing something serious – on the order of an accident a day for 3 days, then a day or two dry and we begin again. The only good news is that accidents usually only involve a small leak in her underwear now. We don’t have too many puddle accidents anymore. And she stays dry at night – that’s good.

She filled up one potty chart, and we started another. The sad faces represent days where she had accidents.

She has gotten 3 PEZ dispensers so far, but its been several weeks since she’s earned the latest one. Wilber Robinson has been hanging on the back of the bathroom door for the past three weeks.
Linguini – 2/29/08

Mater – 3/16/08

Shrek – 3/26/08

There was one day that was pretty hard. She had some sort of diarrhea that she couldn’t control. She went through 6 pair of underwear and a pull-up in about 2 hours one night. She had a couple of stars toward her goal that week, and I didn’t want to punish her for being sick with diarrhea – but how do you really explain to a toddler that this doesn’t really count as an accident?? Do you see where I am coming from? Anyway, I ended up neither counting that day toward her goal or against it.

Since then though, she’s had a rough time keeping dry for any real length of time.

ALSO, last Friday she decided that it would be a good idea to pee in a bucket in her bedroom. She came out naked from the waist down, so we put her on the toilet – later to find out that she’d already gone potty in a pink plastic Easter bucket. Argh! She did it twice again on Sunday – one of them even included a #2. The most recent time (Sunday evening) she peed in a small plastic drawer that belongs in her play kitchen. She tried to dump it out in the sink by herself before coming to tell me. Of course that meant that we had some carpet cleaning to do too. Have any of your kids done anything like this? Its disgusting, and its driving me nuts.

In summary, I think that while she has more control over her bladder/bowels, she is also more careless (or perhaps overly confident). I typically don’t have to tell her to go potty anymore – she’ll just do that on her own. I guess you could say that the progress is slow, but improving overall.

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Pressure Washer Injury

April 16th, 2008 · a day in the life, dave, tina

I mentioned yesterday that I stuck my hand into the stream from the pressure washer. Yea, I was dumb.

I had dirt on my hands from gardening and noticed that it was coming off on the mini-blinds as we were cleaning them. I thought that if I stuck my hand in the mist area at the edge I’d be alright. . . thats not how it worked out. It was all pretty instinctual, I wasn’t really thinking.

It only took about 2 seconds. When it first hit my hand it stung a little. Then it didn’t hurt at all. Ten minutes in it was burning. Now it only really hurts when I wash my hands.

Anyway, take a look.

This is what the pressure washer does to the cement:

This is what it does to flesh:

There are all kinds of warnings about not aiming it at people or animals. I wonder why. If that happened to the skin on my hand in just a couple of seconds imagine the damage it could do if used maliciously. That thing is a regular weapon.

Be careful. Don’t be dumb like me.

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Spring Cleaning

April 15th, 2008 · a day in the life, random

Yesterday we:

  1. Scrubbed 2 bathrooms
  2. Did 1 load of laundry
  3. Changed the oil in Dave’s scooter
  4. Vacuumed 3 rooms, a hallway, and a staircase
  5. Cleaned out the flower bed in the front yard
  6. Cleaned and pressure washed the garage
  7. Pressure washed mini-blinds from 2 rooms
  8. Cleaned the window sills in our family room
  9. Spent 3.5 hours editing the Messiah
  10. Visited with a Loan officer regarding our plans to build
  11. Watched 4 episodes of LOST.

I think it was the nice weather. Dave and I both felt an overwhelming urge to clean house. And I think we did alright.

The thing we didn’t do: Blog.
I did a quick post last night, confessing in not too many words our new addiction to LOST. . . but that doesn’t really count, right. So, I am sorry I have been negligent the past few days in my blogging responsibilities. I’ll try to be better.

Oh, and did I mention that I was dumb and stuck my hand into the stream of the pressure washer? Yea, it ripped apart my skin. It still stings. I’ll post pictures tomorrow. I guess that’s why they have huge warnings on those things. Sigh!

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April 15th, 2008 · random

I am sorry.

Really, I am.

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Little Miss Big Pants

April 12th, 2008 · bridget

On Easter Sunday, my mother-in-law lent me some cute pajama pants so I could loose the nylons and skirt (thank you!). I wore them home. A few days later when I was doing laundry Bridget got ahold of the pants and started playing.

I told her that they were Grandma’s pants – which I think just got her more excited about things.

She decided to put them on. And she kept saying, “Look mom. Just like Grandma”

Here are a few pictures of her and her pants.

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